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Scotty bruner Jul 2023
Are you the one
to be with me
when all's said & done
we are all we need.
If not I'll understand
after all I tried
wanted to hold your hand
time wasn't on our side.
Look at me now
what do you see
someone who is somehow
lonely as can be.
Always be that way
ever since day one
what can you really say
your life is over & done.
Done what you could
making your life great
being better than they should
now it is too late.
Though you can't relive
the life you're living
just try to live
this life you was given.
Just hope two people find
each other before they die
they won't leave behind
their love that didn't die.
Scotty bruner Jun 2023
As I was walking by your side
it seemed like you were upset
in me, you can confide
that you can bet.
I hate seeing you cry
here take my hand
it's just you & I
making life grand.
Now let me wipe the tears
and see a pretty smile
Chase away your fears
make that smile last a long while.
Where we both can be
together & always
then we'll be able to see
better & brighter days.
GOD as our guide
showing us the way
by each other side
he's with us every day.
He's our guiding star
showing our love is new
really it's going so far
even when the skies turn blue.
Lord take care of us all
we love you so much
please never let us fall
heal us with your loving touch.
Scotty bruner Jul 2023
Come see about me
if I don't answer your call
you might expect to see
me waiting in the hall.
If I don't say goodbye
and you knocking on my door
you'll know the reason why
we're together for.
Because you took time out
showing you really cared
that you had no doubt
this love we shared.
Keep this love alive
just me & you
will be able to survive
seeing our love through.
I want you to see
love was for you & I
together we'll always be
with each other until we die.
Scotty bruner Oct 2023
I will love you dear
until the deepest sea runs dry
we'll always be near
even after we die.
Together we are
close to each other
wishing on a star
to love one another.
We're holding hands
looking in the sky
knowing our love demands
as time flies by.
For we sit by the ocean
under the warmth of the sun
feeling the notion
having a lot of fun.
The waves you can hear
ocean on the sand
see the skies are clear
though life is really grand.
Jesus blessed us all
giving us the sun & blue sky
he's there for the call
on him, we can rely.
What we have down here
is different up there
Earth will disappear
Love is everywhere.
Be Angels up high
in heaven up above
all of us can rely
on the ones who missed our love.
Enjoy our time while we can
soon we will be gone
we all have to understand
we'll all be moving on.
Scotty bruner Jun 2023
Didn't know you were leaving
you should've told me before
leaving me here grieving
I would've opened the door.
Gladly let you go
yes you did me wrong
it just goes to show
that I stood firm & strong.
Now time plays a part
as I find someone new
to find a new heart
that won't get broken in two.
Love that will last
and not a one-night stand
forget the past
our hearts in our hands.
We both have the key
opening loves door
so that we can be
sitting by the seashore.
Scotty bruner Jul 2023
You know when you died.
i didn't get to say.
anything to you so i cried.
you're in a better place today.
Up above in heaven so high
where we all hope to go
you mom is. the star in my eye,
because my heart & yours will glow.
Yes, you gave me love.
and you gave me special. Care,
seeing you above
shining away up there.
I've got memories of you.
of our best times yet
daddy I & you
are the best never forget.
Scotty bruner Jun 2023
Don't ever be blue
I'll tell you why
when I'm with you
we'll reach the sky.
Reach for the stars
keep our feet on the ground
and play our guitars
while making our round.
Your eyes are blue also
bluer than any sea
just goes to show
eyes are sparkling at me.
Reflecting off the seashore
they are shining bright
sparkling eyes I adore
twinkling with delight.
It's a beautiful sight
on how blue your eyes are
lighting up the night
you're my shining star.
Scotty bruner Jun 2023
Don't put off tomorrow
of what you can do today
and the time you can borrow
will always go away.
After today is gone
tomorrow will be here
it'll be moving on
it will disappear.
You're mind at rest
nothing to do
make this day your best
mainly just for you.
Enjoy the sun
and this beautiful day
have some fun
don't let it slip away.
this day is here now
there's a reason for this
go outside and enjoy it somehow
this is one day not to miss.
God gave us this morning
to celebrate Dads day this year
the sun came up without a warning
praising Dad with cheer.
Scotty bruner Jul 2023
Every time I see you
you're on my mind a lot
thing I want to do
is to talk to you on the spot.
To let you know how I feel
of what I feel inside
knowing this is real
something I can't hide.
