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Feb 14 · 17
The calendar
Every wall calendar has reminders on days that are either a holiday or a special occasion...
Mine has 'valentine day' written on all 365 days of the year...
And I suppose that is right...
For everyday should be a celebration of the people we love and care for...
Life has to be a celebration of people...
Specially the ones that make our life sweeter...
And brighter...
Happy valentines day...
Today and everyday...
Jan 19 · 46
The Genie
Legend says Aladdin rubbed a magic lamp to get the genie out...
My soul must be then an old magic lamp...
For when it  gets rubbed by what my eyes see and my heart feels...
It starts blowing poems and sonnets in the wind...
Like a magic carpet the wind takes my poetry all over the place...
For anyone who likes romanticism, passion and dreams...
The world is magic...
It is there for you to see and enjoy...
I am sure all of us have a genie inside...
Let him or her out...
Enjoy life...
I  love life and see it as a wonderful, magical fantasy that I never want it to end...
Dec 2024 · 65
The sun finally rose...
The night darkness is gone...
Daylight is here...
Just to show roofs covered in ice...
It feels like -8 °C out there...
The calendar shows November is history...
And December is barely a few hours old...
A chilly and slow Sunday...
The radio is on...
A Jazz tune can be heard through it...
Bass, piano, an electric guitar, saxophone and drums..
I like it...
My days are happier when I write...
If it was up to me I would write all day...
Describing what I see, hear and feel...
Life is a non stop story...
If any of us could write all that we see in a day...
We could just write a book...
Each one of us is a story...
With chapters written..The past...
Pages being written... The present...
Stories to be written... The future...
For now, my dear readers...
I will let the Dec 1 chapter continue its path...
Happy Sunday...
Oct 2024 · 54
Northern Lights
Northern lights...
The sky turns green and red...
Displaying a majestic array of dancing lights...
They seem to be shy...
As they come and go...
They seem to be dancing...
And surprised to see their reflection on the lake..
For they cannot believe their own beauty..
And they disappear...
And come back in a different shape..
What a show...
This is how I imagined describing the northern lights..
Today this poem became a reality...
For the northern lights danced over my head tonight...
I am probably happier than they were...
My hands are still shaking...
After exploring under your dress...
Such is the sensation that your body and woman's scent give me...
My lips are dry...
Longing for another one of your kisses...
My eyes are still blinded by the brilliance of your smile...
And I can't stop thinking about you...
All I want at this moment is for my skin to merge with yours...
And for our bodies to become one...
Fueled by the rhythm of your kisses...
How I'm going to focus today, remains a mystery...
The hope of seeing and feeling your body again is what will get me throughout the day...
Jun 2024 · 74
"In the stone"
I am just walking by the river...
It is a  warm summer evening...
The sun is setting... displaying  its red palette...
Which gets majestically reflected in the water...
It can't get more beautiful than this...
There is a big stone by the shore...
Beaten by the elements....
I've been walking around this area for many years,,,
And the eroded surface of this rock never changes...
The same stretch marks....  the same lines on it...
It is like nature wrote on it...
And wanted the writing to last for an eternity...
That is probably every poet's dream...
To have their poems liked for an eternity...
Spanning  generations...
Mine will never be...
Unless I write it in the stone...
I will settle for at least one person smiling when reading these lines...
Let me know if you smile when reading this..
Jun 2024 · 89
I want to melt inside you...
Your skin, your kisses and your womanhood drive me crazy...
All I want is to cover each part of your body with my kisses...
And then let my mouth get drunk in the essence and fragrance of your wet cave...
I want us to be fused by love and passion...
Until we are covered in sweat...
I want your perfume to invade my skin...
As our bodies friction against each other...
And as passion takes our breath and words away...
I want to get to the point where all our vocabulary is replaced by short monosyllables...
Ah... ah... ah
And the occasional I love you...
For nothing would make me happier than us saying I love you to each other...
As our bodies move rhythmically and frantically...
I always melt when I see you...
But at this point I would just melt inside you...
Jun 2024 · 55
You just left...
I'll feel drunk all day...
For your woman's scent drives me crazy...
I feel like my insides are burning...
And I can only think of you...
You only gave me a short kiss...
And you looked at me just once...
I can't imagine what would have happened if you gave me a second kiss...
I wouldn't have been able to contain my soul and my body...
For now I will treasure that kiss as if it were the greatest gift life has given me...
And I will continue to wait until the moment our bodies merge to the rhythm of love...
Jun 2024 · 159
East..... West
I am East...
You are west...
We will never get to see each other...
And we will chase each other for an eternity...
For the earth never stops spinning..
When it is day for me...
It is night for you...
It is like I am trying to catch your shadow...
But when I finally get where you are...
You and your shadow are gone...
As night has taken over...
I promise myself to try next day...
As I've done for as long as time has existed...
And for as  long as time exists...
For I love you too much to stop trying...
And I take solace in the fact that at least we are on the same earth...
Knowing you are on this earth is enough of a gift for me...
May 2024 · 108
For Mother's day...
It was a cold, gray and windy out there yesterday; but there were still colors to enjoy...
Flowers to admire...
I guess  it is a bit like life, really...
No matter how tough it is, there is always a ray of sunshine to enjoy and  a bit of hope that tomorrow will be a better day...  

