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2.7k · Mar 2021
Sakura is the Japanese word for cherry blossom...
Sakura time is a magical period...
It does represent renewal and optimism...
It signals the ending of winter and beginning of spring...
The cherry trees become pink and beautiful...
I can probably say every time I see you is Sakura's time...
For your eyes bring peace, happiness and optimism to my days...
Your eyes are magical...
They are an eternal spring...
1.4k · Nov 2021
"My resume"
And here I am...
Applying for the poet job...
I have no credentials...
No education in poetry...
No background...
And no references...
I am just a dreamer...
A romantic...
A story teller...
I travel with the wind...
And live with the stars...  
I talk to the moon...
I listen to the sun...
Have a poem for a heart...
And a sonnet for a soul...  
I can remember all the sweet moments...  
And forget about sad ones...
Would you hire me?...
1.3k · May 2021
The moon is almost full...
The moon is almost full tonight...
It will be full in two days...
A super moon they say...
The biggest moon of the year...
To me, the moon is always a super moon...
I've have always felt captivated by it...
There was nothing that could captivate me so much...
Until I saw your eyes...
So beautiful and pure...
I am starting to believe the moon is just their reflection in the sky...
1.0k · Dec 2020
Red carnations...
Twelve fresh cut red carnations...
Would not be enough to express my admiration...
For you are brave and resilient...
But are also kind and sweet...
Twenty four fresh cut carnations...
Would not be enough to describe the happy sensations...
I feel when hearing your voice...
And thirty six fresh cut carnations...
Would not be enough to describe the many inspirations...
I get from your eyes...
And a field full or carnations not enough to describe my love for you...
To my hero
It is Father’s Day today...
And it was Mother’s Day a month ago...
And you are both to me...
For you have enough love for me to be a mother and a father…
You love me unconditionally...
You are, and will always be…
My best friend…
My mentor…
But overall…
You are my hero...
I worry when I see you sad...
And I laugh when you are happy...
I will always be there for you...
The way you have always been there for me...
Thanks for nurturing me, raising me and protecting me…
You are not alone...
Luckily... neither I am...
971 · Oct 2021
Yesterday I noticed your eyes...
Today I said I like you...
Tomorrow I will probably say I love you...
I wish yesterday had happened 20 years ago...
You mean so much to me...
That in 20 years I will probably still see you as the beautiful angel I met...
909 · Jul 2023
Love is voluntary...
No one can force anyone to fall in love...
Love is magic and spontaneous...
I voluntary fell in love with you...
And you, voluntary played with my feelings...
So Love and rejection are both voluntary...
Too bad I can not voluntary get you out of my mind and my heart...
820 · Jan 2023
Parallel dimensions...
I keep thinking the world has two parallel dimensions..
One where you live, breath and touch..
It is what you see..
Another one is where your dreams are...
It is where you would like to be...
Sometimes those dimensions overlap..
And your dreams become a reality..
Or maybe we live in a dimension where everything is a dream...
And reality is an illusion..
Whatever the answer is...
I want to write poetry that will transcend both dimensions..
Poetry that will inspire readers to dream...
And dreamers to enjoy reality...
what is your dream?..
796 · May 2021
The Demo...
Each time you smile..
Each time the sparkle of your eyes meet my eyes...
Each time the wind  caresses your hair..
Each time the melody of your voice fills the air...
You are demoing your soul...
Your most precious asset....
To all women...
Every woman is a living poem...
Every woman eye's are a sonnet...
Women should be celebrated every day..
Not just on March 8th...
Women have my respect and admiration...
Not just today..
But everyday....
714 · Jul 2022
Evenings are the bridge that connects day and night...
They are the magical path from blue skies to a dark night...
The stars and the moon could not join the night if it wasn't for the evening bridge...
They've been crossing that bridge since the dawn of time...
And they don't get tired of it...
Neither do I of waiting for the evenings...
For words just flow when the evening comes...
It is like poetry and nice feelings are  born in the evenings...
I am glad that bridge exists...
So moon and stars can join the night when evening is over...
698 · Feb 2022
Snow Dancing
My window seemed to have been stuck in snow mode...
For all I could see were snowflakes...
All day long...
Now the window is on night mode...
The moon and stars took over...
They must be brave to be outside on a night this cold...
A night where all I can think of is to contemplate the cheery fireplace...
I'm enjoying the flames dancing to the wind...
After a while I decided to look outside again...
And I see all the snow out there...
It looks bright because of the moonlight...
And I suddenly feel the urge to go outside...
To be company for the moonlight and the snow...
Even if it's cold...
It is still a beautiful view...
I suppose that is one of the secrets of life...
Enjoy and admire all you can see...
So off I go...
I am going Snow dancing...
My hands will be cold when I come back...
So I may not be able to write more today...
Perhaps I will continue tomorrow...
For now I will dance to the music of the wind...
Following the rhythm of the blinking stars...
Life is about dancing at all what makes you happy...
689 · Sep 2022
To the eyes I love...
Not much of a poem today I suppose...
Not all words can be poems...
I wish they were...
But I do think any words can become the sweetest poem, when your eyes read them...
For your eyes are magical and have the meaning of forever...
And any word would like to be reflected on those eyes for an eternity...
I know I would...
Let your eyes make all of us a poem...
When you look at me...
My heart melts and becomes a sonnet...
Such is the power of your eyes...
646 · May 2022
Used as a ruse...
Why do I bother writing for you...
You don't even bother to read what I write...
I always saw you as my muse...
But you probably just saw me as your ruse...
I will just write from my heart...
For my heart...
My heart is broken, alone and hurt...
So my heart will write for himself...
I'll let the wind carry the words...
Maybe someone will read...
I know it'll not be you...
So don't bother...
Just ignore them...
Although I don't think I need to tell you that...
You mastered that already...
615 · Sep 2021
Deeper than an Ocean
A woman's heart is deeper than an ocean...
And as rich as the seven seas...
For it is an infinite supply of inspiration and feelings...
The real bounty is at the bottom of that ocean...
If you manage to get there...
You will have found the treasure of happiness...
Once you do that...
Don't let go of it...
It can be the treasure of your life...
Start by sailing on the universe of her eyes...
Until you reach the ocean of her heart..
582 · Sep 2021
I miss you...
I miss your eyes like I miss the wind...
I miss your laughter and smile like I miss the rain...
I miss your company and kisses like I miss the moon and the sun...

