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49 · Feb 24
Our reef
Malcolm Feb 24
Great reef, you stand, defying monstrous seas
Which roar in salute to your stubborn stance;
Then sometimes in despair a sudden ease
To rest, gain strength, ominous, uneasy trance.

And in your labyrinth below the foam
An endless myriad of creatures roam
Brightly arrayed, life with a wondrous hue
A giant petri dish, a lustrous brew

What would this island be without this rind?
Built bit by bit by nature’s endless toil.
A salty wet wasteland bereft of all its soil.
But for this palisade, preserving peace of mind

Oh No! A weakness in this crust is found
Decay brought on by mankind’s quest for pence
The battlements are breached, no longer sound
Hurry, we must arise and flee from hence.

Great reef you stood defying monstrous seas.
Since life began you forged your grand stockade
Yet in a decade mankind caused your fall
Coin for nature unpoliced, unnatural trade
On dying pacific reefs
46 · Feb 24
The Chicken
Malcolm Feb 24
Chicken! Chicken! You must be
What architect would claim to see
Grace, in such iniquity?

Where! In whose fowl intellect
Lurked the twitching of thy neck?
In which bower did idea grow
To create the clucking and the crow?

And on which old computer screen
Were wings made, but fit to preen?
And when thy wings began to beat;
Such a squawking, flapping feat.
Did he hope that you would fly
Way, way up beyond the sky?

He could not smile; no work to see
For that which made the slug made thee.
Formed in nature’s  pottery,
Resulting from a lottery.

Chicken! Chicken! You must be
A mish mash of heredity.
No immortal hand or eye
Would frame such frightful form.

— The End —