That is what a mother brings to her children's life... the hope
of a better tomorrow...

As I see it mother's day is not about giving gifts or the day itself...  
It is about reflecting what being a mother means...
What a mother is doing for her kids and the legacy she will leave them behind...
Mothers will leave a legacy of kindness, courage, good values and integrity...
That is priceless...

Best wishes for a great Sunday and a happy mother's all mothers out there...

By the way, mothers should be celebrated everyday, not just on mother's day...
"What is a poem"

Poems are just whispers in the wind if there is no one to listen to them...
A poem without a reader is like a night without stars...
Like a full moon when no one is looking at her...
A poem is like a galaxy to be discovered...
By a reader who will treasure it in their heart...

"What is poetry"

Poetry comes from the soul...
The soul knows no boundaries...
It transcends time and space...
Light and darkness...
Poetry only exists in the eyes of the reader...
Or the senses or the listener...
And the heart of the writer....
For international women's day....two poems for the price of one...
"To all women"
Every woman is a living poem...
Every woman 's eyes are a sonnet...
Women should be celebrated every day..
Not just on March 8th...
Women have my respect and admiration...
Not just today..
But everyday....
"Deeper than an Ocean"
A woman's heart is deeper than an ocean...
And as rich as the seven seas...
For it is an infinite supply of inspiration and feelings...
The real bounty is at the bottom of that ocean...
If you manage to get there...
You will have found the treasure of happiness...
Once you do that...
Don't let go of it...
It can be the treasure of your life...
Start by sailing on the universe of her eyes...
Until you reach the ocean of her heart..
Feb 2024 · 87
The calendar
Every wall calendar has comments on days that are either a holiday or a special occasion...
Mine has 'valentine day' written on all 365 days of the year...
And I suppose that is right...
For everyday should be a celebration of the people we love and care for...
Life has to be a celebration of people...
Specially the ones that make our life sweeter...
And brighter...
Happy valentines day...
Today and everyday...
Dec 2023 · 86
The candle
2023 is almost over...
Like a candle it is slowly extinguishing...
Its days just went away...
And we are left with just the memories...
Some good, some  bad...
But they are just Memories...
They're in the past...
We are humans...
We have hopes...
And dreams...
So we can always look  to the future...
Learn from bad experiences and try to make the best of the days to come...
Life is not always as  sweet as we would like to...
And Sometimes it is not easy...
But we humans are resilient...
So the trick is to never give up...
And try to enjoy the small and sweet things in life...
Poetry can be a small thing...
But it fills my days...
The candle of 2024 is here to stay...
For exactly 366 days...for it is a leap year...
So, my dear reader, I wish you and your family a great year...
May your days be filled with the small things that bring happiness...
Happy new year everyone...
Dec 2023 · 98
A poem for boxing day...
Boxing day is the day after Christmas,  when goods go on sale...
I have nothing to sell...
I have no money to buy either...
For my only possessions are my words, my thoughts and my feelings...
Maybe I will stand by the shopping plaza...
With a sign that says 'poems on sale.. buy one get two'...
Or 'For every three poems... a free sonnet'...
Perhaps '2023 poems at 2022 prices...'
The reality is no one would pay for them...
So I will give them for free...
For a poet, everyday is boxing day..
As we live to share our dreams and ideas...
Dec 2023 · 88
A Christmas Hug...
If I could...
If I could go back in time....
I would give a big hug to each person that has ever talked to me...
Even if just strangers that perhaps only asked for directions on the street...
Even if they yelled at me...
Or smiled at me...
Or close friends...
It does not matter....
Everyone has a history...
And everyone needs a hug...
If I could go back in time...
I would listen to their stories...
Poetry is based on human experiences...
I can't go back in time...
And I can't hug all of them...
Maybe they don't even want my hugs...
But I can write these words...
And blow them to the wind...
Hoping they will reach people...
And hug their spirits...
I am here for you...
Even if I don't know you...
I will always be here for you...
Even if you are a stranger,  strangers are friends who we have never known...
Big hug for you...
The best Christmas gift anyone can get is a hug..
Merry Christmas and a  big hug...
Nov 2023 · 137
Giving you a rose
With the moon as our witness...
Holding your hand...
And melting at your eyes...
I give you this rose...
A humble token of my admiration for you....
Oct 2023 · 93
Horizon is what I had lost...
By thinking of you...
And living for you...
And allowing my life to revolve around you...
A moon can not orbit a planet if it is not wanted...
That goes for me also...
I can't allow my life to revolve around a woman who does not care about me...
Your silence...
And your lack of love for me...
Which hurt me a lot...
Were really a blessing in disguise...
For I now finally see the horizon...
A Horizon where I am free...
And without pain...
This may sound ironic...
And maybe even silly...
But thank you for being who you are...
Had you not been truly yourself...
I would have not seen the light...
I would have not understood that chasing you was not worth it...
So... Thank you...
I wish you the best...
For all of us deserve to find our own Horizon..
Sep 2023 · 77
Out with my dad
Out with my dad...