I just miss you...
You just can't imagine how much...
561 · Sep 2022
I never liked anyone so much...
Like I like you...
But I never felt so ignored by anyone...
Like you ignore me...
But I can't blame you...
We can't go back in time...
And I can't change what happened between us...
But I wish I could get my mind and heart to ignore you...
The same way you do ignore me...
I just can't...
And it is so painful...
Sakura is when
The Cherry flower blooms pink
It is magical
527 · Feb 2022
Make me a poem...
Not much of a poem today I suppose.....
Not all words can be poems...
I wish they were...
But I do think any words can become the sweetest poem, when your eyes read them..
For your eyes are magical and have the meaning of forever...
And any word would like to be reflected on those eyes for an eternity...
Let your eyes make all of us a poem...
519 · Aug 2022
"Truth and Lies"
To say I adore you...
Would be an understatement...
To say I love you...
Would be to put it mildly...
To say you love me...
It would be a lie...
And to say I will someday forget you...
An even bigger lie...
I'll stop lying to myself...
I will never forget you...
I will never stop loving you...
What is the point of lying to myself?...
I will never be able to love another woman...
And that is the truth...
505 · Feb 2022
Light and darkness...
You must be light...
And I must be darkness...
For we're never together...
I disappear whenever you come...
And I come back as soon as you leave...
We are perhaps separated by a millisecond...
But we will never be together...
And I never get to see you...
No matter how hard I try...
I am destined to appear only when you go away...
And I don't seem to be able to stop chasing you...
Even if I want to...
For we always go to the same places...
But my destiny is to get there just after you leave...
And maybe I am too shy...
If you come back to the same place you were before...
I leave before you can see me...
I live by night...
You live by day...
We are on different worlds...
Why I fell in love with you is a mystery...
A mystery as dark as the world that surrounds me...
For I am the eternal darkness...
And you my eternal light...
It is a good thing it is so dark here...
For I  don't want anyone to see me crying...
504 · Apr 2021
Living inside myself...
I lost your love...
I lost your kisses...
I lost your company...
Nothing makes sense right now...
The world seems black and white...
I get no joy in anything...
For without you there is no world...
There is emptiness...
I am better off living inside myself...
497 · Apr 2023
Poem for a Sunday
I am Trying to concentrate...
I want to write a poem for you...
But I am distracted by the sweetness  of your eyes...
For your Eyes are as beautiful as the moon...
And radiant as the sun...
Your eyes can light up and warm up any room...
Now you can understand why I am distracted describing your beautiful eyes....
If you close them I will try to write a poem..
Happy Sunday Princess...
492 · Jul 2021
Starry night...
Starry night...
It does not matter how many stars are out there..
They can't compete with the brightness of your eyes....
For your eyes resemble a beautiful galaxy....
So many stars  tonight...
I can only imagine you are looking at the sky...
I can't think of any other reason for such a starry night....
483 · May 2023
The question
There is a question I will never have the courage to ask...
And that is whether you have feelings for me...
I don't think you do...
Your eyes and your behavior tell me you don't...
But I wish I would hear it from you...
That would bring closure to this hurting soul...
In case you are wondering, even though you are not asking...
I have feelings for you...
You don't need to ask...
At some point I dreamed of asking this question: "would you marry me?"...
Now the question I want to ask is whether  I will be ever able to forget you and move on...
466 · May 2023
There are no fairy tales...
It is a gloomy morning...
Dark and rainy...
Even if  days are sunny...
Gloom takes over me...
These are my days since you left my life...
I wish I would live in a world where the rain would carry the sound of your laughter...
And the wind the feeling of your hugs and your kisses...
Perhaps I could stop crying if I lived in such a world...
But alas, fairy tales worlds do not exist...
I am human, I am real...
So are my pain and my feelings...
459 · Oct 2019
The voice of an angel
I must have been floating in heaven..

