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Arry Oct 2018
Got fired but looked as if he bluntly had resigned,
Got penalized for improving every product's design.
And yet created another one, cuz as hell was creative his mind,
"Stay hungry, Stay foolish", was his ultimate key-line.

Not a coder, not an engineer, no technical precision,
No determined profession, except for a couple of visions.
Loved his work and worshipped his love,
Stood apart form the crowd to put himself above.

Eliminating the unnecessary was the magic of his sight,
What phone would you be using, if on his was a copyright?

His fame is the consequence of what he always used to say,
Conventional is always preferred, can you think it in a different way?
Got trolled as the company's name was based on the name of a fruit,
However it has been for many decades, digital technology's roots.

He taught us how to follow one's dreams without always being afraid,
Because thousands of supporters stand behind some handful filled with hate.

He taught me to grab the golden opportunity and not regret on the one that drops,
As like him one day, I will be able to say, "Ladies and gentlemen, My name is Steve Jobs!"
Arry Oct 2018
You heard about that girl who's dating four guys right now,
Instead of being mature and wise, your reaction was a big wow!
You heard about that lunatic kid who lives on the streets,
But you never noticed his demeanor and the way how he greets.
You heard about that skinny man who comes back late at night,
Did you know that the work load has been killing his appetite.
You heard about someone called God, whom you have never met,
Yet he's the one who gets the credit for everything you get.
You hear about a lot of crap which you always tend to believe,
And lose the most valuable fellows who can never be retrieved.
These fatal cells of lies...start developing like a tumor,
You hear a lot of it everyday and commonly call it RUMOUR!
Arry Sep 2018
Sarcastic smirks at the corner of your left cheek,
exaggerating the importance of each day and week,
Making me nod even when I don't agree,
Just to tell yourself...."I told him what to seek!"
The veins of my wrist pop out ever moment,
My ears get a spoon full of torment!
But fortunately I've got two of them so two ends,
Open at the terminals to shove everything out!
Pretentious eyes...I've got... but something lies behind them,
This massive walnut of conspiracies is what gives instructions all the time then,
You see what I show you and inside I'm a blank face,
Who wins without even putting a step in this never ending rogue race!
Thousands of efforts you can make and yet you'll only see what I want,
I am the generous soul of the priest who avenges the night till haunt!
Stop me if you can...cuz you know you cannot, but still show me what you've got which will at last die and rot,
So stop me if you can cuz I will be the same which never have I been,
Something that never have you seen so come forward and lean,
To witness red coming from green.
Stop me if you can!
Arry Sep 2018
The world wants two lives, one is its own and the other is given by you,

With your life they build a home, and your dreams get flushed in the loo.

**** your nights, **** your sleep,
And still like a harassed goat you bleep,
How can you end up being so weak?
Are you what I said or so just you seem?

You are not, what they believe,
Not a victim of what they perceive,
Because they'll always want two lives,
Turning sturdy and rigids into feeble and naives.

We'll pursue, what we want,
They can never supress us or ever daunt,
Our hope will now retaliate and haunt,
And our success will make everything flaunt!

So now is the time to decide,
Do what your heart says...or die being their pride,
Their expectations are tough sharp lights,
But we have to follow the sunshine bright.

And many reluctant seeds like us, will have to be sown,
Because the world always wants two lives of its own...
Arry Sep 2018
Fearless as fire, liberated like the birds,
"I am the Verity", said my words.

Truth lies within them, though complex to understand,
It's bitter for the sweet lies, which suddenly become bland.

They recite, which was shown to you, with a naive sheet of trap,
The layers of lies, coverings of distrust, and many more to unwrap.

Uncovering what is fake and false, and exposing things absurd,
After all, the Verity, lies within my words.....❤
Arry Sep 2018
Their love is the world's most precious gem,
However it mostly seems hidden when you get scolded by them.

All they think about is how cheerful you are,
No matter if you're nearby or very far.

You talk ******* to them, demeaning their sacrifice,
Meanwhile they think that their care couldn't probably suffice.

You hurt them in every way and they don't even mention,
And for you the most horrible thing is a small detention.

You ignore their problems but they cry when you're sad,
I guess that's the biggest reason why they're called mom and dad❤
Arry Sep 2018
Bound by the occurrence of humans and situations,
Perspective is the name of these mind notifications.

It transitions by the actions of distrust and rumour,
It also changes rapidly if the thinker tends to get gloomer.

It sits straight and firm if the character seems defined,
Then....the call of any change is most oftenly declined.

Sometimes it takes a double ride,
With doubt and faith on either side,
And then takes place their fusion,
Creating nothing but a lot of confusion.

As far as I know.... perspective is a kid,
Losing each and every possible bid,
At times steps back, at times moves further,
Being some person at night...and in the morning becomes some other.

Incidents are the provokers and perspective gets provoked,
The one deserving love and care all of a sudden becomes rogue!
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