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89 · Feb 2018
Dori Gonzalez Feb 2018
My eyes burn red
My mind is tortured by the words i read
My heart  no longer holds love for you
My soul is lost
The pain I've endured is like no other
I don't know how to see the beauty outside of my tortured mind
How can I heal when all I see is darkness
82 · Feb 2018
Dori Gonzalez Feb 2018
Rip my heart from my chest
Stomp it out until there's nothing left but a trail of ****** footprints
71 · Feb 2018
Dori Gonzalez Feb 2018
You walk with the light
You feel the constant warmth
It's brighter than any other
It's warmer than a midsummers day
It's always happiness
It's never fear
There are no regrets
There are no lies
It's pure and amazing all at the same time

— The End —