Got to tell you now
before I do forget
you & I somehow
make a great pair yet.
Let's first know each other
take our time to know
the love for one another
can make this love grow.
We will realize then
our love is always here
once we open our eyes
always together we'll be near.
Scotty bruner Jun 2023
Goodbye wasn't good enough
you were the weakest link
when things got tough
you needed a shrink.
Your head wasn't on straight
left our love behind
just couldn't wait
left me in a bind.
Now you're on your own
knew I was there for you
see you're all alone
nobody to talk to.
Always remember this now
that you find someone new
treat him right somehow
it'll be his turn to leave you blue.
Scotty bruner Sep 2023
Jesus has the world in his hands
We're by him always
All together we will stand
by him until our dying days.
We'll never be left in the cold
He doesn't want that at all
Once his story is told
waiting for him to call.
Giving us love
is his main goal
Through his extended love
Never will he leave back a soul.
Take time out today
talk to JESUS
All you have to say
is, please LORD help us
Scotty bruner Mar 15
It’s hard to believe
You still are not here
and you would leave
Me shedding a tear.
I can’t bring back
For what’s already gone
When the skies are black
Shows you’ve moved on.
When the wind blows
I feel you here
As the sun glows
You’ll always be near.
There won’t be a day
Or minute goes by
With me in every way
knowing you’re
Even in the sky
Always remember this
My love for you is real
After that last kiss
Your presence I always feel.
BY Scotty Bruner
Heavenly love
Heaven is the place
where our loved one's are
soon we'll embrace
next to them as a star.
To be with them again
Jesus opened the door
we knew that then
got what we bargained for.
But no matter the problem
he will take care of
there to solve them
because of his love.
Love for us all
is what he gave
to give him the call
so he can save.
Let's give him the praise
as well as the glory
until our dying days
this is my story.
Scotty bruner Jun 2023
Heavenly Father thank you
for you have been there JESUS
especially in what you do
to try & help to please us.
You've opened a  new door
the door upstairs to HEAVEN above
who could ask for more
when you expanded your love.
His love is free
had been from the start
no amount of money
will keep his love apart.
Jesus gave his heart
as well as his soul
for they can be smart
reach for that goal.
Knocking on HEAVEN'S door
hoping to come in
seeing our loved ones & more
reunite with them again.
It'll be really grand
knowing this is our last ride
GOD has our hand
taking us to the other side.
The other side is called home
where we'll always be
a place we can freely roam
number one home eternity.
Scotty bruner Jun 2023
Heavenly Father when we die
bring us home to you
up in heaven way up high
to a home that is new.
JESUS died on the cross
saved our sins
it's a win, not a loss
with him, a new life begins.
GOD has given us more
than satan ever could
you LORD we are asking for
to come into our hearts for good.
Gave us the sunshine
blue skies too
the wind blowing fine
blowing on me & you.
When it's our time to go
and saved by the good lord
then they will know
they welcomed him aboard.
How I love you more
more than you can know
better than before
it just goes to show.
My love for you
will always shine
beaming on through
the end of time.
When I'm with you
the world is bright
it's just us two
both day & night.
Your love I found
shows that you care
whenever you're around
you'll know I'm there.
Ever since the start
I knew you were the one
who would carry my heart
until our time is done.
While we're still here
as you're by my side
we're together my dear
for the long ride.
Riding together for the long haul
Baby, we've come a long way
until our time for the curtain call
holding each other every day.
So look where we stand
because when we die
we'll go hand in hand
even in the sky.
Scotty bruner Jul 2023
If I'd have known
it was going to be like this
i would've been on my own
your love i wouldn't have to miss.
You did me wrong
what did i do
so I stayed strong
washed my hands of you.
Took a chance
on trusting you too
If I'd known in advance
This love would've been through.
Thing I want to know
are you surprised
this  love would go
right before your very eyes.
Scotty bruner Sep 2023
If you  know in your heart
and believe in your soul
Jesus will be apart
helping you stay in control.
Jesus is with you
Every step of the way
in everything you do
morning night & day.
Thru good times & bad
Whatever the problem may be
You don't need to be sad
He's with you & me.
Lord also gave us life
did it with a lot of love
loved us with all his might
because we were well thought of.
What some people don't know
about our Lord up above
died on the cross to show
us all his amazing love.
