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105 · May 2018
Darren May 2018
Ok so heres the thing
your ******
their ******
your all ******
give up now
cause no one cares
we are all here passing time
before we die
give up
theres no chance
they want to see you fail
so your failing
time to quit doing what they want you to do
and do what you want to do
cause you are you
and they are them
now do what you want
for this may be your last day
you’ll call for help
but no one is listening
light this fire of rage with a match of hope
their time has come
99 · May 2018
Stoned Writing
Darren May 2018
The locals scream!!
I see signs that you dont
Your normal im not
Dont ask I dont know
Why not?
Thats what I told you
Just incase dump the trash they wont see you
I did?
Not why
Know why
Show why
****** as can be just being me
Not making sense is better then being you
Dont ask why cause I wont tell you
Leave me alone the beatles are playing
Darren May 2018
Believe in a world without war?
Does this exist?
My heart goes out to those who have loss
in the past present and soon to be future
Will it ever end?
All we ask is for peace
But all we receive is shattered dreams, broken hearts and the lost of are freedom
Emotions are changed with every flick of the channel
Loved ones honored with the lights of a candle
Believe in a world without war
Because to me life is worth so much more
Believe in a world without war?
92 · May 2018
Darren May 2018
Look into the eyes of freedom
Feel the love of another
Give to me as I would give to you
We shall see peace
We shall love one another
We shall learn to share
Care for those less fortunate
Dont be afraid to speak
Dont be expected to be heard
Never be afraid of failure
As pain is temporary
But love is forever
Look into the eyes of freedom
With the vision of peace
91 · May 2018
I am falling apart
Darren May 2018
Time is running out for the day of my demise
Forbiden dreams in my thoughts tonight
Come be with me I cant be alone
My heart is pierced with a knife of loneliness
Tears drop like my jaw when I saw you
Why couldnt we just be?
Me and you, you and me
Im falling apart
I feel weak
My vision is blurry
Your blood escapes my veins
No more pain!!
No more pain!!
No more pain!!
84 · May 2018
I can't sleep at night
Darren May 2018
Into my mind we journey
as the lights grow darker
my heart grows colder
my thoughts are insecure
my life is but a blur
cant sleep at night
with no one there to guide me
I wander endlessly
to the sands of time
I change face as you change shape
I am lonely as you walk away
I chase you as your heart stands still
Still I dream I am wide awake

— The End —