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Vaishali Jul 2023
We sit triangularly, some satanic ritual waiting to unfold.
In the menacing strobe light music, between dull musings
Of a week, a month, a lifetime ,I enclose the cold pitcher
Sizing it against my face, I look into it to find life.
And like muddied ocean deep I feel distant dorsal fins
Guttural cries in coffee flavoured beer, of creatures slipped
In the abyssal zone and dying for lack of oxygen-
On the dark dark ocean floor, this table for three or four.
The triangle now stretches like a catapult, his long limbs
leaning, so taut in temptation of far away loneliness
I reach out my amphibian arms, my gelatinous tongue
and he dissolves like a fly upended mid flight, shaking
his head over the foam from the mug, I'm okay, It's alright.
The waiters wait on invisible trays like weighed down wraiths
and ask us if we're old enough to swim; we hold hands
like a cult of dolphins, this table is our ballast, these green
napkins our sail and our age far undermines our agency,
If we choose to drown, it would be at our own mercy.
He's flung back by something we say and I am far removed
Into the reflection of Christmas lights in July, evaporating
into pleasantries and digressing golden tears into the pool.
Someone breaks this exorcism of rationale, scraping  a chair-
restroom, I need to use the restroom, oh this uneasiness of habitat.
If we were truly fish, our insides as salty as our outsides, gracefully
I would be gliding in the water and fumbling not for the phone lock.
We take turns breaking the geometry of friendship and acquaintance,
of corporate hellfire, footballers and friendlies and the difference
between sweatshirts and hoodies, these ****** diuretics.
Cheek down on the table, I steal a pebble from a fancy bush to
introduce my brain to my hands and my hands to cold relief,
Buzzed like a doorbell I am regurgitating smaller fish into porcelain.
I eat with cutlery intended to serve and talk myself into hadal trenches,
Here in the underworld I look to my thoughts like Orpheus;
they die before taking shape, once more I am questioned for my faith.
I sit in the back of the cab, little plastic bisleri in hand, ocean ****
lining my mouth and I understand the traffic lights like a child;
We sit quietly chattering with our sobriety and hold each other
like children, we must look like dead fish with those boney shoulders.
Vaishali Mar 2020
Is it raining out on those rotten barks,
Or is the sun killing green leaves
Into an autumn without crimson beauty?
In musing and in hope,in fear of knowing
The true shape of a fire lit inside
A burning house,I have dwelled in dreams
Of reality and thus forsaken the reality
Of dreams;With my languid hands,I've
Painted half a brook,quarter of a moon
And half of me stares at the sky,but when
Were half the stars ever enough for
A moment's night?
Vaishali Dec 2019
I think that it's beautiful
When you lie to keep my love
And you scream out the words
Seconds after the song has died out

I'm scared of the way we say
Nothing at all
And how I leave you on sidewalks
Even before you tell me to go

But we always hold hands
When the crowd wouldn't let us breathe
Mine's always colder
My stride a little shorter
And we walk towards the sunset
Like the paintings in my bedroom.

Sometimes when its raining
And the sky falls onto my hair
I think of good things
And bad things
And love,
If it only lasts when
Two people
Have the same hands.

I lose you in the crowd
Because you lie
To keep my love
Because we never hold hands
Without a crowd to tear us apart
And I shouldn't love you forever
Like the pictures on my wall
And see you in mornings
When you don't see me at all.
Vaishali Dec 2019
Only human to fall,I've been told
In love,into the sorrow of bad habits
And should you fall into yourself?
Inside your childhood cottage,
In an unknown neighborhood.

The curtains limp in quiescent dust
The scarlet recognizes you,
The chair creaks in remembrance
But in its fragile wooding
Could the arms hold your hand,
And would this ebony bear your soul?
Look around,before you go.

A hanging clock that doesn't tick
It reads nine o'4 and you sit awhile.
The mattress is an indentation
In the shape of your past
That won't cave in to the way you are.
The walls stare down the floors
You are no sight to behold
And on the mantle in a picture frame
You fight battles in a red cape.

In the haunted attic
Where you looked for ghosts,
You stumble across yourself
Fall all over the opaque darkness
And hold hands
With the phantom of yourself.

When you fall into yourself,
Don't shy away for fear
Of not catching yourself.
Vaishali Sep 2019
Swaying in a blur of drops
With hair clinging on to my brows
And the street whistling in pebbled vows
The last of a dying season,
Holds me close , akin to a broken lover.

Much of the jolly good showers
Were exhausted in a catharsis of firsts
We spun till our hearts were drenched
Palms cold in reverence to a summer lost.
Banyan leaves that drooped like water beds
And a fierce grey sky of relentless love.

My palms shrivelled,my fingers withered
The banyan bowed down in a brutal fit
of lightning rage,
I shook the water from off its branches
Because I thirsted for all of the rains
But I'm dancing on a dry street
At peace with my ephemeral pursuits
Watching the seasons change.
Vaishali Jul 2019
The road is long
Dreadfully so,
Broken pavements and bruised tiles
Hold out for the end,
Ambition tramples the sidewalk
A couple more steps and then a couple more.

The unruly audience lands their feet.
The orchestra on the finish line
Crescendos to the breaking tides
The gore of happenstance,
The aftermath of destiny and other
Abstract notions of victory
Belt out the song of defeat
For all but one.

We crash where the footpath ends
Comprehending the day that's not ours.
History cuts up the margins of loss
Into a glaring wound of all the wrong things.
Somedays, you exuberate all your best traits
And still end up on the grass
Where you bury your perseverance,
And the society in your head
Cheers when you lay down the casket.

The stars never fell down for you.
The sun rose like it did
In the possibilities of yesterday.
You seek the warm embrace of cold tiles
Leaning against the faucet
That races your tears to the mosaic floor.
You lost, you didn't win.
You won, you never lost.

The voices hush away as the high fades
Into a new day.
Your feet take you to the finish line again
Run, run for one more day.
Run,I'll meet you there
Where another pavement ends.
So the Wimbledon finals and the World Cup went down yesterday and the agony on the losing faces was heartbreaking.It made me sad beyond reason because everyone gave it everything but at the end of the day, the crowd didn't hail the efforts, it hailed the winners.
Vaishali Jun 2019
My  hands envelope my lips
Quivering,breath laced in disbelief
Gravel, under my feet
Quicksand under his feet.
Rain, rain in the sky
There's a thud
He falls and I stare.
People,they help him up
I fall and he stares.
I died a stranger's life,
He gets up,unbridled
Rooted to my tears
My hands envelope my eyes
Because people don't die.
Silence for my epiphany
You might have to leave me
Before I leave you.
Glittering meadows and living brooks
To a broken pavement in a haunted nook
He must have run a long way here
Every night, I stare and I stare.
He looks warily young,
Too young to have sprinted
All the way to a dead end.
In the pragmatic corner of my mind,
We fall and we stare.
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