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843 · Mar 2019
By the Seaside
Reshma Joel Mar 2019
Swinging back and forth,
the tumultous roar of the waves
makes her feel at peace with life.
Her feet making impressions
Etched in the sand.

At a distance, she sits and gazes,
Waiting for the blooming sun,
To radiate her face.
The silent breeze gushing towards her,
Innates a joyful feeling
A feeling which stays forever.
171 · Oct 2018
The Tale of a Fly
Reshma Joel Oct 2018
Wish I were a butterfly
With wings to fly
Reaching as high as the sky
But I look at myself and sigh
Oh! I am just another fly
159 · Apr 2019
College Life
Reshma Joel Apr 2019
Amidst the many,
there I was all alone
ready to be consumed into this new world
Little did I know
these memories would stay with me forever

Many have I met in this journey
Some remained some walked away
The times still fresh in my memory
If only I could rewind
and relive those moments

Many a happy times
Many a dull times
In the times that went by
I explored who I am
and emerged out stronger and independent

Those were the times
I will hold on forever
For making me who I am
For showing the true essence of life
The real essence of College life
149 · Oct 2018
You are mine
Reshma Joel Oct 2018
A month ago, you were born
Soft and tender , those gleaming eyes
Looking right into mine
That joyous moment when you
Make a soft gurgle
Those sleepless nights and endless wailing
Sums up my life surrounding you
In those moments too, I took you into my arms
And sang a little song
You are mine
Yes, You are mine

— The End —