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Morgan Holder May 2018
Live this life to the fullest not worldly fullest
Live to aid others, live to love others as well.
Do not give up in this life, but allow the Holy Spirit.
To lead you through life, stand firm and trust God.
Live life overcome all the obstacles before you here.
For through the Holy Spirit you have the power needed.
To do great things through Christ our Savior God.
For we are Spiritual Super-heroes through Christ Jesus.
For we were not put here to fight the super villains'.
But to love them into repentances for love is our superpower.
Morgan Holder May 2018
She got up this morning,
sun shining through the blind.
She took a look in the mirror,
and something crossed her mind.

You weren't there to see her wake,
she didn't see your smile,
for when she does, she feels like
her days are all worthwhile.

She went into work today,
kids running through the halls.
She looked at plans for tomorrow
and is sad when nobody calls.

She got in her car to go home today.
On the radio she heard a song;
it reminded her of you
and how hurtful it is you're gone.

She went out with a friend tonight,
smiled and wore a brave face,
for all she really wants in life
is to have you in this place.

She gets a daunting feeling,
one that won't disappear.
What's the point in all of this?
What's the point when you're not here?

She went to sleep that night,
tried to prepare for the days ahead.
If she looks real careful,
you're there on your side of the bed.

Stroke her hair and tell her
that no matter what life throws,
you have a love like no other;
in death it continues to grow.

She got up this morning,
sun shining through the blind.
She took a look in the mirror,
and something crossed her mind.

You WERE there to see her wake,
and she could see your smile,
and when she did, she realized
you're only absent for a while.

She closes her eyes and in the dark,
she knows she'll see you again.
The only thing that troubles her
is not being able to say when.

For now she must be patient,
and one day her time will come,
and you'll be there to take her hand
and safely guide her home.
Morgan Holder May 2018
“Hope” is the thing with feathers -

“Hope” is the thing with feathers -
That perches in the soul -
And sings the tune without the words -
And never stops - at all -

And sweetest - in the Gale - is heard -
And sore must be the storm -
That could abash the little Bird
That kept so many warm -

I’ve heard it in the chillest land -
And on the strangest Sea -
Yet - never - in Extremity,
It asked a crumb - of me.

— The End —