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365 · Jul 2018
Loss of innocence
Sajeev Jul 2018
I too did dream
Of pristine sheets
Splattered with my ****** blood
Mingled with the urgent seed
Of my sweet beloved

But you spoilt it all!

Dark in a subway
Weary and alone
A hand upon my bruised lips
Another tearing at my clothes
You silently spilt my unwarmed blood
On the unfeeling stones

Couldn’t you at least
Have chosen a bed
An unstained sheet
A spray of flowers
And in the midst
Of my silent screams
Salvaged a few
Of my innocent dreams?
179 · Jul 2018
Sajeev Jul 2018
An endless sea
I beat upon your shores
Seeking to pound
The hard rocks of your indifference
Into the soft sands of love

Through frosty nights
And searing summer days
I crashed and thundered
Flaunting a million rainbows
At the noon day sun

At last
The task is done
Meek and pliant you lie
In my warm embrace
But this saltiness
Whence did it come
Are these my tears
Or yours?
175 · Jul 2018
Sajeev Jul 2018
How could I know
It was anemia
Not passion
That made her gasp so!
164 · Aug 2018
I wonder
Sajeev Aug 2018
Shining brightly
A million stars
Fragments of sun
Strewn across the night sky

And I look at you
And wonder
How He could have gathered
The night sky
And a million stars
Into a pair of eyes

And then
I turn away and wonder
How He
Who made a million stars
To light up your eyes
Forgot in all His wisdom
And made you blind
157 · Jul 2018
Sajeev Jul 2018
I touch
You shudder

Is it

I will not know
Till you tell me
And you
Never do
155 · Jul 2018
Sajeev Jul 2018
The church bell peals a reverent note
Beckoning His people to their prayer,
To listen to a preacher quote
Of sinless souls and fortunes fair.

I watch, unseen, the faithful walk
To their places midst the pew,
With their Savior now to talk
Of sorrows past, of distress new.

From the *****, the notes swell out
And voices rise in fervent song,
In deepest faith, with ne’er a doubt
They ask His help to make them strong.

In the shadows, alone I stand
Tears of sorrow in my eye,
Prayerless, in a no-man’s land
Listening to the singing die.
141 · Jul 2018
Let me go
Sajeev Jul 2018
Spare me
Sharp needles
Splintering my skin
Glistening knives
Trailing rosebuds
In their path
Mute bottles
Snaking potions
Into my weary blood!

Wouldn’t you rather
Remember me

Aeons ago
A rose-petalled bed
Safe in your arms
I will love you
Long after I die!

I believed
It then
Can you please
Believe it now?

— The End —