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Heaven is the place
where our loved one's are
soon we'll embrace
next to them as a star.
To be with them again
Jesus opened the door
we knew that then
got what we bargained for.
But no matter the problem
he will take care of
there to solve them
because of his love.
Love for us all
is what he gave
to give him the call
so he can save.
Let's give him the praise
as well as the glory
until our dying days
this is my story.
May you know dear
my love for you
will never disappear
because our love is true.
It’s like the deep blue sea
that never runs dry
our love you see
could never ever die.
We’ve come a long way
we’re together until the end
also want to say
you’re my best friend.
You’ve been there for me
now it’s my turn too
together we’ll always be
stuck like glue.
When our eyes met
I knew that then
that we wouldn’t regret
happiness for us did begin.
We both knew well
where we would be
time did tell
we’re together as you see.
Though I’ll never find
another  love like you
you stayed on my mind
day & night too.
Yes I was alone
with a broken heart
you called me on the phone
almost fell apart.
What you said to me
on the phone that night
we wouldn’t be lonely
we’ll make things right.
Going hand in hand
even in heaven above
to our promised land
in the sky up above.
You came in time
when I needed you
was in my prime
didn’t know what to do.
Gave me a reason
To fall in love again
for every season
our love will begin.
It didn’t take long
for us to know
together we belong
Our feelings did show.
The love that we feel
will never ever die
this love is so real
flames will burn high.
It’ll be so hot
just like a candle
each other we’ve got
easily to handle.
With love for you
as well as my heart
yes this love is true
we’ll never ever part.
BY Scotty Bruner
Thought about what you did
made our love a lie
acted like a little kid
then you started to cry.
Things didn't go
the way you planned
letting you know
where I stand.
You should've thought
but you never do
finally got caught
I'm through with you.
As you made your bed
lie in it now
this love is dead
you'll get over it somehow.
How I love you more
more than you can know
better than before
it just goes to show.
My love for you
will always shine
beaming on through
the end of time.
When I'm with you
the world is bright
it's just us two
both day & night.
Your love I found
shows that you care
whenever you're around
you'll know I'm there.
Ever since the start
I knew you were the one
who would carry my heart
until our time is done.
While we're still here
as you're by my side
we're together my dear
for the long ride.
Riding together for the long haul
Baby, we've come a long way
until our time for the curtain call
holding each other every day.
So look where we stand
because when we die
we'll go hand in hand
even in the sky.
Scotty bruner Oct 2023
It's been so long
since I've heard from you
I hope nothing is wrong
I don't know what to do.
If I had known
why did you do this
I wouldn't have been alone
to face all of this.
Time is bad enough
to be on your own
make things even rough
not calling on the phone.
Keep in mind
of what we had
now it's hard to find
the good times we had.
what you left behind
making things really bad.
So now we are through
time to say goodbye
because you weren't true
made this love we had to die.

be on your way.
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