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Aug 2023 · 218
Silent scream
Nightingale Aug 2023
An urge to write
A compulsion to unravel

A voice unheard
A scream falling on deaf ears

A generation of influencers
Humans locked to screens

An urge to dance
A compulsion to express
Aug 2021 · 145
Hold on
Nightingale Aug 2021
Hold on to the smell of lingering basil as you prune the newly formed buds
Hold on to the warmth of his embrace after a long and tiring day
Hold on to the sight of a flower turning into a fruit
Hold on to the beauty that exists
Hold on to the simplicity that overflows
Hold on to your inner strength
Hold on to your dreams
Hold on so you can let go
Let go of your anxiety
Let go of all the wrongs
Let go of all the pain
Let go of disparity
Let go of differences
Accept life is what it is
Accept love
Accept help
Accept reciprocity
Accept we are all the same
Accept we are all the same but different
Accept the beauty of life
In spite of it all
The beauty remains
Lebanon is going through unfathomable crisis, a tragic deprivation of basic human rights. In light of this lived humanitarian disaster one questions humanity.
Jun 2020 · 165
To the walking dead
Nightingale Jun 2020
You march unified by a cause
A moral high ground on life and death
You live preoccupied with trivialities
Unwavering, rigid, hooked
Instant gratification

Drowning in avoidance of death
Under the umbrella of virtues
You march unified by delusion
A primal fear of dying
A self defense mechanism
Denial, projection, distraction

You, an army of the dead
Jun 2020 · 142
Time to be
Nightingale Jun 2020
It is time to be
The wave of pleasing others
With the price of self sacrifice
Is gone
It is time to reconnect
Jun 2020 · 126
Nightingale Jun 2020
Etched in my mind is a picture of my teenage self beside the fire place
A big empty home filled with material abundance and devoid of any emotions
Taboo is it now to feel?

Entrenched in my memory is not the emptiness I felt in this home
It is not the cold distant void that resonated to my bones despite the blazing fire
It is not how little and placid I  had to make myself in order to fit and conform

What will forever stay with me is the discussion my parents were having
When the words rolled out of my fathers cigar filled mouth
“I don’t like girls, I always wanted a boy”
The words rolled with seamless grace
The words landed with a heavy shade
Baggage that confirmed what has already been looming in my monkey brain
Baggage that I carry to this day

Expectations of what I should and should not be
A ****** dictating my identity
Anticipation of the life I was to lead
A self proclaimed prophecy
To walk down the isle of patriarchy
To conform, to shrink to the role bestowed upon me
To bottle up my dreams, my thoughts, my needs
To follow the path that serves men
To stay small so they can feel big
To nurture and raise a family
To just nurture and raise a family
To be unseen
To keep the peace
May 2020 · 117
Nightingale May 2020
There’s a hole where my soul used to be
An endless abyss of pain
I feel it in my chest every time I pause
Pain buried under ancient rubble
The pain eats away in the never ending hole
The reasons unknown
Mar 2020 · 118
Nightingale Mar 2020
I try to balance
Shift my weight to the middle
Keep the boat afloat
My desire pulls me to the front
Reality throws me to the back
The boat is rocked
Ripples upon a once still lake
I try to balance
The child in me enjoys the ripples
The adult in me throws the anchor
Feb 2020 · 113
Repressed memories
Nightingale Feb 2020
My body remembers,
Your filthy rotting hands spewing toxic touches
My body remembers,
The stench from that abandoned room
My body remembers,
The aches, the pain, the guilt, the weight
My body remembers,
As tears stream down my face
After all those years,
My mind has forgotten
Yet my body remembers

— The End —