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Case Catherine Jul 2018
Where did you go? Slowly melted away
like winter snow in April. I watched you
drift away, though in months past you did fall
so heavy, yet, weightless my heart lifted
as a song, as a silent carol sung
in response to the warm atmosphere
you had wrapped me in, while cold to the touch.
Love, like fire, ignites senseless beauty-
It just was, and still is, and I accept
love’s mysterious allure-glistening
as a street light shines on falling snow
flakes, in which way you did fall on my
numb lips and slowly dissolved in love’s warm embrace.
Or was it I who dissolved next to you?
No longer in body, but a spirit
and you were the breeze that carried
me-a leaf, a remnant of seasons past.
All to soon, my love, you would pass as well.
Though beautiful as a still winters night,
I couldn’t keep you from passing in season.
Leaving me to burn and freeze at one time.
Case Catherine Jul 2018
I pray that my heart would never fall captive
To the lure of love’s exquisite calling.
In my weakness, its eternal trapping
clings steady with no hope of ransom.
If love returns to me, then I with haste
embrace my keeping. But all I know:
the vile passion of my soul, where with
love I wrestle, by love I am defeated
as one who waits alone in the quiet,
starving for love, but love would not feed me.
Will I be tortured to my death? Lest I
Should live the rest of my life unnourished
And the pangs of hunger return to me each hour?
Will in my weakness love always flourish?
Love’s lie has defeated all of my courage.

— The End —