I can't stop thinking I am holding his hand for him to walk...

It seems like yesterday he was holding mine for me to walk. Where did time go?

One way or the other our hands stay together....
Sep 2023 · 75
The poem of do's
I do miss you...
Will probably never say it again to you  but  I do...
You will never say it as I doubt you do...
This is the poems of do's...
I do love you...
I do miss you...
I really do...
Even though you do really ignore me...
Sep 2023 · 79
I was trying to write a poem about idiocy...
And nothing came to mind...
Until I say myself on a mirror...
The perfect definition of an idiot...
Why do I keep having hopes about you loving me?...
When you literally mopped the floor with me?...
If anyone needs a graphic description of an idiot...
Just let me know...
I could send my photo...
The text book definition of a total idiot...
A broken heart one...
Aug 2023 · 244
The learner...
I learned to love you...
And I learned to live without you...
But I will never learn to forget you...
And I don't know if I want to...
The memory of your eyes  and your kisses is what keeps me going...
Aug 2023 · 116
I am a poet...
I can only think of poetry...
And sweet words...
I must have been mothered by the moon ...
And fathered by the wind...
For I dream of poems being blown in the wind...
And of verses inspired by the night...
I Have a Dreamy heart...
And a sensitive soul...
I can be as strong as a rock...
Or as frail as an eggshell...
For I am human...
And have hope and fears...
Thoughts and Ideas...
I don't know how to smile...
But I can make you laugh...
The dreams of anyone who reads these lines are more important than mine...
For a poet's only dream is to see everyone's dreams become true...
Aug 2023 · 407
To August
If the summer was a week...
Then August would be the Sunday of summer...
For is the month where green is the king...
Sunny blue skies and white fluffy clouds in our company...
The wind and Birds chirping,  our melody...
And red sunrises and sunsets framing the day...
I really could not ask for more...
I could get lost in a universe where August would run in a time loop...
Legend says the moon was born one day in August... 
And it may well be true...
This week we have a full moon...
As if the moon wanted to remind us of her birthday...
But we are the ones receiving the gift of a bright moon in the sky..
Jul 2023 · 110
So this is what they call feelings...
I wish these were happy feelings...
It is painful to have feelings...
And feel rejected and ignored...
In my case...
These should not be called feelings...
These are saddings...
And my heart is crying...
I wish I lived in a world where feelings only existed in the case of happiness...
But I'm human...
And I laugh and cry...
And I'll always have feelings...
Either happy or sad...
I wish,  my dear reader, that your day is happier than mine...
As sad and heartbroken as I am...
I can only wish happiness to everyone in this world...
Even to the girl who broke my heart...
Jul 2023 · 909
Love is voluntary...
No one can force anyone to fall in love...
Love is magic and spontaneous...
I voluntary fell in love with you...
And you, voluntary played with my feelings...
So Love and rejection are both voluntary...
Too bad I can not voluntary get you out of my mind and my heart...
Jul 2023 · 148
The Butterfly...
I like to think every day brings a new beginning...
A chance to smile and be happy...
No matter what happened the day before...
I do this by thinking I am a caterpillar at night...
And everyday at dawn I become a Butterfly...
With wings...
To be able to go anywhere...
Soar  above the ground...
Be free...
Hop from flower to flower...
And rejoice at the trees...
The rain and the wind...
We humans can not hop from flower to flower...
But we can enjoy life in small moments...
I find happiness in the small things...
I say hi to the flowers...
