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Sep 2023 · 156
David Sep 2023
Nature's canvas of sea and sand
Dunes are fashioned by sculptor's hand
Ceaseless portraits of white warm sand
Wind driven waves flail the shore
Waves curl their force of distant storms
Force spent beseeching open palms as they withdraw
David Jul 2023
Jagged picture the violent end to a young man's life
Time frozen at the end of a lethal fight
Torn is the uniform passage of the shrapnel's flight
Blue tinge the lips pass the soldier's one last sigh
Clear is the pupil as the soldier dies
Perfect the teardrop falls from his lifeless eye
Cold is the violence of bone shattered bullet flight
Flags and rubble slaughter-house midst of life
Savage their madness this bullet perfection as somebody dies
Jun 2023 · 116
Emily by the Sea
David Jun 2023
Seeing her drew me from my ocean expanse
My depth wells passion brings forth waves at her glance
Who is this woman with her knowledge of land?
A place where life dwells in forest and sand
With courage I say what name do you have?
With Earth's beauty and wisdom she replies like a pearl
I am Emily she says I embody the world
She like the land is a vision to see
I view her from my ocean that embraces all of me
Emily I say come paddle at my shore
In shallows I seek you my heart it does yearn
With a smile she replies and arrives like a storm
Footsteps her presence her tracks wash away
Symbols so fleeting in the tides of the day
Heaven is found between Earth and a wave
Emily's visit my desire that she stay.
Oct 2022 · 148
Dark Web
David Oct 2022
In itself, outside itself
Sinister looks fathom deep
Echo chamber drinks its feed
Looking glass searching self-deceit
Fractal genius filthy grin
Seduction image starving thin
Temple collective craving pleasure
Wicked stands before its mirror
Scrolling worship narcissus nature
Am I what I wish to be
Am I fairest of them all
Crypto coin, avatar youth, media ****.
Aug 2022 · 159
Pitch Black
David Aug 2022
Shadow of my body
Portrait profile shape abyss
Silhouette etched companion
Sundial silent endless image in eclipse
Sunshine finger shadow
Cast in ceaseless flood
Hand in hand with depth of zero
Flatline presence of the dark
Mimic outline features stalking witness to all that shall unfold
Edge meshed in sequence coal dust outline of my soul.
Dec 2021 · 207
David Dec 2021
If there were a bounty on your liver I would have you disembowelled.

I would read the future from your entrails and cry the answer to the crowd.

I would share the prediction with your children to see the look upon their face.

I cannot wait to get started.

I have never had so much interest in the outcome of your fate.
Oct 2021 · 143
Aussie Ocker Yobo Crisis
David Oct 2021
You will find him in many places in and around this town but this time it was between the aisles at the local liquor land.

He is a middle aged ******* and he does not seem to know it.

He drives a young-man's car, the color ***** red, the golf clubs are on the back seat, the ***** are in his head.

The receding hairline is the danger, when it starts to show, it is then his hormones tell him that the wife has to go.

He will go off and see his mates they will understand, they have all been through it and they will lend a hand, on which lawyer to select for the separation skirmish and other useful facts on child care avoidance.

It is his adolescence that he longs for the one he never had, he will now go off and buy the motorcycle, the one his parents wouldn't let him have.

This wife he's trading in was the one his parents gave full approval but this mouse wife has matured and is proving too great a handful.  It was daughters that she gave him and it was sons that he desired so his new ***** had better produce the goods or she will also be retired.
Sep 2021 · 122
Unto Night
David Sep 2021
Sister Morning, sister Sunset light, their searching fingers seek shadow dark of the night.

Tidal light female form takes darkened hand whilst Earth it turns.

Sun ray needles issue forth wash darkness edge on shadow shore.

Night in turn reaches back with diamond stars in ebon black.

Cool Morning rise, warm Sunset late, casting shadows in their love of night.

Morning dawn naked as the rain, Sunset warm gift of the day.

Love woven in their shining light these sisters claim the hand of night.
Mar 2021 · 302
Heaven Star
David Mar 2021
Yuka shine spatial light burning crystal midst of night
Sun ray naked body and soul free fall arrival heaven unfold
Silent angel beauty light smiling pin point pitch blood night
Perfect circle loving light lee cast presence in my life
Arc soul touch Selene dream Yuka Venus journey with me.
Oct 2020 · 118
David Oct 2020
Havoc wreckage, splintered fragment, crystal night in tears.

