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Oct 2018 · 144
my God!
jhenny Oct 2018
His love, toxic enough to **** you with happiness 
His presence, annihilating all forms of pain and sorrow 
His words, filled with in depth knowledge to make you wise
His kindness, daring enough to sacrifice his son
His kingdom, indescribable. Too deep for the natural man to understand.
Oct 2018 · 310
a friend indeed
jhenny Oct 2018
A long time ago, I thought suppressing my feelings and not showing affection was a good thing. 
 I thought not caring about people was playing safe.
But you , you changed everything. 
In the midst of bizarre beliefs, you cared. 
You've always been there despite my non chalant ways. You never stopped having faith in me even when I never did and I have done very little to earn that. You cared for me in many ways I never did. You're a perfect epitome of the word friend.
Oct 2018 · 124
my love
jhenny Oct 2018
I thought love never existed 
I thought it's some sort of game where people get played
 until I met you, love was insignificant
I have never heard anything as sweet as your name 
Never felt anything as delicate as your touch
You became an obsession that keeps haunting my head 
You washed away my tears when I cry
You raised my hopes in times when I feel I would die 
You're my heart, my soul and my crown  
The moment I see you, my eyes begins to blush 
Anytime I think of you blood begins to flow through my vains
Losing you in life is the only thing am scared of
You rule my heart like a prince
Controlling my heartbeat like the sweet sound of waves.
Living life without you is like an obstacle 
They say love is blind 
But I don't believe it at all 
The first time we met
I knew , in my heart, I knew I would fall
I feel lucky to have you
Oct 2018 · 135
who you are to me
jhenny Oct 2018
For a very long time I haven't been able to express myself
To tell you how I really feel about you
So, am going to do that now 
your voice echoes unimaginable melody to my soul
your presences annihilates all forms of boredom 
your smile is a cozy blanket wrapped around the loneliest of souls 
your beauty speaks volume
So bright, it could literally blind a blind man again.
Oct 2018 · 150
i miss you
jhenny Oct 2018
It feels like a part of me is missing ‎
I searched all corners of the world looking for that particular piece but all my effort was fruitless 
Then I heard your voice 
Sweet like honey‎
Calm like the morning breeze 
Clear enough to make my heart beat.
And then I realized, it wasn't a thing or place 
It is you!

— The End —