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Arry Sep 2018
But it has always turned out to be true,
That the single-faced personality has something hidden in two!

And…yes I would always want to talk to you,
Regardless of any ******* thing that you’re probably going to do!

Cuz I ain’t got nobody with whom I can get glued,
So why not love the discrete levels…..cuz I don’t need a crew!
Arry Sep 2018
Light's already got what it needs,
Glance at the emerging darkness.

Secure is the feeling of cowardice,
Fear has got the essence of hardship.

Love has got fancy bowls
which are just two weak souls,

Hatred has broken poles,
But helps you set up many goals.

Both sides of the coin can win the toss,
Although only one becomes the boss.

Victory of one undetermined potential of the other,
The world chose the chosen one and moved on further.

Negativity is the action of the side which was made to lose,
Everyone praised the victorious thinking it was the only one left to choose!
Arry Sep 2018
Before you go and check out his all-time favourite Vlog Page,
You must know that he was a victim of a horrible and frightening dog rage!

The slanting cut on his eyebrow is a result of what I was talking about,
The black lebra attacked crazily and blood stains were all over his mouth!

Has an expertise in piano since the naive age of 4,
But the problem with the dude was being such a bore!

Got bullied at school for beatboxing and making weird sounds,
Now who's listening to "We don't talk anymore", in every ******* town?

Never admit that someone's your idol....until you know the whole truth,
Cuz this man was never before the-we-know-today Charlie Puth!
Arry Sep 2018
Now your talent is nothing but may be wondering why am I comparing  sand with this doesn't make any sense. But let me tell you.....this all makes complete sense. You apply water and your hands on the raw material(sand) that you got to make the best thing out of it. Sand is your talent.......water/hands is your hard-work and the miniature that you make is SUCCESS! Success which is said to be a pretty temporary thing is composed of your hard-work and TALENT! As long as there's HARD-WORK AND TALENT.......SUCCESS CAN NEVER BE TEMPORARY! Okay now enough of philosophy.....let's get back to talent. Everyone's got nose, ears, lips, tongue, hands, legs, BRAIN and everything that a human being requires to carry out the life processes............just like these everyone has this ultimate phenomenon called Talent! People take some Talent Learning courses to make money in their life...........but no one ever told them that NO ONE CAN TEACH YOU TALENT.........NOT EVEN THE FINEST INSTITUTIONS IN THE WORLD CAN DO THAT! IT'S IN-BUILT IN YOU....YOU WERE BORN WITH  IT AND........WILL DIE WITH IT. God has given every single human being something that he/she can use to touch the summit....but how? Yeah.........this is a frequently asked question...How do we know what is our talent? Pretty valid as I told you...No one can teach you look for ask yourself....WHAT IS THIS THING THAT NO ONE ELSE CAN DO BETTER THAN ME?  WHAT IS THIS THING THAT GIVES ME MORE HAPPINESS THAN ANYTHING ELSE I DO? WHAT IS THIS THING FOR WHICH I CAN LEAVE EVERY OTHER THING JUST TO DO IT FOR A MINUTE OR TWO? And when you have found the answers to these three questions....THEN YOU'RE ALL SET TO MOVE THE MOUNTAINS! People around you are either gonna be the SWEET, DIM LIGHTS OF SUPPORT OR THE IRRESISTIBLE, DARK LIGHTS OF NEGATIVITY.........What you have to do is to switch off the DARK LIGHTS AND KEEP SWITCHED ON THE DIM ONES. But sometimes you'll only have the DARK LIGHTS....SO,.......SWITCH THEM OFF ALL AND ILLUMINATE THE LIGHT OF YOUR TALENT TO KEEP WORKING!

Arry Sep 2018
I've renamed this system with two words called, "Marking Scheme",
Cuz at the end of the day it's exactly what it seems!

Appreciation won't be allotted for the efforts you made,
Things would always come back to the ultimate phenomenon called "GRADE"!

Toppers choose PCM and flunked ones go with Humanities,
You not only disappoint your folks but also the society,
And leave no scope for popularity!

Teachers accuse the child saying he/she doesn't possess wisdom,
We lack it because of only our Education System!

Critics never stop......taunting non-symapathetically,
Would never glance to the other side but tell you to study systematically!

UAE's got oil, Korea's got television, and Japan a lot of technology pioneers,
Meanwhile the birthplace of busy producing Engineers!

We don't become learners but academics become a constant debt,
Cuz out of the 132 Crore people....not even a single one has a different mind-set!

Walter Lewin once said,"If a student finds a subject boring...then the teacher must be dumb",
Now if he would have been Indian....What different song would he have sung?

Utkarsh Upadhyay~~
Arry Sep 2018
A long time ago, when I was an infant,
The world was full of harzards and dangers every instant!

Regardless of everything, she was there with me,
To protect me, to defend me and the world calls her "MOMMY"!

She's now beginning a new year in life,
Being not only a woman but someone's mother and wife,
Whatever role she plays, she's always loving and naive,
And her gigantic amount of care always thrives!
Arry Sep 2018
His arrival is like that of a savior, But his departure is up to your behavior.

Cuts all the painful shrubs and plants generous seeds, but goes away when you can feel the presence of fulfilled needs.

He takes a part in your sorrowful ride, just to make you feel that someone is by your side.

But then your carefree actions make him go and hide and you always say that the guy was full of pride.

At a point of time, he’s the whole world to you and all that matters is his presence, But when your disposition takes a beautiful turn, we start to doubt on his existence.

The brutality of human words make you end your life, but he’s the one who saves you always from the destructive beehive.

I call him the traveler because he has seen each river’s banks, he brings a lot and takes back a few, can you fill in the blanks?
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