Fire psyche; smithereen bleeding, riot pool, drowning fear.

Rubble silent, ash to history, coal dead heartbeat, mercy naked, stoic deaf their ears.

Seething poison, putrid spirit, strangled fist of screams.

Freudian shiver, Rorschach shadow, endless victims, nightmare dark age dreams.

Furious glimmer, chaos ******, satanic ember, ingle pyre glow.

Blood drip savage, monument guttered, statue smashing, rotting bankrupt soul.
Feb 2020 · 130
Joan of Arc
David Feb 2020
Blood angel *****
Sword angel heart
Sun flower perfect
Snake venom kiss
Candle flame passion
Titanic she wept
Cheerleader's chant
Death is her whip
Snow crystal smile
Blood razor thirst
Tumble **** savior
Guillotine sharp
Bulldozer mettle
Dreadnought steel hard
Mountain relentless
Criticism cursed
Clergy condemned
Lava she burned
Swallowed by fire
Statue her corpse
Remembered by masses
Nowhere but heart
Wishing she be here
Saint Joan of Arc
Jan 2020 · 111
David Jan 2020
Sand wave restless journey wind borne relentless earth.
Embodied with enormity it will swallow you adding to its form.
Expanse workshop greatness nature’s heat scorched natural soul.
Invites you to come and join in the billow dust sea of endless thoughts.
Ripple conscious being drifting across an ocean of barren earth.
Envied giants of emotion live within the sand blown desert storms.
Ocean of the dry intimacy with the Earth.
Our lives lived in simile with these sand waves, this sea of endless shore.
Dec 2019 · 183
Splintered Thoughts
David Dec 2019
Machine dust hour glass instant New Year arrival
Cotton reel fist enclosure lets ricochet escape
Curl wave lips say without thinking that guilty hands reach up in surrender
Flowing moments of miniature sequence stitch together to make our lives
Peace is lost and found between sharp edged cycles witness to life’s motion invisible in snow white blindness.  
Frozen stares fall toward mirrored eyes in mutual stillness until the next breath is torn away
Fingers and hands lock with instinct yelling out mountain clifftop contract loophole strangle knot ghetto
Abseil virtue into the abyss where heathens mingle their psyche and filthy claws
Animal skin torn dress rebellion turns round to glimpse you one more time
Liberation self-absorbed hunts you down and finds you wishing  
Eternity drinks our tears.  

