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Scotty bruner Jun 2023
As I was walking by your side
it seemed like you were upset
in me, you can confide
that you can bet.
I hate seeing you cry
here take my hand
it's just you & I
making life grand.
Now let me wipe the tears
and see a pretty smile
Chase away your fears
make that smile last a long while.
Where we both can be
together & always
then we'll be able to see
better & brighter days.
GOD as our guide
showing us the way
by each other side
he's with us every day.
He's our guiding star
showing our love is new
really it's going so far
even when the skies turn blue.
Lord take care of us all
we love you so much
please never let us fall
heal us with your loving touch.
Scotty bruner Jun 2023
When you think about
how love could be
you soon find out
is love really for me.
Being all alone
with nobody to love
you're on your own
nobody to be with or think of.
Love is that one thing
two people share together
the love the both they bring
in all sorts of weather.
Knowing there's not a one
who's crazy enough to be with you
expecting life to be fun
it may be crazy but true.
Whoever you may find
if you find anyone at all
they'll leave you behind
won't even answer your call.
Sit and think it out
look how long it's been
broken heart no doubt
over & over again.
I can't find the one
she'll never be around
looking is over & done
I'll  stay on solid ground.
Scotty bruner Jun 2023
When morning comes about
and we open our eyes
the sun coming out
shining in the skies.
Dawn of a new day
wind blowing through
in a special way
for me & you.
Then there's the afternoon
spending time together
together we'll be soon
our love in any weather.
We can weather the storm
holding each other tight
keep each other warm
even on a stormy night.
With the storm crashing
up in the sky
and the lightning flashing.
it will soon die.
Night will soon clear
stars will be bright
both together here
seeing a lovely sight.
Scotty bruner Jun 2023
The eyes have it
looking straight into mine
yes you know I'll admit
they look finer than fine.
So blue they do shine
brighter than the skies & seas
knowing your eyes are mine
as you love to tease.
Eyes are starry blue
can't take my eyes off of you
wouldn't know what to do
now that our love is true.
Keep those eyes blinking
never let them stop
at you I'll keep on winking.
Soon our love will reach the top
they'll take us so high
we won't be able to stop
until we reach the sky.
Scotty bruner Jun 2023
When the apples fall
from the tree
try catching them all
to save for you & me.
So we can  have apple pie
as our love together
will never die
no matter the weather.
One thing to remember though
they fall on each side of the fence
then we'll both will know
what may be the difference.
May it be a pretty day
picking an apple or two
holding hands on the way
seeing our love is true.
Without your love
and my love for you
we're all we're thinking of
hand in hand until life is through.
The apple played a part
when it fell to the ground
giving each other's heart
because this love we found.
Take time to realize
each other we hold
looking into each other's eyes
shining just like gold.
Scotty bruner Jun 2023
Where there's a storm
lightning isn't far behind
together they will form
picture sound you'll find.
Though when lightning strikes
and thunder roars
not many likes
the way the rain pours.
Rain is good for the flowers
for everything to grow
may we hear the showers
also, let's hear the winds blow.
Many will be scared
even little kids
have them prepared
keeping their heads hidden.
After the storm passes through
everything will be ok
then you'll be able to
make it through another day.
Scotty bruner Jun 2023
Our love will be no more
since you left that day
saw you walking out the door
no remorse in any way.
You had a very cold heart
but I'm over you
that's when I played it smart
found someone new.
Then you found out
I found someone better
you then went & pouted
and sent me a letter.
Finally realized
what you did was wrong
opened up your eyes
now I moved along.

It's the real thing
yes you're the blame
for the happiness you didn't bring
now it's a whole new ballgame.
So I moved on
and gave me my life back
since you've been gone
my life is back on track.
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