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685 · Jul 2018
Ronni MH Jul 2018
I stopped when I saw colour
splashing on his face,
and I turned my gaze
up at the night sky
to the aurora borealis
shimmering above us.
Vibrant blue shifting
to brilliant violet light
illuminated the
ether in winding arcs.
Stars glimmered
like diamonds in the
indigo sky as pulsating
hues washed across the
night sky in luscious waves.
“It’s amazing”, I whispered.
I stared up in awe at the
dazzling colours dancing
across the clear night sky.
Ronni MH May 2018
Mars continues its retrograde
motion towards Saturn,
as Jupiter moves slowly towards
the southern predawn sky.
A thin waxing crescent Moon
joins Mercury and Venus
in the western sky at dusk.
The bright stars Deneb and Altair
lie east as Mars and Saturn
rise early in the morning sky.
The Sun marches across the sky,
its centre crosses Earth’s Equator.
The Equinox heralds a changing
of the seasons-Spring
in the Northern Hemisphere,
Autumn in the South.
A magnificent celestial alignment it is.
At the house of Mercy, the cool
evening breeze blows silently,
leaving a slight chill in the air
as the Heavens open up to serenade
the arrival of the Piscean twins.
How majestic is March 20th, 2018!
273 · May 2018
Best Friend
Ronni MH May 2018
To define you, I say,
my Best Friend, source of joy,
rejuvenation, hope.
How lucky am I?

When tears flow deep,
heart’s torn away, we
contemplate, confide, and
seek peace and harmony.

When we need to be heard,
it’s a phone call away,
a favourite place to meet,
and a cuppa tea for the soul.

When we celebrate life
achievements, successes,
we laugh, cheer, cry a river
of love and excitement.