For  I just heard the voice of an angel..

Got transported to another dimension...

A dimension where sweetness is felt when it rains..

The sun is the spark of your eyes..

And the stars  are replaced by your smile...

I just talked to you...

Have a great afternoon my love..

I miss you..
437 · Oct 2021
The silent poem...
You must be sleeping now...
I will type quietly so I will not wake you up...
Tonight's poem for you is silent...
As I don't want to disrupt your sleep...
No one will be able to hear it...
Only you can hear it in your dreams...
If when you wake up tomorrow you feel you dreamed of a poem...
I will be happy...
After all...
Hearing about you dreaming of a poem...
Is this poet's dream...
431 · Jun 2021
You just left...
But the breeze and the wind keep bringing memories of you...
It is as if the air carries your fragrance and the breeze images of you and your eyes…
It is such a nice feeling...
I can't think of a happier moment than enjoying sweet memories of those we care for..
Specially someone so sweet and caring as you...
Your company was my gift today...
And memories of you my treasure...
408 · Sep 2022
Today I shed my last tear for you...
Maybe my eyes are dry...
After all that I cried for you...
Maybe I just realized it is not worth it...
Whatever the reason...
Today is the day...
Where I finally closed the chapter on you...
Life is a book with many chapters...
And the chapter about you is closed...
And it will never reopen...
Today I start a new chapter in my life...
A life where all memories of you are gone...
For good...
407 · Aug 2023
To August
If the summer was a week...
Then August would be the Sunday of summer...
For is the month where green is the king...
Sunny blue skies and white fluffy clouds in our company...
The wind and Birds chirping,  our melody...
And red sunrises and sunsets framing the day...
I really could not ask for more...
I could get lost in a universe where August would run in a time loop...
Legend says the moon was born one day in August... 
And it may well be true...
This week we have a full moon...
As if the moon wanted to remind us of her birthday...
But we are the ones receiving the gift of a bright moon in the sky..
393 · May 2021
The eyes of the moon....
Good night to the eyes of the moon...
For without those eyes there would be no moon...
Eyes that bring sweetness and sunshine to any day...
Since I was a child I was fascinated by the moon...
Little did I realize one day I would get to see the eyes of the moon...
Now I know why the moon fascinates me...
391 · Aug 2021
And time stopped...
I can't say Happy Saturday...
Or happy Sunday...
Or Wednesday...
After seeing your eyes yesterday I lost the notion of time...
I just know the sun rose...
So it is a new day...
But for me time stopped when I saw your eyes...
Happy day...
I was told the moon has phases...
From a full moon...
To a new moon...
It may be true...
I can't tell...
All I know is I wake up everyday to two full moons...
The full moon that your eyes are...
For they are sweet and special...
And they are two moons...
That brighten my days...
As if they were two suns...
376 · Aug 2022
The Pedestal...
You fell off the pedestal of my love...
And you fell so hard...
You fell underground...
I am burying your memories...
For good...
I never thought you were a liar...
Or have two faces...
You need to grow up...
And change...
Stop playing games...
You will end up alone if you do...
You are going to fall from the pedestal from the next man that falls in the trap of your arms...
I am gone from your life...
More tired than hurt...
I got tired of looking at that pedestal...
361 · Feb 2021
The Empty Vase
The flowers are now withered and dry...
The petals lost their colors...
Perhaps the vase will soon be empty...
And no more flowers will use the vase...
At least not my flowers...
My feelings for you died...
Like the flowers on that vase...
And now my heart feels like the vase...
Dry...and empty...
I tried all I could to make you happy...
But I gave up....
I don't know if I will find another flower to fill it...
Maybe I will not try...
I just found it hurts...
So for now let's both the vase and my heart remain empty...
350 · Jan 2019
It is a starlet..?

Or just a big star so far away that I can barely see her light..

