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A Benedict Sep 2019
Being a political campaign manager,
is like pulling wings off of flies.
Except for the poor,
filthy creatures,
don’t deserve that type of torture,
while the campaign manager does.

Campaigns are tough as hell,
and if your candidate wins,
that’s where you’ll probably end up,
steered there by all,
the empty promises.
Carried by a wingless fly.

Campaigns are loathsome.
The lies.
The attacks,
and attacking.
More heartburn,
compliments of the
fast food,
late nights,
early mornings and,
the colleagues’ coffee-breath,
wafting into your face,
as they yell only inches away
from your nose.

The campaign manager,
wishing he could float away,
on the red, white and blue,
campaign event balloons,
wishing he never returns,
at least not until,
the next campaign.

Every voter always seems,
to have a question,
at the wrong time,
and the campaign manager,
always has the answer,
“Not to my recollection.”
“We’re looking into the matter.”
“No comment,”
******* off the,
communications director.

Everyone has an agenda,
but none more,
important than putting,
more copy paper in the printer,
for the campaign manager,
to begin printing up resumes,
for the next campaign.
And, those are the days,
when the candidate is only,
behind by four points.

Everyone has a vote,
and some have two,
or so it seems.
Grab those votes!
Or at least as many,
as the field director says.

But once the first,
Tuesday of November,
has come and gone,
you are left looking,
for a friend.
Has anyone seen,
a fly buzzing around here,
to talk to?
Since it's getting busy on the campaign trail, I thought this would be appropriate...
A Benedict Aug 2019
O silent summer’s end,
silence upon sands of amber gold.
Gardens of abundant color,
no longer to tend,
whispering wind,
evening’s presence of cold.

September’s song,
music of change,
as nor’west winds push,
bright blue skies forward.
Desolate harvest,
sparsely filled grange,
pristine purple dusk,
heavy canvas now lowered.

Stalk severed field liter the plot,
sprinkles of frost upon sunny orange hue.
Deer scatter upon hunter’s first shot,
seasons repeat each year anew.

Autumn enters as cool breezes dwell,
summer solstice my love we bid farewell.
"Anona" is the Roman Goddess of the harvest. With autumn nearly upon us, I thought I'd share this poem.
A Benedict Aug 2019
So many feelings,
bottled and uncorked.
Like fine wine,
They mature,
waiting for such sweet release.

I am bitter no more,
for you and I have,
traveled so far and,
for so long.
I will always welcome our past.

I turn around to go,
grab two glasses,
so that we may reminisce about,
our many journeys together.

When I return,
you are gone once more.
And again,
I sip alone,
toasting you,
celebrating us.

While the wine is exquisite,
what we had was even better.
I quickly cork the bottle,
to try to keep the memories forever.
A Benedict Aug 2019
Lying motionless,
cold and emotionless.
stirring without movement,
thinking without thought,
languishing alone,
forgetting what I initially sought.

Watching the hands,
of that motionless clock.
Mindful of each tick,
mindless of the next step.

Trapped in a cage,
defined by bars,
of unaccomplished,

Waking the next day,
to face it again,
only to lay motionless,
in my emotionless, vapid way.

my strongest strength,
and my greatest fear.
A Benedict Aug 2019
What’s always good for them!
Whatever makes them rise.
Feelings trampled upon,
hypocritical nature,
I am here and,
I count!
I have stories to share.
Anger continues to mount!
I matter.
A Benedict Jul 2019
A great deal has happened,
since we last talked.
Actions speak louder than nonsense,
and nonsense speaks my language.
It’s my native tongue.

Anyway, I visited hell twice,
and when I went back a third time,
a sign said that it was closed for maintenance so instead,
I went out for a Fuego Especial Burrito.
Later that night,
my stomach felt worse,
then the pains any hell could give me.

A great deal has happened since,
we last fought and I subsequently left you.
My new Keurig machine spits out,
Tepid, ****** drops of putrid sludge.
I guess the warranty was too busy,
holding up the refrigerator to be mailed in.
You used to take care of those things so well.

I joined a yoga class to release the stress,
from broken coffee makers,
and from what life had dealt me,
but I had too many problems,
with the positions…
The cobra bit the warrior,
and the downward dog ran right to the tree.
I still have lots of stress in my life,
I remember you had a way to make it disappear.

A great deal has happened,
since we last met.
The leaves turned orange,
during autumn’s depressing annual drop,
and they vanished,
like I did from you.

I learned quite a bit,
about people,
and what moves them.
I learned much about myself too,
and how I’m not much different than most.
Love is my motivator.

A great deal has happened,
since we last walked together.
Although I still watch the ocean,
break along the sandy shoreline,
I now do it with my shadow.
My shadow is much quieter than you,
and I dislike the silence.

At night I forget the chaotic day,
problems with work, family and my insecurities.
I realize it doesn’t **** to be me,
but there is still something missing…

A great deal has happened,
since we last talked…
I’ve endured two trips and burritos from hell,
the changing seasons,
I tore my groin at yoga,
and I stood in silence at the sea.
But one thing has remained constant throughout,
I’ve never given up hope,
that one day,
we may share a cup of ****** coffee.
Wrote this after reminiscing about my ex-wife one night shortly after we split up.
A Benedict Jul 2019
Planet king coronated,
in early summer night.
Shining brightly,
glowing majestically,
pushing out its radiant light.
Hanging in southern skies,
clinging to Scorpio’s,
stubborn back.

Antares orange pulsating,
each beat,
of the beast’s,
powerful heart,
as he maneuvers slowly,
and secretly,
driving piercing claws,
into the neighborly,
scales of justice.

Summer sky’s
stellar sight,
in a universal playground.
Breathtaking journey,
through an almighty,
game of wonder and delight.
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