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Aug 2018 · 171
Pretty Thoughts
unspokenwords25 Aug 2018
Its soft to touch
Lightest of brushes; a feather
It sweet and light
An alluring scent
It's passionate sin
The color of flames
It symbolises love
It’s a red rose
On a first date
Aug 2018 · 204
Power of words
unspokenwords25 Aug 2018
Dried ink, cursive words
chalk a picture vibrant
Maybe fighting upon a dragon mighty
or roaming a wildflower meadow
with dainty pixies
A world of violet eyes
And chimeric scripture
Better still, Adoration
sweet blushes
warm blanketed hugs
or maybe passionate anguish
sharp strokes of pain
a bitter cup of salty tears
awe of the sights
castles in bubbles
riding on floating droplets
Really, anything u can conjure
like a magician with his tricks
The sheer power of faded ink
Aug 2018 · 135
unspokenwords25 Aug 2018
There is poison dripping down your words
Even when they were coated with the honey
You always use
It’s like walking in a tangle of thorns
Through a daydream
It tears the inside apart
While i’m smiling
And you worry about those death notes
Like the hypocrite you are
Even though it’s your venom that caused it
You act like you don't know
You play the victim when the story comes along
You fool everyone with the crocodile tears
And you laugh inside
With your schemes
But one day,
I’ll burn them all with flames of success
I’ll crumble them with my own laughter
I’ll have my own sun in my own blue sky
I’ll dance in the downpour
I’ll sing in the storms
And i won’t even remember you
With your toxicity and harsh words
Because i’ll be out there living my life to the fullest
Because no one will get out of this alive
You will have your day, just like i had mine.
Aug 2018 · 144
unspokenwords25 Aug 2018
They say the eyes are the windows to your soul
If so,
Your soul is as deep as the ocean
It’s the color of dreams
Sweet as cotton candy
But, oh! Careful!
There are shards of glass here and there
They glitter with your tears
Lined with your darkest fears
With cracks running through like rivers
It tastes like nightmares
Pooled with dread
What about over there?
It’s like fireworks
It smells like passion
Carpet of crimson
Your aspirations are dancing with grace
What can i say?
Dive in deeper,
I feel your insecurities
like cold storm of winter
Its raining thorns
Your shyness embraces me
Like a long lost friend
Tread along a little more
I feel the music
Of your laughter
Like the first greening of grass in early spring
Your love brushes against my lips
In sinful red
I feel the tingles of anticipation
Settle along my finger tips
I breathe in the scent
Of your tender kindness
It explodes in exotic bliss
Suddenly, it burns
In flames of anger
I feel the bitterness
Rake across my skin
With trinkets of spilling blood
I see the jealousy guarded
Ferocious and growling
But in the deepest, darkest
Nooks and crannies
I find unexpected light
It’s your own sun
Because despite everything
You are the best of your feelings
Your soul is my greatest treasure.
Aug 2018 · 168
Cry for Help...
unspokenwords25 Aug 2018
Dark crumbling ashes
hazy fog, I am blinded
reaching shriveled hands
the fear chokes me up
no warmth in cold fire
can't find my way
uneaten leftovers
can't swallow
silent screams
stuck in my head
Lord, help me...
Aug 2018 · 154
unspokenwords25 Aug 2018
Rain in sunshine
Spectrum of colors
Blood red, happy yellow
Rustic  , forest green
Violet, azure
Passage of time with you

waltz in the fall
Summer showers
Cold frostbites at blue tips
Blossoms,  bounty
That's my life with you

Geysers,  dripping lava
Earthquakes,  ticking hour
Huge waves,  sweeping towers
Wildfire,  dry air, animals run for cover
My life is haunted, grey without you

You are my sun, moon and stars
You are my whole universe
Aug 2018 · 641
Live in your storms.
unspokenwords25 Aug 2018
Your memories
I smile through daydreams
Your laughter is my music
Your warmth is my blanket
I live for your strokes of love
On my lips crimson red
I pine for the brushes of passion
Burning against my skin
Take me dancing in  storms
Gaze at the lighting thunder
Like a rainbow done injustice
I am taken by the hurricane of kindness
I whipped up by the tornado of tenderness
It's raging calm
Yet, I'm crazy charmed
You, Baby, you are a dream
Aug 2018 · 246
Rain in my life
unspokenwords25 Aug 2018
Oh baby
It’s raining in my life
And the sun in shining in yours
Yet you envy me?
Because it's my life
Why do you need everything i have?
Why can’t you be happy
With your sunshine
While i dance in the showers?
You think it’s all a walk in the park
You think i’ve had it easy?
You wouldn’t last a second in my life  honey
Nope, make no mistake about that.
If i have anything nice
It’s because i deserved it
Just like you did yours
Maybe if you take off your glasses
Of hazy jealousy
You would run away as fast as you can
From my demons of old

— The End —