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Oct 2018 · 197
Smita Diary Oct 2018
गर कही आवाज़ आए, दूरियों से साज़ आए,
चाहतों कीं रोशनी में चमचमाते पास आए।
डूबता है आज कोई वक़्त के हालात में,
फिर कही जा कर थमे वो राह के उस राज़ में,
पल जो लहरो सा कभी फिर लोट के मन में वो आए,
गर कही आवाज़ आए, दूरियों से साज़ आए।

मीठी सी मुस्कान ऐसी, मान की है पहचान ऐसी
मान लो के आज है हर पल में आपने ही समाएँ,
गर कही आवाज़ आए, दूरियों से साज़ आए।

ग़ौर से देखो ज़रा उस आसमा के चाँद को,
बदलो सी धूप में सागर की लहरो को हिलाए,
रोक ता है कौन, मन के बाँध को खुलने तो दो,
राह तो राही के साए, मन के साए,
गर कही आवाज़ आए, दूरियों से साज़ आए।
Sep 2018 · 424
Hold my hand
Smita Diary Sep 2018
Like you hold my hand
And taught me to walk the way,
Like you hold my words
And taught me to speak with faith,
Like you read my eyes
to feel the tears insight,
Like you judge,
how far I have reached the life.
I have a word from heart to say,
I love you very much, as I always say....
Expression of love from all daughters to their father
Sep 2018 · 210
I tried the best
Smita Diary Sep 2018
I tried the best,
In my heart and at rest.
Deep the ground ,was silent and sound,
Fear of near ,made burst with tear.
I tried the best,
In my heart and at rest.

Rising star has an end of war,
Hundreds of miles it goes so far,
Riding the horse of night and dark,
Reading the silence to go apart.

Look up to eye,
Bright beautiful sky.
Dusty it sounds, reason for grounds.
Glory and fame all common with name,
Make up your day that comes with pray.
I tried the best,
In my heart and at rest.

Let us together, come what and whether,
Whisper the love to light up the feather,
Fly together, try together,
Come what may ,but be together....
Sep 2018 · 628
Sun rise
Smita Diary Sep 2018
No longer you are me,
My words want to flow free,
It’s me who want to be with me
Come and read me....

I want to fly,
Like how it goes so high,
Deep in blue sky with wings of dreams to try.

Keep a plant of hope,
That grows with the flows,
Read the steps of life which are left with no rides,
Dark it may be,
But wait for the day sun rise....
Never leave hope

— The End —