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My earthly desires dwindling day by day
I only fancy food, rest, light exercise
And some simple amusement such as
Writing poetry and listening to  music
That are necessary for staying aware.

How time flies I have yet to comprehend
Unimaginable how years
Are packed into days
And diligence of days
Forgotten in a flash.

Luckily I still have all my senses intact
And can't complain about health issues
Nevertheless, I won't attempt to take
Flight of stairs for more than two floors
If I don't have to for I get winded
Due to a lifetime of smoking
As for walking, I can do a mile each day
Which enhances my thought process
And I am grateful for that
I do not wish to reach a stage
When others need to take care of me
If there are any "others" of course
And willing to do so.

I have lived my life one day at a time
More precisely, moment to moment
My philosophy of life dwells in the Now
Never has gone beyond it and never will
Such is the order of spiritual reasoning
Keeping one eye on life, one eye on death.

I have a penetrative mind  
Soaring beyond the clouds
Telepathizing with birds
Acknowledging their flair
They keep me company
These paradigms of elegance
I have learned a lot from them
Through unspoken words
I am just a secretary taking down
Their inspiring instructions
Which may lead to a type of poetry
Hopefully enjoyed by others
I hope I can do this for as long
And as far as possible
Because nowadays at my age
Anything can go wrong at any time
This is the struggle one has to deal with
When getting old.
In the end we are the sum
total of the efforts we invested,
or conversely our failed deficiency
in that regard. With no one to
appreciate or blame, but ourselves.
The path strewn with hurdles and gravels
40 years is a long way to travel
Two souls sewn with love and peace
Two hearts dipped in bliss
Two minds not always in same strength
But determined within to walk the length.

40 years of building the nest
Patience and endurance put to hard test
Before one day the saplings become a tree
Heart upon heart two becomes three
Through fall and rise and sun downpour
Years flew as the three becomes four.

It's no easy work to raise a family
In all sadness live strong and happily
Blocks are thrown doubts are cast
Moments of life try to break the trust
But we didn't bow continued the thrive
A grownup family now, we number five.
40 years together
That old clock is ticking away,
the days bleed on one into another,
mostly all the same, nothing much
new to report here. I do what I can,
what my aged body will allow.
A limited return on my investment
I guess, but still finding little joys
that sustain me, mostly given up
on big dreams and illusions, anyway
being rich and famous was never on
my wish list agenda, all in all it's been
a very good run, with strong family
love given and received, our linage
prospers and continues, that is after
all the only real reason any of us, man
bird or beast were put on this earth.

To believe otherwise is but a
human delusion that in the end
matters not in the least.
I believe that wishes and dreams are
a good thing, maybe essential they
inspire and are part of our maturation.
In the end with or without them reality
transcends all. We don't really direct our
lives, life directs us.
Winter chills have come a little early,
the Cascade mountains to the east
covered with fresh snow, a warming
blaze in my fireplace, the first of the
season, I sit content with a hot mug
of tea, life is good and now returned
to mostly normal.

I do so enthusiastically enjoy normal.
Seeing the Cardio doctor day after
tomorrow for a follow up to having
two weeks ago, had a heart stent
procedure, doing well and getting
back to some normalcy. Thank you
to the HP folks that sent good wishes.
I am on the mend.
I am forever lost
Lost in nuances of Nature
Lost in labyrinths of Life
What does it mean to be conscious
When molecules mold
Fabrics of reality in the Universe
Manufacturing cloaked consciousness
The order of things, is a magic show
And the magician, network of duality
How do I find my portrait
In galactic Images of matter
How do I reach a haven
In obscured manners of anti-matter
I am lost forever
In the absence of answers
Climbing a ******* mountain
My emotions inhale rapid fire
And extinguished wrath they exhale
When will I hurl my resistance
To a wrecking ball called existence
In a world fraught with dependence.
Pretty lie or uncomfortable truth
Which one shines brighter than the Moon
In a world fraught with saps and crooks

The throne entangled with scandal
The saber of law mishandled
The crowd, manufactured with handle

Political hacks and religious nuts
Bewitched by the fantasy of mission
Prolong their flaws to perdition

Where there is pain there is thinker
Where there is rhyme there is singer
Where there is honey there is stinger

Off to the dream road so she walked
Images of Heaven she merrily sought
Wondering what will be her lane's lot

In the stillness of night he pondered
Why must he be so encumbered
When delightful dreams are conquered

I may be this and I may be that
But I'm certain I'm never last
Never first and never pressed

Cornerstones of celestial bodies:
Rhythm, Rotation, Speed, Gravity
Delineating the Depths of Reality

Embroidery fabrics in Time and Space:
Black holes, dark matter, dark energy
Quasars and all seven types of stars
Planets, moons, asteroids, comets
Created to plot the edgeless tapestry
Of the mystifying Universe.
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