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Feb 2021 · 106
A Mother Nose
Darline Gelok Feb 2021
A deer cautiously twists her ears to a sound in the distance.
Something has caused her to cringe just a little.
She readies herself for flight, should she need to.
She raised her nose high, snorting in the air.
She knew there was fire not far off.
She must alert her fawn !
Feb 2021 · 78
My Little Girl
Darline Gelok Feb 2021
My precious daughter I wish for you
All of your special dreams come true.
You're all grown up, too fast I'd say,
Protect my child is what I pray.
You've spread your wings and begun to fly
I just can't help it, I start to cry.
Now let me tell you my hope for your future,
And of the things that you must nurture.
Always remember the things I have taught,
I'm sure they will help you believe it or not.
Every day you'll experience something new,
You will understand what I have said is true.
Although you're like sand changed to a pearl,
Forever you will be, "My Little Girl".
Feb 2021 · 107
Darline Gelok Feb 2021
Every time I look at you I feel trembly all over.
Whenever you are near I want to touch you.
So, please don't play with my heart.
Let me know where I stand.
I'll be with you or I will leave you alone.
Just don't leave me with false hope.
Feb 2021 · 114
True Friends
Darline Gelok Feb 2021
Each of you are special to me
The friendship you've shared you've given for free.
You never ask for anything back,
But believe me, I do keep track!
So my dear friend I ask you today
To know in my heart I want you to stay.
Feb 2021 · 97
It Is You My Friend
Darline Gelok Feb 2021
Through all my life's journeys
and the ups and downs,
The thing that is constant
Is the friends I have found.
You are very special
And unique I must say,
I treasure your friendship
In all sorts of ways.
Although I don't have things to share,
I can give my love
And in my heart I care.
No other people could fill your shoes.
Please accept my friendship
as honest and true.
Feb 2021 · 77
Darline Gelok Feb 2021
Did you forget who loves you? I think so !
You should never have done what you did
to someone who cares so much for you.


I'm giving you the time you seem to need to
gather your senses, re-evaluate your priorities,
and realize what you had.

Perhaps if it's meant to be we will merge
our lives with a better understanding.
Feb 2021 · 105
A Gift
Darline Gelok Feb 2021
God gave me the gift of friendship with you.
He made it honest, He made it true.
He expects only that I be fair
And treat you kindly and always care.
Feb 2021 · 95
Darline Gelok Feb 2021
A marriage of love is winged.
Never to be shackled by control or jealousy.
Utilize your wings...
as a bird ventures out,
it always comes home
To its next of safety and love.
Feb 2021 · 97
Darline Gelok Feb 2021
Morning comes early,
Soon my eyes open,
Only to realize I must push myself
To start another day.
Then I remember you.
So glad you are here.
It give me reason to wake up every morning.
Feb 2021 · 472
Don't Push
Darline Gelok Feb 2021
Too soon to know, too late to change.
We're on our way to experience it all.
Be patient and kind. Don't rush me.
I'll not push you.
Together we may just make it !
Feb 2021 · 172
Dogs are Friends Too
Darline Gelok Feb 2021
Treat me with love,
And treat me with care.
I'll stay by your side,
I'll go anywhere.
Pat my head
When I've been good,
And I'll protect you
Like I should.
Feed me and walk me
And play with me too,
I'll be your friend
Reliable and true.
Feb 2021 · 457
The Map
Darline Gelok Feb 2021
Her hands looks so very old
Veins protruded like sandhills on a desert.
Her dry cracked skin resembled parched clay.
Fingers with nails that barely covered their tips
Dangled from those very hands.
It was obvious this poor soul had lived a harsh and stressful life.

