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Alfredo Ron Sep 2018
Grey cat beams brightly,
his claws are out
black birds don't notice
the beast is around
then sensing danger,
they fly heading south
save for a little one,
weighing not an ounce

The sky above's painted
in pictures by clouds
so white and so fluffy
not weighing an ounce
until black birds fill them
with tears to come down
on top of the head
of the one who did pounce
Alfredo Ron Sep 2018
Is the girl you're with a good lover?
Is she someone really fine?
Or do you long for another?
Have you somebody else in mind?
Maybe your muse is beside you.
Or it could be you left her behind.
Perhaps you have still left to find her
to open up doors in your heart and mind.

Where beauty reigns and lives
to give you vision true,
so that you'll see the meaning of love
and what it can do.
An angel waits for you.

But it's all just a waste of time
if you only sing lullabies;
if you fall asleep beside a pretty doll
to whom you are not inclined
to bare your soul to in the night
when the world you share seems dark;
when you only hold her for temporal comfort
so your pain won't seem too stark.
Let her go. Set free your hearts.
Search for love elsewhere. Depart.
Alfredo Ron Sep 2018
Her ivory face resplendent in the light of my cold room
her painted lips are glistening with words she speaks too soon
they carry sudden waves of mystery deep into my heart
and fill my mind with worlds of question marks

What do I tell her?
What can I say?
What am I feeling?
Is it the same?
same as her passion
she gives to me,
wholly and freely,
is it to be?

I take her in my arms, then we make love and fall asleep
before the sunrise I wake up, and like a baby weep
she turns to me and says, "My dear, what's wrong? What did you dream?"
I tell her that I love her as she melts and starts to beam

"I dreamt that you were wearing a mask which I could not remove.
You said that it was for the best to keep hidden from view.
That your's was just a sorry state that I could not improve.
A girl in love with saying she's in love but so untrue."

"No ***, you're wrong. Our love is strong"
She kisses my lips. "To me you belong.
We are forever, not to dissolve.
Equals in passion. Two souls involved.
Involved in the process of being best friends.
So hold me and keep me and know me again.'
Alfredo Ron Sep 2018
What would intrigue me?
oh just a fig leaf
worn impolitely
by maiden fair

What would attract me?
oh now let me see
perhaps that same leaf
tossed in the air

What would induce me
to cross the vast sea
and battle hordes
in castles and lairs?

What would ****** me
if not what she seeks,
rubies and diamonds
for her to wear?

What would be fair?,
I cannot stop her
with all her avarice
thirsting for more

What would she care
about what's proper,
nor if this old fool
should die at war?

What would consume
my heart with such madness,
to think I could
satisfy all her lust?

What force could exhume
my soul from the sadness
in which my corpse lies now
buried in dust?
Alfredo Ron Sep 2018
I'm tense, intense
the forest is dense
but through those dark trees
I spy with my lens
the oceans are warming,
truly condensed
tired of roaring
and foaming with strength

For power is waning
all things grow tired
where lie the signposts
of my old desires?
cold in the embers
of my former fires
from conquests extinguished
and joys all expired

Oh see now, I'm dying
how melodramatic
I forgot to live
in my time of despair
"You fool!", cries the phoenix
rising from ashes
death's but a rumor
though no one is spared

So nevertheless,
through weary travails
there's still a bright spark
to lift countenance high
when bruised back is broken,
mortality choking
the life from my body,
I'll reach for the sky
Alfredo Ron Sep 2018
Go inform the prisoners
this is their last day
soon they will be rounded up
tell them all to pray
idle words of comfort
will not profit them
when their sandalled footsteps,
to the sands ascend

Long have they awaited
for their hour to call
heaven's hosts to lend wings
when their bodies fall
see the chains they're dragging
and their tattered rags
the fools rejoice to wear them
for the Son of Man

The convicts are paraded
the audience can see
that their foolish ideas,
impossible beliefs
are scoffed at by Nero
and all of Rome indeed
gods and men are laughing
at these martyrs to be

They won't beg for mercy
the emperor knows well
they won't deny their God and King
who's name they lastly yell
two hundred men and women
new converts to the way
were executed just last week
not one renounced their faith

Many more will go today
down to the dust and grave
in their pens the lions wait
for blood they salivate
set loose, the beasts lunge at their prey
who fall praising His name
"long live Jesus!", they cry out
before they're mauled and maimed

Yes many more are going today
to St.Peter they're drawn
their spirits live in freedom now
the light of heaven's dawn
for as the screams all fade away
while evil thinks it's won
out of the ****** colliseum
God's own rise up in song
Alfredo Ron Sep 2018
Wind chimes...
caught in a breeze,
caught in a gale,
calling a tease.
You think there's someone there.
Someone at the door.
Somebody real that cares.
But just like before...
it's only those **** bells,
that mournfully tell,
through cobwebs and raindrops,
you're all by yourself.

It's only the wind chimes
playing tricks on your mind.
It's only the wind now.
It's only lost time.
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