Yes God is great
He is also good
He didn't hesitate
Jesus came to this earth
to serve a purpose
show what his love was worth
his love shown to us.
Jesus has given us all
we could never repay him back
made sure we don't fall
with him stay on the right track.
One day soon we'll all be gone
Earth will be no more
All of us will be moving on
together at Heaven's door.
So do yourself a favor
before life passes you by
accept Jesus Christ our savior
especially before we all die.
The time is now
Goodbye to the devil
Our love will show
Jesus, we're on the level.
Jesus came so far
giving us life to begin
Seeing the north star
We'll see the star once again.
Jesus help us be prepared
When you make your return
to be strong & not scared
your love we can earn.
Letting us know
We'll be safe & sound
in Heaven, we will go
which is homeward bound.
Scotty bruner Jun 2023
I remember when you died
still doesn't seem real
feelings I couldn't hide
didn't know how I'd feel.
Things didn't feel right
you not by my side
now each day & night
my eyes stay open wide.
Until I can get through this
it might take a while
the times I'll miss
can't even smile.
Don't worry about me
I'll be ok
now you are free
you're in heaven to stay.
A better place you are
and taken good care of
up high as a star
surrounded by love.
I'm looking for you
day & night
when I do
then I'll know which star is bright.
Scotty bruner Jul 2023
I should've been gone
when I first met you
for you to carry on
knowing you weren't true.
If I had known
from the start
you wanted to be alone
your smile should've never played a part.
Also to know that your
love wasn't there
I've opened the door
the door of your nightmare.
Now I know that you're cruel
how cruel can you be
next time I won't be the fool
promise you that you see.
I'll be standing tall
yes you'll be totally lost
then who will you call?
Brought this on yourself
as you now realize
put love on the shelf
both said our goodbyes.
Seen you leave
found someone knew
so if you ever grieve
remember it could've been you.
Once you knew about
who had loved me more
you wanted to work things out
told you before there's the door.
Just stop & think
of what you could've had
you made the love sink
ruined it too badly.
Scotty bruner Jul 2023
It'd been years ago
since I've heard from you
just wanted you to know
our love was  true.
But one day you were gone
noticed you've moved away
just had to go on
wondered why you didn't stay.
And then after all these years
you finally came around
coming back shedding tears
our love was never found.
It left when you did too
threw it on the ground
knowing what it would do.
You were the one
who walked out that door
didn't tell anyone
why we broke up for.
Now that you're back
tell me the reason why
this love didn't stay on track
why did you let it die?
Could've told me goodbye
made a promise to each other
to not let our love die
soon be with one another.
No matter how long it takes
we'll always keep in touch
make no mistakes
we love each other so much.
Scotty bruner Oct 2023
It's been so long
since I've heard from you
I hope nothing is wrong
I don't know what to do.
If I had known
why did you do this
I wouldn't have been alone
to face all of this.
Time is bad enough
to be on your own
make things even rough
not calling on the phone.
Keep in mind
of what we had
now it's hard to find
the good times we had.
what you left behind
making things really bad.
So now we are through
time to say goodbye
because you weren't true
made this love we had to die.

be on your way.
Scotty bruner Jul 2023
It's hard to forget.
the ones you love.
you can always bet.
they're in heaven above.
Yes, we miss them so
but memories will remain.
we hated to see them go
now they won't be in pain.
They're better off up above.
. where everybody else will be
giving back all the love
that we'll share in eternity.
We'll have our own space.
with our loved ones near our side
in a better place
don't need a ticket to ride.
So once we're gone
this place is no more
be able to move on
Jesus opened Heaven's door.
Let me love you more
until the love is gone
better than before
as we keep moving on.
You’re by my side
every step of the way
going for the long ride
as our love will stay.
You’ll always be my friend
as you can see
even until the end
it’ll be you and me.
Forever have each other’s heart
also each other’s love
show’s we will never part
our love came from above.
We’re both on top
keeping each other warm
nothing can stop
us watching the storm.
Scotty bruner Jul 2023
Life can be cruel
if you'd had only known
you're the fool
living on your own.
With everybody gone
it's only you
to carry on
seeing your life through.
knowing what lies ahead
you never knew about before
maybe if fortunes we're read
looking what's on the other side of the door.
The future is bright
that's the right one
but if it's night
look for the sun.
As time is on your side
and life is also too
together both of you will ride
hand in hand you two.
