They throw in Drummer Lee-Rigby,
To bleed.
Un-defended, just as culled.
His landmark a rain washed gutter,
Which flushes the detritus of human living into a divisive Thames.
The cities true testament to multiculturalism.
Young Lee-Rigby never knew fresh from his red rose home,
That the pride of his life would out live that day, and be left to his boyhood alone.
And why up-rose to nightly unrest,
White boys with hate unleashed in their breast.
Yet portion of that well-trod street
Will Lee-Rigby forever be,
From blooded tarmac to fiery melee.
From hate filled night,
To grief filled day.
The death of a forgotten land,
And a scarlet line drawn in their sand. Most of my submissions to my wordpress site are accompanied by audio tracks of my readings, please feel free to visit.