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May 2018 · 165
angels all around
LoSt giRl May 2018
Butterflies soar
But none will ever fly as high as her
To Aunty Kat
May 2018 · 160
ChAncE oF A liFetiMe
LoSt giRl May 2018
I lie awake absolutely frozen
I feel so trapped
Living by one day to the next
Waiting for it to get better

Until I read a line
I see a moment
I hear a song
And right where I stand

Time seems to freeze
A candle burns bright by my bedside
As I think about all that is ahead of me

A person introduced
A laugh escaped
A love journeyed
A friend gained
A loss remembered
A dream made
Then broken
A life that will one day be over
But is now just beginning

I'm so lucky
For all the things that had to happen
It's me that is standing here
It's this life that I'm witnessed to
And I need to take it on with all I have

Cause one day
I'll look back and laugh
And thank the universe for giving me
A ChAncE
May 2018 · 221
hEad iN ThE cLouDs
LoSt giRl May 2018
To say 'in order'
A life in order
Calm, structured and directed
People have a goal
Some want that life
The picture-perfect life
a life iN oRdEr

A life 'off the rails'?
Choas. Incontinunity. Not knowing what's happening tomorrow
I have that goal
I have that dream
Beach. Mountains. Sea. City...
That's where I want to be
Never knowing what's happening tomorrow

thAt'S tHe liFe fOR mE
May 2018 · 188
LoSt giRl May 2018
Is effortless
A foreseen past
An unforeseen present and future

Is unaware
A beautiful memory
An enchanting destiny

Is the one I want
I didn't see her arrive
I hope she never leaves
I've locked myself away
She found the key
May 2018 · 161
No Control
LoSt giRl May 2018
You want to get.
I want to be.
I'm sorry, my darling.
For it will never happen.

Far away
My heart takes me.
Far away
I think it's safe.
I should be able to control it.
But my hEaRT has a MiNd oF itS oWN.
May 2018 · 160
I Wish I Could
LoSt giRl May 2018
i oPen My MoUTh
You hear nothing
My heart is empty
I don’t know why
You’re expecting an answer
I can’t answer
If I do
You get hurt
If I don’t
You get hurt

i WonDeR
Could I have prevented this?
Could I have saved you?
But I needed to see
For myself
What being with you would feel like
I liked it at first
But then I couldn’t feel anything
If I did
I’d get hurt
If I don’t
You get hurt

i'M SorRy
But I don’t
There’s your answer

— The End —