Scotty bruner Jul 2023
looking in the sky
what do I see
the sun shining in my eye
feel the warmth on me.
GOD thank you so much
throughout the years
especially with your touch
chasing away our fears.
There when we need you
waiting for your call
knowing we need you too
help us when we fall.
Because you know why
we don't need Satan
be with you Lord when we die
Satan can keep on Waiting.
,So Satan is out and JESUS is in
of course JESUS we trust
a new life will begin
once we soon adjust.
We'll soon know our Lord
in Heaven our new home
he's welcoming us aboard
our home is to live & roam.
Scotty bruner Jun 2023
looking  in your eyes
what do i see
a pretty blue skies
reflecting on me.
we will go hand in hand
down by the sea
playing in the sand
together you & me.
Enjoy life as we go
while we're here on this earth
just goes to show
what our love is worth.
Owe this all to JESUS
let's thank him a lot
he's done a lot to please us
each other now is what we got.
GOD we give the glory
with us day & night
for this is my story
to make this story right.
JESUS loved us all
died on the cross
we will never fall
accept him and you won't be lost.
Scotty bruner Jul 2023
Looking in your eyes
what do i see
where the beauty lies
staring right in front of me.
Eyes are so glassy blue
color of the skies & seas
winds blowing on me & you
right through the trees.
We're down by the beach
sitting in the sand
both are able to reach
each other's hand.
Just look around
at what we've got
Jesus we have found
let's thank him a lot.
Beings it beautiful weather
Jesus gave us this day
bringing us together
enjoying this weather in any way.
God is our savior
he's always a friend
when we need a favor
a helping hand he'll lend.
Always keep in mind
he's here everywhere
never is he far behind
spreading his love out there.
Scotty bruner Jun 2023
Love for everyone
whoever they may be
just make life fun
for you & me.
To make life great
so our love will stay strong
and make things right
together we belong
in each other's sight.
Now that the love
together we found
came from GOD above
and on solid ground.
Let's keep in mind
our love will grow
the past behind
it goes to show.
Meant for you & I
know what our love is worth
even until the day we die
especially together as we  leave this earth.
Scotty bruner Jun 2023
May the skies be clear & blue
as we see it day & night
for  I am always with you
things will be alright.
As the sun shines bright
overlooking the ocean
the day is just right
while we have the notion.
together we are
sitting by the sea
seeing how far
we've come just you & me.
Living life on our own
nobody else in it
you & I alone
sharing every minute.
Our love was meant to be
we knew what it is worth
it'll be you & me
when we leave this earth.
Just take each other's hand
let's walk side by side
going to the promised land
as GOD as our guide.
May you know dear
my love for you
will never disappear
because our love is true.
It’s like the deep blue sea
that never runs dry
our love you see
could never ever die.
We’ve come a long way
we’re together until the end
also want to say
you’re my best friend.
You’ve been there for me
now it’s my turn too
together we’ll always be
stuck like glue.
Scotty bruner Jul 2023
Memories are the only things.

Memories are the only things.
i have left of you.
you know it always brings.
the fun we had too.
Those days are gone
and so are you now
; yet you moved on
soon be together somehow,
Won't have to say goodbye.
We'll be together forever more.
once together in the sky
both walk together through our door.
Scotty bruner Jun 2023
Moon is our nightlight
when the day turns to dark
it soon becomes night
take a walk in the park.
The stars are sparkling white
skies are dark blue
we're in each other's sight
stuck together like glue.
We'll make this night last
make do what it's worth
never forget the past
and what our love is worth.
Our love we have to give
we share every day
for every day we live
love is here to stay.
Love was meant to be
when we first made eyes
future for us to see
knowing where our love lies.
Scotty bruner May 11
Always love your mother
for there’s only one
Never be another
That’ll love her daughters and sons.
Whether on earth
Or Heaven up above
Think of what they’re worth
Receiving all of their love.
Momma is what you call a teacher
Who wants what’s best for family
She is also a preacher
Knowing her wisdom for everybody.
She has a special heart
That every time you cried
There from the start
Wiped your tears dried.
Mother hugs you tight
Remember this always
Think of her day and night
Even until our dying days.
BY Scotty Bruner
Scotty bruner Jul 2023
My life on earth
from the beginning
I'm saying at the birth
wasn't worth winning..
Couldn't have a great life
life for me was hard
you could cut it with a knife
and couldn't move forward.
