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Apr 2018 · 87
ECH Apr 2018
What do you do when
you have so much to say
but don't have the words
to express yourself
thoughts begging to be released
but their efforts continue
to be useless
trapped in the prison
that is my mind
itching to be released
but to no avail

What if you go to find your voice
only to realize
you don't have one
or at least one
that you can find
one that is working

What do you do when you
get lost in those thoughts
fighting to be free
from your own mind
unable to escape
because you have no voice
to release them
so many thoughts and ideas
but nowhere to go
sometimes it feels
like my mind is full of
endless thoughts
and I am afriad of
losing myself within them

What would I do if
I found my voice
would I even recognize it
or would I just stroll
past it like
it is a stranger
not even realizing that
it is what I have
been looking for all along

What do you do
when everyone around
you talks loudly
while you sit beside them
quiet and forgotten
still trying
to find your voice

What do you do when
you have gone with
out saying anything
for so long that
your friends forget
that you even have one
forget that you have
an opinion too

How do you express all
these feelings without a voice
these feelings stiring
around in your head
just waiting to be set free

How will you control
yourself when you actually
find your voice
so much time spent without one
so much time and thoughs
that want their turn
in the spotlight

If I found my voice
would I even
remember how to use it
remember how it works
or would I just
continue on in
life silently
still not saying
anything at all

If I found my voice
would I even want
to use it
or would so much
time have gone by
that I have no
need or want
for it anymore

What if by the
time I found my
voice I had
nothing left to say
all those words
that fought to be free
forgotten and lost
in my mess of a mind

What if I
just stopped
trying to find my
voice and let it
come to me
maybe by the time
it finds me
I will know what it is
that I want to say
Apr 2018 · 78
Three Words
ECH Apr 2018
Three words
That is all it would take
Just a second
But even that is too much
for me right now
Maybe not just now
Maybe it is just too much ever

Three words
Just three simple words
Yet they hold so much sway
So much sway that I am unable
To write them down
Even knowing that
With a few clicks they will go away

Three words
Words that are said everyday
Said by people who
Are not afraid
Said by people who are simply themselves
Simply who they want to be
Hopefully one day I will be like them

Three words
Words that I hide from
Or at least try too
By burying myself in
Others made up worlds
Worlds that sometimes I wish
To be lost in forever

Three words
Maybe they will release me
Maybe they will free me
Free me from what though
Free me from having to hide
Free me from keeping a secret from those I love most
But I won't know until I let them go

Three words
Maybe they will help me feel
Feel what I have been holding back
Because I am only human
A human with feelings
Feelings that some people often forget
Feelings that sometimes even I forget

Three words
Yet they chain me
Chain me from truly being me
Making me hold back part of me
But maybe that is a good thing
Maybe I am not ready
Not ready to truly be me

Three words
Maybe by saying them
My life will feel more complete
Maybe I can be truly happy
But maybe they will make me feel
Utterly lost and without a purpose
The only way to find out is to give in

Three words
Words that will forever define me
But maybe I don't want to be defined
Don't want to be chained by
Perceptions and expectations that aren't even mine
Maybe I just want to be me
Maybe I just want to let these words go free

Three words
Maybe that is all they are
Just words
But words are powerful
Words can still sting like that of a whip
Can still burn like that of a fire
We give too much power over words

Three words
Maybe by saying them
I will strip them of their
Powerful hold over me
Or maybe I will just add to it
Add to the gigantic reservoir
Of power that those simple words already have

Three words
Words that maybe one day I will say
But not today
Today I am still chained by my own fear
Fear of what will happen
Fear of just being who I am

Three words
Words that sometimes
Take too much effort to keep contained
Held by the last thread of knowledge
Knowledge of what might or might not happen
That thread keeps it all in
I don't know how much longer it can hold

Three words
One day I will no longer be afraid
Afraid of myself
Afraid of three simple words
I look forward to that day
The day when I finally say those
Three words

— The End —