I greet the trees and the birds...
I love looking at the sky...
The clouds...
Maybe I am truly a butterfly...
Who knows...
Let happiness , hope and optimism run your life...
Let your soul be a butterfly...
Maybe I will see you enjoying the flower nectar in the park someday...
So you don't talk to me anymore...
And I can't do anything to change that...
But I can write as much as I want...
For I love writing...
I write long pages as I imagine I am talking to you...
It is like I am talking...
And you just listen...
Or don't say anything...
Not much different from when I used to see you in person...
You didn't listen to anything I said...
So no difference...
This poem is called "So you don't talk to me anymore"...
It should be called "You never  really listened to me"...
But I  think it should be called "you never really cared about me"...
Jul 2023 · 99
Eye in the sky...
I wish I was an eye in the sky...
So I could follow you every move...
For my heart aches when you are not near...
Even now that your heart belongs to another man...
I would have solace if I could get a glimpse of you...
I suppose I am an eye in the sky...
But it is cloudy so I can not see you...
Perhaps the clouds are in my heart...
And in my soul...
I know you will never look up...
If you did...
Just for one second...
You would see me up there...
Missing your eyes...
And all of you...
Jul 2023 · 259
My worst fear is not to have any fears...
For without fear...
I would have no courage...
Courage is what keeps me going...
Is the force behind my strenghts...
And what helps me overcome my weaknesses...
We are humans...
We must value our strenghts...
And we must understand our weaknesses...
Have no fear...
You can overcome any fears...
For there is no fear that can subdue your spirit...
Jun 2023 · 125
The colors of the wind...
Did you know the wind has colors...
The wind is part of my life...
It is what carries my verses and sonnets across the land...
The wind at night is dark...
White on winter days...
Red at sunset and sunrise..
Green on summer days...
Colorful on fall days...
Gray on cloudy..
No matter the color..
I always have  a reason to be happy...
There is always something to be grateful for...
Something to look forward to...
I must have been a bird in another life...
For I love the wind...
And I wish I could fly...
So instead of letting the wind carry my words and poems....
I could be the one delivering them...
If you hear the wind blowing...
Listen carefully..
There could be a poem for you..
Look at the colors of the wind...
To my hero
It is Father’s Day today...
And it was Mother’s Day a month ago...
And you are both to me...
For you have enough love for me to be a mother and a father…
You love me unconditionally...
You are, and will always be…
My best friend…
My mentor…
But overall…
You are my hero...
I worry when I see you sad...
And I laugh when you are happy...
I will always be there for you...
The way you have always been there for me...
Thanks for nurturing me, raising me and protecting me…
You are not alone...
Luckily... neither I am...
Jun 2023 · 100
The crescent moon...
My favorite moon is the crescent moon...
For it looks as if the moon was smiling...
Or as if there was a smile high up in the sky...
The bright light of the crescent moon reminds me of your beautiful eyes...
And its shape reminds of your smile...
The truth is...
Even if there was no moon I would still remember your eyes and smile...
For they are eternal...
Like the moon phases...
I will sit by the big tree in the park...
I will enjoy the view of the crescent moon tonight...
It is  bound to be replaced by a new moon in a few days...
Followed by a quarter moon and then a full moon....
I enjoy the moon phases as much as I
enjoy your company, your smile, and the bright of your eyes...
Perhaps you are my moon...
May 2023 · 466
There are no fairy tales...
It is a gloomy morning...