It must be a starlet...

A young star close by..

As there is magic in the air...

I feel energized and peaceful..

For I am optimistic and only need a tiny light to get my hopes high...

Life is about hope and dreams...

No matter how dark out there..

We were born to look to the future, live the present and remember the past...

Not to fear the future, suffer in the present and get tormented by the past..

So never give up..

Look out there..

There must be a starlet ready to guide you....
345 · Oct 2021
A rainy day...
It is raining hard today...
It would be impossible to count the number of rain drops...
The same way it would be impossible to estimate the number of times I think of you...
Perhaps more times than the number of rain drops on a rainy day...
Thinking of you makes a rainy day feel like a sunny one...
And a sunny day an eternal spring day...
341 · May 2021
Mars...the red planet
Mars is called the red planet...
But I say it is not red...
It is just blushing...
For it saw the most beautiful star out there...
A star with eyes so sweet...
Even a planet will blush...
I now finally understand why I blush when you are around...
And the fact Mars blushed just proves my theory...
You are really a star...
That came from a galaxy far away...
To make life sweeter for those around you...
339 · Jun 2021
The poetry in your eyes...
If I did write poetry while looking at your eyes I would probably write about roses all the  time...
For your eyes are as sweet as a rose petal...
Or maybe I could not write at all...
For I melt at their sight...
The beauty of your eyes transports me to heaven...
My senses succumb to happiness when my eyes meet yours...
I feel inside an endless kaleidoscope...
Where laughter and sweetness are the colors of the day...
I wanted to write a longer poem today...
I can't...
My hands melted while thinking of you...
My heart will continue to write...
As my heart never stops thinking of you...
As soon as my senses are back...
I will send you the next poem...
331 · Dec 2021
I write for you everyday...
I miss you everyday...
I blow kisses in the wind for you everyday...
I regret losing you...everyday...
And I will love you everyday...
For as long as I live...
And maybe a bit longer...
And everyday I wake up hoping you would have changed your mind...
322 · Oct 2021
This morning my soul was jumping in one leg...
For I knew I would see you...
Now my heart is jumping...
Out of happiness...
For I saw you this morning...
My heart will always rejoice at good things happening to you...
My heart will jump in your presence...
And the bright of your eyes...
The sound of your laughter...
But it will also shrink when you're sad...
My heart seems to follow the rhythm in your eyes...
When they're bright... it jumps
When they're gloomy.. it shrinks...
I wish for a life where my heart will jump all the time...
315 · Jan 2022
And I open my eyes...
And spread my arms...
Looking at heaven...
As if waiting for a miracle...
Waiting for you to call me...
Or to tell me that you need me...
I know it will not happen...
And I know I will lose hope at some point...
For now I just keep waiting on a miracle...
314 · Dec 2022
The tears poem...
This is a poem written with tears...
I am crying as I was a coward...
And I lost your love as a result...
But I am also crying because it has been two years...
And I can't forget you...
But most of all...
I cry because I know you are not happy...
And I feel powerless to help...
I hope you find true love...
Because you deserve nothing less...
Yours forever...
The tears poet...
314 · Mar 2023
If life treats you badly...
When life treats you badly, it is good to find someone new to care for...
To me,  you were larger than life...
You were my universe...
And I still think of you day and night...
Trying to understand what happened...
But I don't think I will find the answer...
And perhaps it does not matter...
Maybe life will give me the chance to find someone new to care for...
For the time being...
I will just take care of myself...
Take good care of yourself...
Don't let life treat you badly...
308 · Jul 2021
The moon tonight....
I am wide awake...
For the moon light is bathing my window...
So my eyes are fixed on that sweet light...
All I can imagine is you looking at the sky...
With the two stars that your eyes are...
That is why the moon is illuminated tonight...
The moon is happy because perhaps you are looking at it...
So happy it projects that sweet light that will be my company for the night...
You bring happiness and sweet thoughts...
303 · Aug 2022
They say actions speaks louder than words...
So by now, because of my actions, you probably realized I  love you...
And by now, because of your actions, I finally  realized you don't love me...
Quite the opposite...
Your actions seem to indicate you despise me...
Such is life...
I need to take action and move forward with my life...
You are not worth it...
Perhaps you never were...
301 · Dec 2021
I must be a clock...
I must be a clock...
For I wish for your happiness 60 times a minute...
Which is the same number of times my heart beats...
So my heart beats because of you...
We're not together...
Perhaps never will...
But I can only ask for life to treat you like the princess you are...
I wake up everyday wishing for the day to be better for you than the day before...
And that will never change...
It will only change when my heart stops beating...
And at that point...
I will continue loving you from heaven...
Time is eternal...
So is my love for you...
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