Been rough on me
ever since i was a kid
as  everyone can see
all these feelings I've hidden.
As I got older
everything is still the same
my life has gotten colder
yes I feel I'm to blame.
Yet what I say is true
all in the world knows that
is I'm too tenderhearted too
that's where my weakness is at.
I'm too good to everyone
don't even think about me
help them when they're done
done my part as you can see.
Scotty bruner Jun 2023
My life without you
wouldn't seem right
to see us through
each day & night.
We've known each other
since we were ten
together with one another
our love begins.
Even  in school
we loved each other too
knew each other's rule
stayed close me & you.
Then we grew old
stayed together you & I
you forever I'll hold
until the day we die.
Let's take each day
the best way we can
love each other our way
that is the plan,
Scotty bruner Jun 2023
My old Kentucky home
the place that we all love
where everybody's free to roam
only state well thought of.
Great place to be
everyone would agree
home state of Kentucky
yes, home of the free.
The sun shines bright
beaming with a smile
making the daylight
to last a long while.
The skies are really blue
blending in with the sun
with it shining on through
combining both into one.
It's a beautiful sight
seeing the picture together
knowing it feels right
even in pretty weather.
Accept this day as planned
use it & move on
make sure you understand
soon this day will be gone.
When the night begins to fall
stars will be out soon
the prettiest sight of all
seeing the rising of the moon.
God gave us so much
what can we say
with his loving touch
need to thank him every day.
Scotty bruner Jul 2023
On a day like this
the sun in the sky
think of those you miss
they're the apple of your eye.
Looking down on you
every day & night
so don't ever be blue
they're a star shining bright.
Won't be hard to find
they'll be in plain sight
lookup not behind
they are your guiding light.
Guide you in the right way
have their eyes on you now
be with you every day
thank them somehow.
We'll see them again
you know we can't wait
hugs & a big grin
together at Heaven's gate.
Scotty bruner Oct 2023
One day at a time
is what we're given
without costing a dime
we keep on living.
Every day we rise
just like the morning sun
when we open our eyes
our day has just begun.
The sun shines through
windows opened wide
skies are pretty & blue
as we sit outside.
Feel the wind blowing by
on a pretty sunny day
watching the birds in the sky
traveling on their merry way.
Jesus thank you for this day
you have given us all
thank you in every way
for coming when we call.
You've helped us a lot
when we needed you
though we never forgot
the miracles you can do.
Saving us from sin
especially from the devil
so our new life can begin
to be on a new level.
Scotty bruner Jun 2023
Our love will be no more
since you left that day
saw you walking out the door
no remorse in any way.
You had a very cold heart
but I'm over you
that's when I played it smart
found someone new.
Then you found out
I found someone better
you then went & pouted
and sent me a letter.
Finally realized
what you did was wrong
opened up your eyes
now I moved along.

It's the real thing
yes you're the blame
for the happiness you didn't bring
now it's a whole new ballgame.
So I moved on
and gave me my life back
since you've been gone
my life is back on track.
Scotty bruner Jun 2023
Reflection of the sky
shining on the seashore
standing you & I
watching the waves move more.
Walking together by the waterside
sun shining on the water
holding hands side by side
as the sun gets hotter.
The sun rays shining on us
feeling the warm glow
thank the Lord JESUS
made everything a go.
LORD is great
always will be
we never have to wait
he's there for you & me.
Jesus is always around
the love we found in the ocean
our hearts we both found
Jesus gave us the notion.
He opened up a new door
one to our brand-new love
knew what we had in store
our love came from above.
Scotty bruner Jul 2023
Remember what I said
the day before you died
I kissed you on the head
held your hand right by your side.
About the good times we had.
how they were great
let's just be glad
it wasn't to late.
Wanted you to know
my love for you
was made a heart of gold
as your heart was too.
Because we were together then
just like we are today
we'll see each other again
in heaven again one day.
Take this time to say
you're my best friend
tell you everyday
I'll love you until the end,
Scotty bruner Jun 2018
When you open your eyes
as you look outside
you'll see the sunrise
open the windows wide.
Be able to feel the air
that is blowing through
feeling it from everywhere
blowing in just for you.
The sun will brighten your day
rising up in the sky
look at it shining away
up in the sky so high.
Shining all over the town
making everything grow
soon it'll be sundown
hate to see it really go.
