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Poetnumber7 Oct 2018
When we hug and part ways I can feel a warmth like I never felt before.
When we talk and I look into your eyes at moments I truly feel that I am looking deep down into your core.
Im waiting on the day where things for us can flow naturally where we both recover from the past.
I think of the day that our lips become one and we can kiss but right now I shy away because I know your feelings are fragile like glass.
When the time is right and I kiss you, you will be able to tell that my heart and intentions were true.
Until that came though I will continue to try to the be the best friend I can to you.
Written on 19 October from internal inspiration and thoughts within.
Poetnumber7 Oct 2018
Samething that make you laugh can make you cry.
Samfiend you put trust in can even lie.
Samejob you work can lay you off.
Samething you once thought was free can eventually come at a cost.
Samepoepole you call family can go missing when times get hard.
Same girl you spilled your heart to can one day still away and part
From my series
Poetnumber7 Oct 2018
The friendship we have can't be explained.
I seem to smile everytime I see your name.
The time we spent as associates was brief but it still came.
Now we wishing we can hangout more one of these days.
And I dedicate this poem to you because we're so far away
But still do your best to check in on me when you find time in your day.
From my facebook series.  The motivation came from a friend who would check on me while deployed
Poetnumber7 Oct 2018
I'm to shy to speak my thoughts and to ashamed to just speak my name.
I'm to afraid to be myself, and to caught up in your beauty to speak any game.
To afraid of rejections so my true thoughts I start neglecting.
I sit back in a distance at time just stunned by you as you stand close to perfection.
Right now the time isn't right so I choose to just let you pass.
But if faith have it's way we'll run back across each other and the proper words to say to you I will finally get to grasp.
Written back in 2011 from a series of facebook  notes titled Poems from the Heart-This one comes from my final chapter
Poetnumber7 Oct 2018
I tried fitting in with them but was told my skin was to dark and that I was not the type.
I asked a darker crowd for companionship but was denied because I was told I talk white.
In reality they ment proper but I cannot hate my own people for what they don't know.
In a country where a letter from Willie Lynch divided us and still stunts our growth.

We were deprived of our name, religion, and planted an idea in our head that lighter is better.
Features once  seen as a sign of ugliness such as big lip or now being imitated and make others jealous.
These life scars remain though, that rain from feeling left out seemed to only get wetter.
Hoping one day this alienated feeling will dry up but one can only be zealous.
When a moving company came to pick up boxes from my apartment, one of the guys asked me where I was from because he said I talk like a white person from up north versus someone from Louisiana.  As a black child it's sometime damaging to hear statements such as why you talk white or be alienated just for being difference
Poetnumber7 Oct 2018
Just when I thought I seen it all we finally had a chance to cross paths.  
No nerves or jitters just good drinks from Superiors and good laughs.
Just being able to talk about the past help make the conversation real cool.
In the back my mind I know that the women in front of me is going to one day be my jewel.
She believed in God and was educated in school.
I was lost in her eyes and beauty which turned me from a scholar to a fool.
I didn’t want i  to leave wished we could’ve stayed all night talking.
The drinks started to get to strong and at her face I couldnt stop gawking.
I was hoping to get another date before the new year started.  
In the back of my mind I told myself we’ll one day become cool before hugging and departing
Poetnumber7 Oct 2018
I remember when we first met the year was 2009.
Nine years later were still being cool and everything seem fine.
You use to live on my brain but I'll lie If I didn't say you will always be in the back of my mind.
I'm just glad we can be always be friends and just kick from time to time.
Back in the day I never took my shot because you had a crush on another guy.
I was feeling you but still just keeping my feelings real shy.
I remember writing you a poem and getting one right back.
Moments I'll forever cherish.
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