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352 · Jul 2018
Morals In The War
G Jul 2018
Grey lead bullets and pure white snow,
One side a swan on the other a crow,
They say one is evil the other is not,
But when committing a sin they both shall rot.

When bullets fall to the ground
Snow’s smattered with blood
The small bits of good,
Throwing away the morality then
You pack up,
You go back,
And start war again
253 · Jul 2018
G Jul 2018
Wake up
Sit down
What face do you want me to put on for you today?

They wanted her to be normal.
They wanted to shape her future.
Thought that they could make her.
Their precious little princess
Well your wrong.

They wanted her to be like everyone else.
They thought they could see the way she feels inside.
But they're blind cause she's blind.

Not Blind in meaning
But blind in heart.
Blinded by darkness

She screams as her sanity tears,
Away from the only one who could  care.
She smashes the mirror,
She smashes the frame
But can't break through the barrier of mind-infused pain.
“Things have no meaning.
At least not anymore,
I’m not who I was, who I was once before.

I’m not who you want to see,
Why won’t you let me be me,
Is it worth all the pain all the needless pleas?”
“I WON’T change who I am as hard as anyone trys I
Will NEVER give even if I will die
If I can never be me
If I can't make you see
Then this is me giving up.
This is my last goodbye.
134 · Jul 2018
G Jul 2018
I've been lying here for 3 hours now
Staring at the wall
Music plays, but I don't listen
My eyes are glazed
My mind adrift

And I am in limbo.

Somewhere between fantasy and reality
Somewhere between elation and despair

Here I lie,
Suspended in time and space
Not quite sure how to exist
And ready to go home.
132 · Jun 2018
A Shiver Of Snow And Sky
G Jun 2018
A shiver of snow and sky


Falling down in it’s its icy waves.

My bare feet crunching over the blanket of white.

In bed I walk through the fields of my room.

grass poking out between the floorboards of my dream.

Brushing my still feet as I continue on my journey.

Delving through the layers of my brain.

Passing through the gateways of my mind.

I pull the covers tighter around my softly freezing skin,

Lying down on my bed of snow I look at the frozen stars.

And everything gets colder.

There are two strips of ice running down my cheeks.

Glistening in the pale light of the winter moon.

I blink them away and try to shut my eyes.

Try to blacken the light.

I want to fall asleep but I can’t.

Not yet.

Not now.

So I wake up instead.
I love writing poetry so much and I just wanted to share this with you guys. I hope you enjoy reading this as much as I loved writing it. Thank you. G
122 · Jul 2018
Heavy Breathing
G Jul 2018
When you
My soul
Your gaze
On my skin like
And as the hours
The silence
Is deafening
Filled with trapped thoughts we only
And don’t
All we do
Is behave
We follow
Rules that
You make for
I ask when
You ask why
I ask how
You say hi
I won’t stay
If you cry
Because you want me to lie
Come with me
To one side
And I’ll
Explain to the sky all
Tears all
Your pain
Then I’ll write this out again
120 · Jul 2018
My Angels
G Jul 2018
My angels fell from the sky one day.
They told me who I was,
They taught me to think of the world as more than just a space a puzzle to solve because
We need reality to set in some day, to tell us what to think, do, act.
Because if you don’t then your whole life around you will slowly but surely certainly collapse.
My angels told me what part I played and it chills me to the heart because your world can collapse in a single day, become a piece of modern art,
Now your life might be a symphony to listen to a door that just stays shut  
A stolen purse a witch's curse can be real in your mind but that doesn’t mean that they exist, Just like you and me.
My angels tell me to ignore this but my demons make me see
109 · Jul 2018
G Jul 2018
Lost inside my own skull.
Floating around in a world where up is right,
And happiness is a packet of camels and some pills.
Where my days are spent doing nothing,
Watching T.V.
A disc that plays over and over again.
With subtle changes,
But yet is stops at that same moment every time.
And every time it stops,
You question why your listening to it in the first place.
What's the point in listening to the same thing again and again and again and again.
Wouldn't it be easier to just… pull the plug.
End the C.D.
Press Pause.
Let the player drop to the floor.
And let yourself do the same.

— The End —