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matthew paschall Oct 2023
In the shadows of my mind, where darkness erupts,
Intrusive whispers echo, yeah, they disrupt.

Who am I in this tale untold?
A self-made lie, a story I hold.
Lost in thoughts, I roam this maze,
****** path or anxiety, in my mind im crazed.
Wandering deep within my soul,
Endless wonders, battles take their toll.

In this vast world, I sit and ponder,
How do you halt this mental thunder?
Endless possibilities, they taunt and tease,
Yet, they won't define me, won't bring me to my knees.

An untold saga, battles every single day,
In the midst of chaos, I find my way.

It is what it is, with meaning deep,
I've overcome much, my promises I keep.
Prepared for any battle life might throw,
No, you won't see me rattled, I've learned to grow.

In the present that's sown, I stand tall,
Can't change what's happening, gotta deal with it all.

The untold tale of every man's strife,
Striving for excellence, defending family, and risking life.
We put on a brave face, don't let it show,
Hold it in so your family can't feel your woes.

That's the story etched in every man's core,
Facing battles, yet leaving the story untold....
matthew paschall Aug 2023
I'm Matthew P, here to say,
Got poems to share in a unique way.
Published 34, drafts were 6,
Now let's dive into these poetic tricks.

Complex emotions, they're my theme,
Half-siblings in my life, it may seem.
On the outside, I seem quite fine,
But inside, an inextinguishable flame will shine.

In the midst of silence, I find my voice,
In turmoil and pain, I make my choice.
Dark clouds hover, raindrops persist,
But I stay strong, can't be dismissed.

Thunder booms, shakes my core,
Tears blend with rain, emotions pour.
My thoughts race, like a tempest's wind,
But I'll find peace, within.

Bright lightning flashes, new perspectives rise,
Thoughts slow down, like the calm breeze' sighs.
Thunder grumbles low, scent of rain,
I find serenity in the midst of the pain.

Kneeling down, I gather my might,
Storms will pass, and I'll see the light.
With strength and resilience, I endure the strife,
For I know in my heart, I'll conquer this life.

Is anybody listening to what I say?
I shout it out, in my own way.
I sit in silence, my heart concealed,
A tale of sorrow, yet to be revealed.

As a child, I couldn't comprehend,
The pain I felt, I couldn't mend.
I wore a smile, a façade so clever,
Hiding the hurt, lasting forever.

But now I'm grown, I face my past,
Dealing with demons, I'm free at last.
I turned to drugs, to numb the sorrow,
To see tomorrow, I'd face the morrow.

I've kneeled and cried, asked the sky why,
Have I been punished? Is this my try?
But this soul won't break, it stands tall,
All these moments shaped me, after all.

In silence, an internal war does wage,
Behind my smile, I keep my rage.
Hoping for fate to change its course,
With each new day, I find my inner source.

To discover the peace deep inside,
Never forgetting the darkness, my guide,
The path from the shadows was worth the win,
I'm Matthew P, let the rhymes begin.
matthew paschall Jun 2023
There is a thin line between reality and insanity.


what is normal?

Is normal just conformity to our daily lives?

We go about our lives working to make money.  

We pay our bills.

We save up

take vacation

and work for our retirement.

We hope to retire by age 65.


we forget to live our lives.

So focused on the future that we forget our inner child who's dreaming of the stars.

To many people saving their entire lives

getting too old and broken to chase their dreams otherwise

The trails and mountains will forever remain mysteries because my body is too old and broken to make it reality.

It's so sad we can't see our youth is wasted

We were meant to be young and make mistakes.

We were meant to live with our minds, always wondering

It's been destroyed by possessions. We are holding

We have this world so backward.

Too bad money is in the way of us just being kids.

To bad what once was our imagination dies where our life begins.

P.s. drunken ramblings of a mad man
matthew paschall Jun 2023
In the midst of turmoil, I find solace in silence,
Battling against this unyielding pain, I strive to stay calm.
Dark clouds persistently shadow my path,
As the rain keeps pouring, unrelenting, never-ending.