They say the eyes are the windows to the soul.
I think the Hands are the Map to get there.
Feb 2021 · 83
A Little Time
Darline Gelok Feb 2021
The sun rises, the birds wake.
The day begins so smoothly.
Appreciate this precious time.
A couple hours into this day,
all becomes jumbled with the rest.
No one has their own thoughts,
Until the next waking day
For a few hours the world is yours.
Dec 2018 · 385
Darline Gelok Dec 2018
Throughout the years I've often wondered
What makes the night, the rain, the thunder?
Who decides rules and all the new trends,
And where have they gone...I mean my good friends?
Fate has a way of drifting in
Bringing back both friends and kin.
If not in flesh in thoughts of mind
Your friendship is my favorite kind.
Nov 2018 · 148
Tic Toc
Darline Gelok Nov 2018
Each day passes but nothing changes
Like a clock, it's a new time
It keeps going
But its going nowhere !
Nov 2018 · 174
I Just Wonder
Darline Gelok Nov 2018
I wonder if they will remember
Where I live
What I do and
Who I love ?
I wonder if I moved would they
Want to know where I lived
What I was doing
How I am or
Who I loved?
I wonder if I died would they
Want to know
Where I'll be
What, if anything,  I'll be doing
How I am and
Who, if I still love, do I love?
I wonder if this means they think I don't know
Where they are
What they do
Who they are or
Who they love?

Just Wondering ?
Oct 2018 · 158
Look Deep
Darline Gelok Oct 2018
When I look into your eyes I see the love we share...for this I thank you.
When you look at my eyes please look deep for my love is within my heart.
Oct 2018 · 177
Love Notes
Darline Gelok Oct 2018
Too soon to know, too late to change,
We're on out way to experience it all.
Be patient and kind. Don't rush me.
I'll not rush you.
Together we may just make it !
Oct 2018 · 138
Lost Hope
Darline Gelok Oct 2018
Something is lost and I choose not to look for it
But as each day passes I finding I am missing it.
I can live without it but I merely exist.
A tree exists, a bird and fish exist
Have I the same type of existence?
No thought for love or joy or tomorrow ?
Perhaps !
Oct 2018 · 308
Lines from my Heart
Darline Gelok Oct 2018
The circle of life is squared off with a triangle
Love, Hope and Charity

Love is the KNOT that ties family together !

Above all,
Love and Belief
Gets us through anything.
Oct 2018 · 202
You Can Do It
Darline Gelok Oct 2018
Work real hard to do one thing
That proves to you "I can".
Complete something then follow through
Each block that is set in your path
Will become a stepping stone
To a stronger and more determined will.
If it does not work one way...find another!
Oct 2018 · 141
He's Gone Home
Darline Gelok Oct 2018
The time has come and oh how great
To finally be at Heavens Gate.
And how he dreamed of that very day
To meet his Lord...each day he'd pray.
His life was dedicated to God
He was sincere, and not a fraud.
We pray that God  gives him a seat
A well earned spot at his Lords feet.
Oct 2018 · 133
Better Tomorrow
Darline Gelok Oct 2018
Why do we suffer when someone leaves our side?
Why is it we want to run and hide?
Take charge of our lives and stand tall
Don't allow someone else to to make us fall.
Get a grip and show the world today
That you can go on and keep hurt at bay.
Take hold of yourself and visit a friend.
Go buy a shirt if you have to spend.
Dance the night and work through the sorrow,
Cause maybe there is a better tomorrow.
Oct 2018 · 114
We are here for you
Darline Gelok Oct 2018
Take time to hurt
Take time to cry
Take time to feel alone
Take time for memories
Take time to remember your friends are here for you.
We can help occupy the void you are experiencing.
We don't want to fill the space, only to put a gentle covering over it
Till you are strong once again.
Oct 2018 · 134
The Path
Darline Gelok Oct 2018
We pointed you in a direction that didn't please you.
You traveled your own chosen path.
Then, as we watched,
you turned around and found your way back.
We're proud that you discovered your own way
to our hopes and dreams for you.
Oct 2018 · 147
Darline Gelok Oct 2018
I sit down to ponder as my mind starts to wonder
Wandering though paths of the past.
The past, it's no wonder I am here and I wander
While trying to ponder at last !
Darline Gelok

— The End —