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122 · Oct 2018
The One
Wekesa Moses Oct 2018
Swirls of wind embraced her enviously,
her pink dress to it's tune sung, danced
being raised a little with each whirling eddy
her enchanting, lovely, smooth, chocolate thighs revealing.

Her legs wore sling-less white shoes
so perfect on her, just made for her.
She swung her hands at times,
she enjoyed the evening land breeze.

Her skin radiantly shone as the baby's,
her gazelle-like walk, pleasure in me arousing.
She wasn't eight-figure, her cheek sizeable
slender she was, beautifully made.

I trodded towards her, my heart pounding heavily
I needed a chat with her to share, her voice to hear,
her company to enjoy, one born not of woman.
She was an angel, an angel from above sent.

Her melodic voice held me in my tracks,
as the land went still, her melodies to enjoy
the birds ceased their chirpings, the bees their buzzing
her rendition of 'Despacito' to enjoy.

I strolled by lest I awaken from the dream so dear,
Her lucid smile, her revealing teeth; magical.
Her mamma significant, pointed, sensational.
She closed her beautiful brown eyes, her hands outstretched.
I had met one, one who stole my heart.
113 · Oct 2018
The Fate
Wekesa Moses Oct 2018
In our devices we lost us,
a value to a clicked like a thousand fold
to the passers-by gentle smile.
We enjoy less a moment
lest we capture a blurry image
that offendeth the 'online family' of us.

We talk less with pals,
We post more to the media.
We laugh less to jokes told,
We laugh more at jokes posted.
We share less intimate moments with another,
We post more intimate photos online.
We become less sociable by day,
We become more technical by day.
Humanity we lose to robotics,
the heart of a coin on us we impose.
Is it the fate of humanity we face?

Our relations defined by a coin they are,
an expensive ride, a five-star meal;
As *** becomes priced, less prized.
The vibe growing less interesting
the boy-girl talk becoming less possessive, more personal.
Talks of movies watched more,
of memories made less.
A talk of her killer smile, her sleepy eyes,
her fair tone of skin, her magical voice less.
The worry of tangible things grows tenfold,
the treasure in intangible things:
the trust, honesty and love overlooked
Is it the fate of humanity we face?

— The End —