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Marcus Well Mar 2018
(think Mexican Hat Dance:)

How tall? How tall? How tall?
Will Donald Trump build the wall?
The wall! The wall! The wall!
Will Mexico pay for it at all?
How high? How high? How high?
How high will they have to jump
To clear the wall and prove to us all
That they’ve pacified Donald Trump
(bump, bump)
To clear the wall and prove to us all
That they’ve pacified Donald Trump?

When you’re talking about immigration,
Whether merit based or chain migration,
According to Trump proclamation,
“Illegals, jump over the wall”!!

How tall? How tall? How tall?
Can Donald Trump build the wall
When not a single Democrat
Is willing to fund it at all?
How long? How long? How long?
How long do we have to wait
To end this shutdown?
When they sit their butts down
To end this gridlock stalemate!!
Consider the workers who are not getting paid;
That is the part we most hate!!

To achieve our homeland protection,
Not just winning the 2020 election,
The Pelosi and Schumer connection
Should grant funding to give Trump OUR wall!!
Give Pelosi and Schumer
A kick in the bloomers
If they continue to stall!!

Written 1/15/19 by Marcus Well
(day 25 of the US Government Partial Shutdown)

(Who the hell is Marcus Well?  Those that know, please don’t tell)
378 · Feb 2018
Marcus Well Feb 2018
And so we voted him in, our president elect;
Some for him, some against, some thought,
“What the heck…”.
Although the spectrum was wide in range,
Not another eight years,
We voted for change
Even if strange
To end the slump, bump ***
Donald Trump, bump ***
Donald Trump.

Hillary didn’t nod; she just shook her head.
The DFL kept time, “Obamacare’s dead”.
Although the popular vote showed her ahead,
But by strategic knowledge
The Electoral College delivered the thump
That landslided Trump, bump ***
Donald Trump.

What will happen now as all speculate?
Be great, America, again as they state?
Is it just rhetoric, too much or too late?
No more campaign debate!!
It’s on their plate right out of the gate
And all in a clump, bump ***
Donald Trump.

And if it doesn’t work, and things just get worse,
If alliances break down, not as rehearsed,
And gridlock walls build up that do not make sense,
We’ll have to stay the course,
And in our defense while straddling the fence
If decisions get dense, bump ***
We’ll still have Mike Pence, bump ***
Michael Pense
Marcus Well Feb 2018
So, what about Number Forty Five?
He’s worn that number on his jersey for a year now,
So what can we surmise?
He demands loyalty, or your days may be numbered until your demise.
He’s as scrappy as they come, and that’s no surprise.
I hear DC politicians tread with fear in their eyes.

Does he project the benevolence of American presidential tradition?
HELL NO, he doesn’t seem interested in any such transition.

Is he a statesman, a great unifier?  Hardly!!
Is he a man of diplomacy whose words are well chosen of course,
Who retains his dignity?
Quite the hot-head most of the time I see,
A bull in a china shop
uncaring of how he’s obnoxious or coarse.

A shrewd negotiator?  I’ll give him that;
He can be rude, crude, rash, brash, and yes shrewd
At the drop of a hat,
Seemingly more concerned with the substance of gain
rather than principle
and how played goes the game.

Not a man of promises forgotten,
Our president makes every effort to follow through on each one.

A humanitarian?  I don’t think so, not his way.
“America first” construed to mean economic prosperity
To trickle down to workers’ payroll and nothing more
Leaves a large lacking of heart – materialism over philosophical perspective,
Defining who we are by how we live and to others how we give.

Mutual respect?  He respects his own ego and that seems to be it –
a character deficit.
How else could he refer to African countries in such ****** insult?
This is certainly no good for US Diplomacy abroad, an undeniable fault!!

He still has his main ****** as a business negotiator;
The rest of the presidency I don’t think he really cares for!!

Everyday disruption seems to be
more in the news than in the days before, and
Trump is usually in the thick of it (as we reluctantly keep score) –
often for something he says or tweets impulsively.
We know he’s eccentric, but is he psychotic – out of his tree?
(Rome had Nero; we have Trump it seems)
“Do we need more” presidents from Queens?
Should we FIRE the one we have?

We’ve seen the lightening flash;
Amid the “fake news”,
we’ve heard the true loud thunder.
After one year,
We have his number,
Number Forty Five!!
Marcus Well Mar 2018
Preferring traditional order is a conservative trait,
While liberal views new ideas await.
The extreme rednecks state,
“We’ve always done it this way;
There is no need for change.”
The liberal response,
“To not conceive or desire a better mousetrap
Is unnatural and strange.”
As an individual, I do a balancing act
Looking to improve
Yet staying on track.

