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Jan 2020 · 124
Pearl B Jan 2020
Remember the people,  who was there.
Though the tears,  and the pain.
Remember the people, who were there.
when the man  didn't care.
Remember the people ,who were there.
when you couldn't see a friend.
Now you're back on your feet.
You don't remember the people,
who you once need.
Apr 2019 · 167
Roses are red
Pearl B Apr 2019
Roses are red,
Violets are blue.
Thank god the day
That I met you
And so it goes
Through out the years
Until the day
You say there is
Nothing left to do.
You packed your bags
And left the next day.
Without saying a word.
Am still standing there
Hoping one day
You will say,
I wasn't thinking
Straight that day.
So can I come back home to stay?"
"No you should have thought
about it,
Before you left that day."
Mar 2019 · 171
The Heart Is Broken
Pearl B Mar 2019
The heart  is broken.
The dream is chattered .
An empty feeling came over me
The silence moments change me
but,  the desire for learning comforted me
Jun 2018 · 211
The ca
Mar 2018 · 203
Boys And Girls
Pearl B Mar 2018
Boys and girls why are you out on
the street? We are looking for some food to eat.
That is why we are on the street.
We are standing on your feet
Because we have no place to sleep.
Sometimes I can feel my feet.
But when you have no food to eat and
No place to sleep all you can do is to
Stand on your feet.
Mar 2018 · 181
I Love Poetry
Pearl B Mar 2018
I love poetry. Writing poetry gives me the opportunity to express
Myself.  Poetry was the missing link in my life.
The thought of writing a poem, makes me feel happy and excited.
It also helps me to become a better speaker.
I can truly say I feel more confident and empowered
All because of poetry.
Mar 2018 · 203
Face The Pain
Pearl B Mar 2018
Face the pain with a smile
Leave your tears behind
No matter what you may fine know
That you will never lose your mind
Because the power is mine and it's time
For me to shine and that's the bottom line
Mar 2018 · 172
I Love Poetry
Pearl B Mar 2018
I love poetry. Writing poetry gives me the opportunity to express
Myself.  Poetry was the missing link in my life.
The thought of writing a poem, makes me feel happy and excited.
It also helps me to become a better speaker.
I can truly say I feel more confident and empowered
All because of poetry.
Mar 2018 · 163
Spread My Wing
Pearl B Mar 2018
I always wanted to spread my wings and fly.
But as a slow learner,  people always made me feel broken in side .So I decide, that not going to fly.
Because the tide is high,  and am going to ride
So sit down and let me strive.
Cause you can't deny what is mine.
So good-bye.

— The End —