Nov 2019 · 151
Each Other Into Us
David Nov 2019
Enter into the water and be encircled within its grasp.
Enter into the water and know that it touches you and me and so forming a connection around, through and between us.
Into the water, into that bond.  
Into the water, into each other.
Water passing around us, we enter into each other with a love that issues from our souls.
We become liquid into which we flow within the river of life.
That river which has brought us together.  
Mutual path shared as we flow around and within each other. 
Our hands into the water touching it touching each other.  
You are not far, there is no distance between us.  
Enter into the water and feel the love that comes from each other.  
It is to dive into our very being.
Sep 2019 · 541
Glacier Homeland Sea
David Sep 2019
Ice crystal night trees stand before silent snow fields.
Mountains guard their valleys gales blowing their peaks.
Arboreal shapes cast moon shadow over white ground.
Chandelier ice trees speak with air whispers.
Moments of silence deafen the ears to the sound of nothing.
The Earth sleeps and dreams of waking sun.
Time passage endless mimic frozen rivers.
Ice lake sanctuary swim deep refuge life in dark depths.
Ice skin surface ephemeral waits a warm demise.
Cycle this place witness to eons.
Aug 2019 · 172
Graveyard Giant
David Aug 2019
Free-fall waters issue forth to their icy meeting with the Earth.
Scar the surface I made this view beneath white fields I hid my work.
Life and death it did unfold mile deep I swore that I would never go.
Follow these walls you will find the sea in its depths come vanish with me.
My strength born in tiny crystal snow was taken from me by the sun’s warm glow.
CO2 lethal sword hastened my death I flow no more.
Though I have gone my bones you see the giant who cut this fiord to sea.
Jul 2019 · 268
David Jul 2019
Love falling center twisting curl.
Healer comforter constant companion searching river guided endless flow.
Current ever welling beauty's design compass within our dreams.
Sounding lips greeting on arrival.
Mirror in time and time again.  
Gift given and present waiting.
Moon tidal waxing summon to our beds.
Warm smiles glancing eyes have spoken.
Innate humble nature endless marathon carried on our next breath.
Stream of lightning reappear vanish emerge again and again within our dreams.
Graffiti shining dark corner seen in our eyes.
Fingers soft clay laughing wildly bring forth come to life.
Endless shovelling exhaustion pages.
Changing sharp edged distinction contrasting where we stand.  
Clip tied pages passed in silence into the palm of another's hand.
Riot youth carried repeating pattern every generation.
Escapee passage take us out of here.
Nestled on shelves sleeping cat unread.
Dive in yearning song join the swimmers in the pool.
Jun 2019 · 156
Night Moves
David Jun 2019
Terror dactyl cockpit complete
Cameras serenade with apparatus whipping in the distance
Night clubbers discuss ***** violin interludes
Beau-fighter logos shadow junk food leviathans
Eye shutter bean pole women casting their gaze with lock jaw dinosaur needle rat eyes
Blister savage people howling their next Hyundai experience
Ahab he beckons
May 2019 · 178
David May 2019
The magic of your beauty unfolds like a trick before my eyes.
Love turns the key which opens the lock that protects this cherished prize.
The day that witnessed your arrival from ethereal to human form is cause for celebration for the gift of feelings born.
Come the time we sit together and see the candles upon your cake their little flames dance like prairie grass your breath to complete their fate.
I join with you in celebration at this special time of year passing glances go between us speak of the love we hold so dear.
Apr 2019 · 222
David Apr 2019
Dive into life’s river do it where the eddies can be found.
Let the current take and hold you but be careful as the reckless sometimes drown.
Kick the reeds should they find you as in life they will slow you down.
When seeking out the rapids remember it is where the rocks are also found.
The journey is often turbulent so let the current help you in your course as it will guide you through the cascades that sometimes bring remorse.
People that you meet where the branches come together will share a similar passage now but their origins were dissimilar.
In common is the journey and the courage to take the task so take comfort in the knowledge that they have arrived with you at last.
When the river takes to flood such people may drift away but fear not for their safety as you may meet again someday.
When you reach the delta do not try to change your course the ocean waves are there to greet you their presence shall not become your loss.
It is the ocean where the water left to become the rain so allowing you the journey from which your experience has been your gain.
Mar 2019 · 315
David Mar 2019
Blood thread compass piercing heart
Yearn pitch black fingers in the dark
Pain soaked bandage never cured
Invisible to everyone else's view
Weep flesh sorrow silent tears
Feels the lie when you say you don't care
Millstone burden throughout the years
Endless desire ceaseless flow
Follows you across a crowded room
Youth's departure left this heart behind
Memory shadow anchor in time
Feb 2019 · 165
David Feb 2019
When I think of us together in the pleasure of our bed I turn to see you sleeping with your pillow nestled beneath your head
Your warmth fills the covers that were witness to our embrace
The curves of your body speak of the treasured memories of this place
The love that passed between us in the passage of the night has left you in your slumber your shadow cast from moon lit window bright