A community of individuals now compounds those views,
And cultural difference furthermore skews
The many balances that now abound.
Ethnocentricity too may found
In individuals pontificating to others in a nation
Complex issue views that affect many
With what sociologists call
“The power of the situation”!!
In waves of political sensation,
They seem to reasonably call for new legislation.
But beware of too hasty a decision!!
What seems right at the time
Due to momentum and chime
Ushers in socialism!! 
For new law after new law in hasty accumulation
Leaves band-aid upon band-aid
In poorly thought frustration,
And instead of a solution’s well organized plan,
We find we’ve just been chasing our tails again!!
In the United States of America,
To have resolution we are so blessed
In its masterfully crafted United States of America Constitution,
In which our founding fathers so eloquently addressed
The positions of philosophy and conviction
Applying to individuals’ situations – whatever the mess!!
So, who is conservative in today’s political scene?
One who closely aligns with and supports our US Constitution
for sure,
One who defends our individual rights
that our US Constitution secures,
And one that conserves our nation’s resources with respect
And uses them sustainably where possible
Rather than exploit for a few
With (to spite the rest of us) the view:
And finally to round off my top four,
The national debt a true conservative cannot ignore!!
An investment is fine and well recommended
Especially to boom our economy,
But continual escalating debt
Cannot forever be
Lest our children be sold into slavery!!
And now to our beloved Commander and Chief:
I’ve criticized many of his first year approaches, manner, and means
More than what he tried to get done,
And now my beefs have subsided somewhat it seems
Now that I’m seeing a more presidential presence than in year one!!
A great State of the Union Address and CPAC superb nobody denied!!
   And with the NRA, as a conservative, we’re both on his side!! 
239 · Feb 2018
Marcus Well Feb 2018
And now it’s been one year and during that span,
Instead of sowing presidential unity,
Division has been his stand.
Our courts saw religious prejudice
In Trump’s “Muslim Travel Ban”,
And then “Repeal and Replace” didn’t take place,
No Paris Climate Accord we couldn’t afford
For what reasons I’m stumped; ask Donald Trump.

The “Unite the Right” rally August 2017
In Charlottesville, VA turned a violent scene
To maintain a statue of Robert E. Lee
Resulting in 38 injuries and death count three;
White Supremacists, Neo-Nazis, and more
Swastikas, racist banners, and Trump/Pence signs bore –
Our president was slow to deplore.
We were hoping for more!!

NFL players kneeling with hearts inequality feeling,
May we all work together to fix that wrong,
But none should disrespect our nation’s flag or song.
And to our hot-headed president:
These are not “SOB’s” but Americans wronged;
Let’s join together in heart, hand, and song
And let our freedoms ring!!
Together, let our freedoms ring!!

Is it to gain the upper negotiating hand
Via intimidation, blasts, and derogatory slams
We hear “My button is bigger than your button”
Or possibly “Mine is bigger than yours”
To “Little Rocket Man”?
What do we make of “a real nut case”,
“lost his mind”, “Pocahontas”, or “Kenyan born”
When he gets in your face
And dishes up scorn?
They feed raw meat it seems
To boys raised in Queens,
Some boys raised in Queens!!

The stock market in 2017 has been a happy story,
And more than one political faction would like to claim that glory.
Tax Reform 2017 “rocket fuel to the economy” should be
If corporate management doesn’t just pocket the change
But rather in exchange
Reinvests and redevelops whole-heartedly
In superior, smart American workforce job opportunities
That render products competitive and yet of superior quality
That consider the entire material life cycle with optimum efficiency
And planet responsibility,
So that when the American-made name brand goes on,
It is a symbol of reliability and customer service world renown.
To that goal and gaining,
I hope to corporate management our president is campaigning –
Not just for tax reform, that’s all,
But rather rebirth from within,
The best ever manufacturing America,
Service sector, et al!!

“I have determined that it is time…”, on 12/6/2017 our president spoke,
“to officially recognize Jerusalem as the capital of Israel”.  No joke!!
This was not at all humorous to the Arab world
And for them one less negotiating piece
To bargain with in a two-state search for peace.
“It is time for the many who desire peace
To expel the extremists from their midst”
This is of greater importance to peace;
That is the gist!!

— The End —