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Case Catherine Jan 2021
My mind begins to cave again
under the weight of every brokenness.
All my walls collapse as I breathe in
There is death inside this oxygen.

I called into my suffering.
My crying voice, I heard return to me.
Crumbled wall compose a symphony
With the echos of my disbelief.
Case Catherine Jan 2021
Are you the one who’s waiting
Here to save me?
Maybe you could change my mind.
Are you seeing what I see
when you stand beside me?
Maybe you could save my life
And see me beautiful.
When all of my colors have turned out wrong
paint a picture of me with your mind.
Build a gallery for me to reside
And keep me.
Walk my rows from time to time,
hold the hope I’ll come alive.
Break my frames, breathe in my life.
Break my frames, breathe in my life
And see me beautiful.
Case Catherine Jan 2021
Unto you the whole earth be given.
By Devine breath, that which is dust
Be brought into the realm of the living.
Through love created, by wisdom designed
Intentionally in the Lord’s own image.
What is it to you that seems pleasing to
Eat? What limits you now will no longer
If you would reach out your hand to
the fruit and feast on that which is withheld.
What matter of conscience deters you?
What causes you to hesitate?
Case Catherine May 2019
The stars have all hidden behind
clouds tonight. The moon stands on her own.
Though the clouds will show no silver line,
still the Earth expects the moon to glow.

She longs for morning to cover her
to keep her lesser light unknown.
But the Earth, clouds, and stars concur:
Tonight the moon should stand alone.
Case Catherine Apr 2019
I want for you to tell me
how far that we have traveled
point out the faces passing by.
'Some will not be familiar
some have passed on with time
but you're the one that saved my life.
I wrote you this
though I'm so tired.
I know that I'll see you again.
I'm holding on
for these last miles.
This road is coming to an end.

meet me there
where you found me.
At the end of the road.
meet me there
I want you by me
because I can't go alone

I hoped that you'd Stay with me
in places marked with shadow.
I tried so hard, but couldn't hide.
I hoped that you'd remember
my name even when I lied
and walk back with me to the light.
I wrote you this.
And I'm so sorry!
I know I failed the first time.
Please come again,
stay for the journey.
I need you here to say goodbye.

meet me there
where you found me
when I spoke the first time.
meet me there
I want you by me
when I say goodbye.
Lyrics to a song I wrote for a friend who stayed by my side when I relapsed into my addiction.
Case Catherine Apr 2019
You can't stay down
there's nothing there to see
But the sun could never rise
without first setting over me.
We don't like to think
in terms of staying down.
the sky is just my ceiling
and the hardwood floor
becomes my solid ground.
I stay down.

No soil here
No roots had ever grown.
The sun could be shining in
but I have got no seeds to sow.
We don't like to think
in terms of staying down.
No growth to produce purpose.
In shadows, even
the sun begins to doubt.
I am down

As I lay on my floor,
where I can only look up,
specks of paint on my ceiling
seem more like stars from where I am
resting in the dust.
I trust that the cold floor on my back,
next to my bed will remind me that
there is always space to move some.
Even if ceiling specks are all
that show up in the dark.
Smudges and shadows
pretending to be stars.
Both of us are wishing
to be more than what we are.
I am wishing on them-
my celestial specks, feigning
a well of wealth
I am feigning
that all is well.
Laying where
the shadows fell.
So that nobody
can see me down.
Case Catherine Nov 2018
If I had a name
I would keep it to myself
If I had a face
you wouldn't know me as well
If I was a person
you would love me
but its worse than
not existing
if i'm just living
for the essence
of what you look for in the present
I'm no futuristic lesson
I've got no story to tell.

If I had a story
I would take out all the bits
about the pain
Unless the sorrow builds up glory
then I would tell it until
the world gave me a name.
But it's worse than
not existing.
I wan't to be known
despite myself.
Is there anybody listening?
If not, I guess
I'm better off without...

Don't stay awake,
I function like a machine
That I better understand
without anybody hearing
Don't try read,
it's just a song that i sing
break my enigma,
now I know what I mean.

Is anybody looking through the
Is anybody looking through the
Is anybody looking through the fame?

Is anybody tending to the
Is anybody tending to the
Is anybody tending to the flame?
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