Dark and rainy...
Even if  days are sunny...
Gloom takes over me...
These are my days since you left my life...
I wish I would live in a world where the rain would carry the sound of your laughter...
And the wind the feeling of your hugs and your kisses...
Perhaps I could stop crying if I lived in such a world...
But alas, fairy tales worlds do not exist...
I am human, I am real...
So are my pain and my feelings...
May 2023 · 483
The question
There is a question I will never have the courage to ask...
And that is whether you have feelings for me...
I don't think you do...
Your eyes and your behavior tell me you don't...
But I wish I would hear it from you...
That would bring closure to this hurting soul...
In case you are wondering, even though you are not asking...
I have feelings for you...
You don't need to ask...
At some point I dreamed of asking this question: "would you marry me?"...
Now the question I want to ask is whether  I will be ever able to forget you and move on...
I just can't stop loving you...
That line says it all...
No need for a long poem...
I will never, ever, stop loving you...
This is not even a poem...
It's just the truth...
Apr 2023 · 105
Planet poetry
I live in planet poetry...
A world where continents are replaced by words and dreams...
A planet where time and space don't exist...
A place where the sea is made out of sonnets...
And where the rain carries the sweet sound of verses...
A universe where the moon and the stars dance to the wind...
A galaxy where the sunrise is an ode to happiness...
And the sunset a ray of hope...
For a better tomorrow...
Can't think of a better world...
A world where there is always hope...
It's world living in...
Apr 2023 · 125
Only one of us...
Only one of us fell in love...
You need two to be happy...
But sadly... just one to fall in love...
I have enough love for both of us...
But if you don't even bother to receive it...
I of course can not even expect you to return it...
And you don't have to...
For my love is unconditional...
Perhaps eternal...
But not foolish enough to remain by your side...
I seem to have more company from my pain and my sorrows...
Than I do from you...
So I am leaving now...
I rather be by myself than withsome one who does not care about me...
So I leave the same way I got here...
The only difference is...
I am now in love with you...
It seems only one of us is an idiot...
And that is Me...
Apr 2023 · 111
Messages are words that we write when we want to say hi to someone...
But we don't get to do it in person...
Or not even over the phone...
I like writing as I imagine I am having a nice conversation with a person...
Makes my lonely days more bearable...
If I see a ray of sunshine through the window...
It perhaps means someone is reading the message...
Oh, I just saw the sunshine through the window...
To whoever is reading the message...
Good morning...
How are you...
Would you like to chat for a bit?...
Sakura is when
The Cherry flower blooms pink
It is magical
Apr 2023 · 94
The Easter poet...
The Easter poet goes away...
His rabbit costume for a year he will not wear...
If you want to see him before that...
A carrot in your backyard you must hide...
Although if flowers you have...
He may even show up...
For his body nurtures of carrots...
And his soul of flowers for inspiration...
Even if through the window you peek...
A treat poem for you he may leave...
Apr 2023 · 497
Poem for a Sunday
I am Trying to concentrate...
I want to write a poem for you...
But I am distracted by the sweetness  of your eyes...
For your Eyes are as beautiful as the moon...
And radiant as the sun...
Your eyes can light up and warm up any room...
Now you can understand why I am distracted describing your beautiful eyes....
If you close them I will try to write a poem..
Happy Sunday Princess...
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