Right now I am parting the fan-like branches of several large plants at one side of the lobby
I woke up totally refreshed and I'm pretending to be the kid-in-a-coconut-shell-tiger-costume
Running, clanking, sneaking
Across the room I see a guy down from down the hall
He looks like Clark Kent, only with sunken cheeks from the lack of many teeth
He is looking up from his morning paper and coffee
He is wearing an ice-frosted glass derby
He says it alleviates his toothache pain
As I move toward the back of the Hotel I pass through a small hallway to the right of the office window
As I open a back door the sun, vibrant plant life and ocean mist roll into me like a warm grizzly cub
There is not much of a crowd here today
I am enjoying the silence
Looking out across the well manicured lawn
Then orange sun into the orange behind my eyelids' morning, on and on...
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