When the day ends,
life is enrinched in a
myriad of ways because
of you - my Best Friend.
Dedicated to my best friend Apple:)
253 · May 2018
Every Morning
Ronni MH May 2018
As dawn began to approach,
I felt wide awake, a little blurred.
The kerosene lamps had gone out,
leaving the large entrance glowing dimly
I let out a heavy sigh.
Another day, another penny
244 · May 2018
Tiger Cub (Haiku)
Ronni MH May 2018
In the childlike mind
A tiger cub is a friend
Nature’s family
242 · May 2018
My Mother
Ronni MH May 2018
Pure as the flow of
a crystal spring
is my Mother’s love.
The Goddess of
wisdom and pure love.
A heart of gold
that holds more love
than the universe.
A wise mind,
like an ocean,
vast, wide and deep.
One Mother, One Life.
She gave me roots to grow,
and wings to fly.
True as her faith in God,
so deep are the depths of her love.
I bless the Lord for giving me
the best Mother there could be.
Everything I am today
relates to her and
her loving nature.
I gaze in wonder
as I watch her being her-
my miracle, my Mother.
Dedicated to my mama on Mother’s Day.
Happy Mother’s Day Mama❤️
234 · May 2018
Winter is Coming (Haiku)
Ronni MH May 2018
Crows cawed in the dark
Wooly socks and pajamas
Winter is coming
228 · Jun 2018
Stars of Joy (Haiku)
Ronni MH Jun 2018
The stars a  scatter
of diamonds overhead
joyful nudged her eyes
204 · Apr 2018
There You Are (Twins)
Ronni MH Apr 2018
There you are!
Two peas in a pod
Double the delight
Two heart beats
Double the love
Four hand prints
Double the cuddles
Four foot prints
Double the chase
There you are!
Two lil champs
A Warrior and
A Conqueror
203 · Apr 2018
That Loving Feeling
Ronni MH Apr 2018
She was swept along
the tide of his romanticism;
was she doubting her feelings for him?
Were they genuine love,
or merely infatuation, gratitude,
an acute sense of flattery,
faded in the brilliance of his
courtship: flowers, presents and songs
sung in his beautiful voice to her.
It was all too much for her;
irresistible, irreversible, she stumbled,
rushed, fell over into love.
203 · Apr 2018
Out of Danger
Ronni MH Apr 2018
I see the mist lifting from the fields.
I hear the four winds,
Seek the four elements.
I follow the phases of the planets.
Conquerer and Warrior of the Goddess,
I feel God’s healing power.
Bring on the sound of victory
And a river of tears of joy.
199 · May 2018
Jungle Bunny (Haiku)
Ronni MH May 2018
I, *******
Nanganangas we cackle
Hanging out with friends
192 · Apr 2018
Twin Boys (Haiku Poem)
Ronni MH Apr 2018
Rush they come on time
Lil Warrior and Conquerer
Twin boys Tom and Will
179 · May 2018
Never Alone
Ronni MH May 2018
Feeling the blues is real
Life can be cruel
You are never alone
I’m near than you think
Just close your eyes
You will see me
Giving you the thumbs up
You know what I mean
Now you remember
You are never alone
178 · May 2018
Lovers Delight
Ronni MH May 2018
As autumn sweeps uninvited
into barren hills,
lovers stare into openness
listening to the music,
the laughter, the shouting,
the occasional child crying
and at the little barbecue fires
all over the campsites,
shining in the darkness,
like fairy lights strung across the hill,
and above them a full moon,
rising most obligingly in the sky,
trailing stars in its wake.
173 · Apr 2018
Winter Sorrow
Ronni MH Apr 2018
Silent winter breeze
Awakens me
Whispering sorrow tunes
Why am I here?
So alone and cold
Where is the sun?
Winter sorrow
Darkens my days
Pondering my destiny
171 · May 2018
Reality in Motion
Ronni MH May 2018
Could emotional concern,
****** fulfilment, even
the most avid love,
possibly thwart all
those troubles, render them
at worse insignificant,
and at the best fictitious?
Or would there be, after
a while, the first schism
having passed, resentment,
unhappiness, discontent, disillusion?
Lying there, staring
into the darkness, she found
no comfort in the answers
that came to her.
168 · Apr 2018
Follow Me
Ronni MH Apr 2018
Follow me to my mystical world
Where dreamers dream
Follow me to my mythical mind
Where imagination runs wild
Follow me to my destiny
Where my truest lies
Follow me to my heart
Where you belong
168 · Apr 2018
Ronni MH Apr 2018
Rescue me Fire
The fire that first gave me life.
Hear me Air
The breath of life that set me free.
Comfort me Water
Purge me and bring me clarity.
Support me Earth
The mother that has always nurtured me.
167 · May 2018
Future Earth
Ronni MH May 2018
Time and matter
slowed and restored.
I fixed my gaze on it’s beauty
Earth as we know it
the lush wilderness I beheld
so massive, it seemed prehistoric.
Could this be the future Earth?
So bright indeed
I overjoyed,
humanity overcame
its own selfish needs to
achieve such perfect beauty
and harmony with nature.
167 · Apr 2018
Just In Time
Ronni MH Apr 2018
Just in time for joy
Just in time to celebrate
Just in time for a new life
Just in time to welcome
Just in time for a lifetime of love
Just in time for tears and sadness
Just in time for the journey
Just in time for the memories
Just in time for being you
Dedicated to my angel Justin Manoa Hofbauer
166 · Apr 2018
Air of Silence
Ronni MH Apr 2018
Tiny whirlwinds rose
Out of the forest floor
Stirring up the autumn leaves
That lay about the ground
The breeze raised steadily
To a gale that howled
Up and down through
The trees, routing the wildlife
Who fled the area.
An eerie silence lingered
The place in the wake
Of the disturbance
And the air, now putrefy
Felt deathly frigid
158 · Apr 2018
Icy Cold (Haiku)
Ronni MH Apr 2018
The chilly aura
On him suddenly became
Nippy and he twitched
153 · Apr 2018
I Am Who I Am
Ronni MH Apr 2018
I am the professor
Of my whole universe.
I shall be till judgement
On the face of the earth.

I continue to revolve
Between the elements.
No phenomenon in the world
I cannot confess.
149 · Apr 2018
Ray of Hope
Ronni MH Apr 2018
A ray of sunlight
Peeking through the leaves.
It sparkles in the smokeless air.
A radiant day; blue sky, bright sunshine
A stiff breeze gently rocked the trees
The lake was glistening;
And the wind was chilly against my wet skin.
149 · May 2018
Discovering Euphoria
Ronni MH May 2018
I discover myself
in my universe
with a metaphorical
point of view.
A huge bright sun
bathed me in its rays,
so potent with my
colour frequency,
that I could barely move
from sheer euphoria.
148 · May 2018
Ronni MH May 2018
Silently, I call out his name,
in frustration of the emptiness,
dark hole in this heart of mine.
Where are you, I gasped
I feel like, million pieces
of supernovas shooting
Across the galaxy with no
point of reference.
I am nothing more
than a gigantic phantom,
swaying, drifting in the
dense atmosphere of the
seething primordial seas.
Wake up, I cried as tears
rolling down my cheeks.
Shaking off the paralytic fears
that hold the promise
of what I will become.
A human being.

— The End —