The beauty of your body, the beauty of your face brought waves to our passion and stillness in their wake
In the closeness of our union my movement between your legs is the sea of ****** for my lover who sleeps at its ebb
With the calmness of your heartbeat your dreams visit in the night
They bring peace of mind to this dreamer who swims through their delight
Scenes of pleasure bringing movement and wetness to her lips, the hardness of her ******* are greeted with the brush of a lover’s kiss
Jan 2019 · 163
David Jan 2019
Image born in marble the figure cast in stone
Frozen outline is your prison to rest in silence here alone
Your hair flows around you whilst in sleep among the dead
The sun light bathes your figure but its warmth never stirs you from your bed
Come the night the stars will find you the moon light to reveal your form
Such beauty as you were given is the gift of sculptor's hand in which you were born
I place my hand to your image and I feel the coldness of the stone
This woman who sleeps upon the grave of the person whose name remains unknown
Dec 2018 · 192
David Dec 2018
What I am really looking for is a bullet to make me dead
One given by a stranger with a gun close up to my head
A short homeward journey what more can I really ask
The gunshot passage to oblivion a bullet gets you there real fast
With pursed lips of pleasure the burnt powder will leave its mark
No drawn out pain or anguish just death as darkness falls real fast
No rerun of life before you no guilt or struggle to the last
Just goodbye willing victim as the bullet carries out its task
Nov 2018 · 285
David Nov 2018
Quiver ground enormous power
Feral wild with displeasure
Shudder mountains into dwarfs
Change a river's relentless course
Tear the Earth reveal its treasure
Forests panic trembling terror
Temples fall to their knees
Oceans boil tsunami seas
Kings and cities vanish forever
Tolling bells deadly knell
Richter measures your pounding hell
Feeble silence once you quell
Deaf you are to fearful cries
Return in time back to sleep remorseless of the havoc you wreak
Oct 2018 · 175
David Oct 2018
******* freedom screams endless more
Guilty human requiem mass
Diving palms outreach detached
Flowing flags and glorious anthems
In hunting we trust this tricky beast
Follow their tracks this way and that casting shadows in directional lash
Heart beat whisper struggling wild
Capture picture landscape absorb background screaming fill me with more
Warm blood flicker total loss
Ouija board guess work directional source
Blunderbuss answer riddle syringe
One per cent choke meddling mass
Tiny island no one on board
Rivulets written in blackened tar
Weeping rivers drowning flow
Torpedo excitement rancid pool
Sun-burnt feeling prickling skin sun stroke faint pendulum swing
Sep 2018 · 365
David Sep 2018
Mirror window to my soul
How you watch me as I grow old
Emotional endless reflection stream
Ticker tape ceaseless thoughts you see
Inside out you make us both appear
Reflecting ripples my personal sea
Swim you find me never lost
Psyche charts our endless course
Mirror companion smile to me
Zero perfect is the echo back
Ceaseless image endless flow
Crystal prism our personal home
Aug 2018 · 566
David Aug 2018
Anticipation of tornado giant
In atmosphere you summon thee
Giant swirling vacuum pleasure
Within the spiral you be gathered
One finger touch to ground in search
Slender Cyclops prison clutch
Smiling twister debris and dust
Runneth over chalice cup
Vortex echo funnel death
Greedy storm quickly spent
Choking theft of what you wrench
Watch you vanish greedy storm
Back to clouds in which you were formed
Jul 2018 · 2.8k
David Jul 2018
It is angel impact bullwhip vivid
Stampede fingers landscape obedient
Jail bust escape laughing run
Spillway thought stream fuzzy essence
UGG boot toe tubs and water stings
Earthquake tyrant Celsius fools
Pin lake petrol ice filled deserts
Spiky flames in outer space
Sculpture freak show withering exhibit
Fathom emergency breathe and ****
Nut shell gorillas invisibly cracked
Cow fed nirvana BBC
Shades of zero audio cauldron
Same vein madness virus mansion
Culinary horror infection procedures
Geyser rich nutrient pea-pod turmoil
Jun 2018 · 185
Spirit in the Breeze
David Jun 2018
In the evening I have heard her as she accompanies the breeze.
She lives an endless journey over earth, bush and sea.
The gift she brings is scented, it tells the story of her path.
Sometimes the smoke of fires or the coming of a storm or the crash of salty waves on some near to coastal shore.
It is her whisper that I long for as I lay upon my bed, the leaves rustle to her as she passes overhead.
May 2018 · 2.3k
Ice Statue
David May 2018
Ice crystal image genuflection upon the ground
Frosted wind passes around you it speaks with a howling sound
Sleet smooths your surface your body of crystal mirrors portray your soul
Sun light captured within you speaks a language of answered prayers
Rainbow whispers of reassurance to this purity of soul, the woman who kneels upon the ground of freshly fallen snow.
Apr 2018 · 176
David Apr 2018
In our hands timeless fossil long before
Ancient planet gift it shows
Bygone dimension along the shore
Shells they whisper to come speak with thee
Our shadow footprints stand before beckoning sea
Waves make their music with shifting sand
Timeless place wandering thoughts
Sculptures of what came before
Mar 2018 · 188
David Mar 2018
You came to me like the phase of Venus through the sky.
Reaching out my hands finding yours follow embrace.
Revered beauty in motion as our bodies move in celestial rhyme.
In unison we are nature of earth and moon bringing forth tides.
Ebb and flow to our sense and reason, union to our emotional souls.

— The End —