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Ronni MH May 2018
I, *******
Nanganangas we cackle
Hanging out with friends
Ronni MH May 2018
Feeling the blues is real
Life can be cruel
You are never alone
I’m near than you think
Just close your eyes
You will see me
Giving you the thumbs up
You know what I mean
Now you remember
You are never alone
Ronni MH May 2018
To define you, I say,
my Best Friend, source of joy,
rejuvenation, hope.
How lucky am I?

When tears flow deep,
heart’s torn away, we
contemplate, confide, and
seek peace and harmony.

When we need to be heard,
it’s a phone call away,
a favourite place to meet,
and a cuppa tea for the soul.

When we celebrate life
achievements, successes,
we laugh, cheer, cry a river
of love and excitement.

When the day ends,
life is enrinched in a
myriad of ways because
of you - my Best Friend.
Dedicated to my best friend Apple:)
Ronni MH May 2018
Pure as the flow of
a crystal spring
is my Mother’s love.
The Goddess of
wisdom and pure love.
A heart of gold
that holds more love
than the universe.
A wise mind,
like an ocean,
vast, wide and deep.
One Mother, One Life.
She gave me roots to grow,
and wings to fly.
True as her faith in God,
so deep are the depths of her love.
I bless the Lord for giving me
the best Mother there could be.
Everything I am today
relates to her and
her loving nature.
I gaze in wonder
as I watch her being her-
my miracle, my Mother.
Dedicated to my mama on Mother’s Day.
Happy Mother’s Day Mama❤️
Ronni MH May 2018
Time and matter
slowed and restored.
I fixed my gaze on it’s beauty
Earth as we know it
the lush wilderness I beheld
so massive, it seemed prehistoric.
Could this be the future Earth?
So bright indeed
I overjoyed,
humanity overcame
its own selfish needs to
achieve such perfect beauty
and harmony with nature.
Ronni MH May 2018
I discover myself
in my universe
with a metaphorical
point of view.
A huge bright sun
bathed me in its rays,
so potent with my
colour frequency,
that I could barely move
from sheer euphoria.
Ronni MH May 2018
As autumn sweeps uninvited
into barren hills,
lovers stare into openness
listening to the music,
the laughter, the shouting,
the occasional child crying
and at the little barbecue fires
all over the campsites,
shining in the darkness,
like fairy lights strung across the hill,
and above them a full moon,
rising most obligingly in the sky,
trailing stars in its wake.
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