Each thunderous boom resonates within my core,
Causing tremors of sadness, shaking me to my very soul.
A shiver runs through me, tears blending with rainwater,
Emotions quivering in my voice, struggling to keep pace.

My thoughts race, a tempest howling like the wind,
Twirling relentlessly, with no end in sight, no victory to claim.
Tears flow freely, blending with the storm's cascade,
Gazing out into the tempest, it echoes my perception of the world.

With each bright flash of lightning, a new perspective emerges,
And gradually, the thoughts begin to slow, like the breeze subsiding.
The thunder's roar diminishes to a low grumble,
And the scent of rain calms, soothing my senses.

I kneel upon the ground, finding peace within my mind,
A gentle wind brushes against my back, providing support.
Donning a mask upon my face, I prepare to return,
To a world that feels fractured and fragmented.

But I know, deep down, that storms eventually cease,
They run their course, and peace finds its way back to me.
So, with renewed strength and resilience, I face the turmoil,
Knowing that this too shall pass, and I will endure once more.
matthew paschall Jun 2023
In the midst of turmoil, I find solace in silence,
Battling against this unyielding pain, I strive to stay calm.
Dark clouds persistently shadow my path,
As the rain keeps pouring, unrelenting, never-ending.

Each thunderous boom resonates within my core,
Causing tremors of sadness, shaking me to my very soul.
A shiver runs through me, tears blending with rainwater,
Emotions quivering in my voice, struggling to keep pace.

My thoughts race, a tempest howling like the wind,
Twirling relentlessly, with no end in sight, no victory to claim.
Tears flow freely, blending with the storm's cascade,
Gazing out into the tempest, it echoes my perception of the world.

With each bright flash of lightning, a new perspective emerges,
And gradually, the thoughts begin to slow, like the breeze subsiding.
The thunder's roar diminishes to a low grumble,
And the scent of rain calms, soothing my senses.

I kneel upon the ground, finding peace within my mind,
A gentle wind brushes against my back, providing support.
Donning a mask upon my face, I prepare to return,
To a world that feels fractured and fragmented.

But I know, deep down, that storms eventually cease,
They run their course, and peace finds its way back to me.
So, with renewed strength and resilience, I face the turmoil,
Knowing that this too shall pass, and I will endure once more.
matthew paschall May 2023
In the midst of turmoil, I find solace in silence,
Battling against this unyielding pain, I strive to stay calm.
Dark clouds persistently shadow my path,
As the rain keeps pouring, unrelenting, never-ending.

Each thunderous boom resonates within my core,
Causing tremors of sadness, shaking me to my very soul.
A shiver runs through me, tears blending with rainwater,
Emotions quivering in my voice, struggling to keep pace.

My thoughts race, a tempest howling like the wind,
Twirling relentlessly, with no end in sight, no victory to claim.
Tears flow freely, blending with the storm's cascade,
Gazing out into the tempest, it echoes my perception of the world.

With each bright flash of lightning, a new perspective emerges,
And gradually, the thoughts begin to slow, like the breeze subsiding.
The thunder's roar diminishes to a low grumble,
And the scent of rain calms, soothing my senses.

I kneel upon the ground, finding peace within my mind,
A gentle wind brushes against my back, providing support.
Donning a mask upon my face, I prepare to return,
To a world that feels fractured and fragmented.

But I know, deep down, that storms eventually cease,
They run their course, and peace finds its way back to me.
So, with renewed strength and resilience, I face the turmoil,
Knowing that this too shall pass, and I will endure once more.
matthew paschall Apr 2023
So I'm just living In place

Where I feel abandoned

So my brother and my sis

Well they left Me to reminess

An only child of three.  

Ya they said they wish they couldve taken me

But the sad truth Is that I was left to my self

This abandonment this pain was all for me

No outlet or shoulder to lean

A child filled with rage with  no real direction to place it.  

No understanding of why just this hate inside

So lost and  so confused

why did they leave me?

Was it me or my mother who took care of me.  

This evil person they fled the only one left to take care of me
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