It'll be time for the moon
to also play a part
knowing  the sun will be up soon
make the morning a brand new start.
By Scotty Bruner
Scotty bruner Jun 2023
Saw you coming down from the mountain
glad to see you of course
I was at the water fountain
you were on wildfire the horse.
We got on his back
together off in the sunset
never lost track
having the best time yet.
JESUS gave us each other
to have & to hold
loving one another
when it's hot & cold.
As we go to the seashore
look at the blue water
got what we bargained for
the blue skies made the day hotter.
Sitting with me
watching the tide roll in
both of us can see
the new day begins.
I'll put flowers in your hair
see a tear rolling down your face
shows that I care
nobody can take your place.
Yet you got too emotional again
I had to wipe the tears away
next time you'll know then
I'm there with you every day.
Our love is real
we both know that by now
sunshine we both feel
this love is always hot.
We know that JESUS
created the heavens & earth
trying to please us
for what we're really worth.
Jesus is here for all of us
reunite with him
then we can focus
family & friends being with them.
That's when we all die
going to Heaven above
up high in the sky
Jesus waiting for us with his love.

Scotty bruner Jun 2023
Skies reflecting on the seashore
shining bright & blue
who could want more
when i have you.
Taking life in stride
while we got today
together for the ride
love you in every way.
with our love so deep
like the deep blue ocean
this is where we keep
our love in motion.
Make today for you & me
hope it never last
so that we can see
how time had past.
The sun shining bright
down on us both
making this commitment right
as we make an oath.
Our time is here
to make a vow
while we're still near
with each other now.
Both hearts together
beating as one
whatever the weather
it's hot like the sun.
Scotty bruner Aug 2023
The skies & the sea
are a pretty color shade of blue
beautiful as can be
God made for you & me.
Winds blowing in our hair
As we walk hand in hand
our love we will share
going to our promised land.
Jesus gave us the sunshine
also gave us the rain
He wants everything to be fine
so he takes away the pain.
The pain we may endure
throughout our lifetime
God has the cure
It won't cost a dime.
If we're in the dark
He'll show us light
making his mark
doing what is right.
Scotty bruner Jun 2023
Starting off the day
opening our eyes
the sun is on its way
up in the sky.
To start the morning off right
as you look outside
The skies are really bright
windows opened wide.
Enjoy the fresh air
as it blows right in
blowing everywhere
leave the windows open.
And when the moon comes about
sit under the stars
take time out
looking for Mars.
Thank GOD for this
for everything he's done
without this, we would miss
having all this fun.
Summer sunshine shines through my window
shining just like a bright light
through the window it would glow
it's shining with delight.
It's shining there on me
shining there on me
All the  ime sitting by the sea
we were walking in the sand
being happy as we can be
holding each other's hand
Yes sitting by the  sea
we were holding hand
Baby just you and me
walking to our promised land.
Scotty bruner Apr 2022
With sunshine & blue skies
and warm weather too
time to realize
God gave us to enjoy the view.
.Who could ask for better weather
then what we have now
time to be together
thank the Lord somehow.
Who could ever do
what the good Lord has done
to die for me & you
for us all to be together as one.
Let's get saved by his grace
for he died on the cross
because soon we will face
the Lord because he's boss.
come up with a plan
on how to decide your love
make it while you can
so we all can be together above.
Always keep in mind
no matter where you are
Jesus isn't hard to find
pray to him he's not far.
So if ever you're in trouble
just don't hesitate
be there on the double
you won't have to wait.
He's always been a friend
even from the start
there until the end
even in our hearts.
Scotty bruner Jun 2023
When the skies are blue
the sun will shine
my love is with you
until the end of time.
But until then
time is on our side
we then know when
how to bide our time.
During our time we have plenty of
life for us to live
shows how much we  really love
each other enough to give.
Our love is grand so make it last
because we love each other so much
take this love too slow & not fast
so we can enjoy each other's touch.
Just you & me
who love each other a lot
as we can see
this love is really hot.
Love at first sight
both knew from there
timing was right
our love was in the air.
Remember the old saying
Roses are red
violets are blue
I always said
I'll always love you.
When we both die
be together you see
we'll be up high
in heaven called eternity.
Let's thank the one
who got us together
appreciate what he's done
no matter the weather.
Take it day by day
and see where it goes
know that in every way
love for us continues to grow.
two lovers in love
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