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Leechle Feb 2018
Let me be a teenager
And learn my right
From wrong.

Let me be a teenager
That won't regret
The fact that flying too
Low prohibited me.

Let me be a teenager
And mingle not to disjoin
What I heard but follow my heart.

Let me be a teenager
And do all the wrong things
That I will look back to
And probably laugh about it.

Call it a phase or whatever
But don't I learn from my mistakes?

Let me be an eagle that flies,
Let me be a cheetah that runs,
Let me be a giraffe that can over look things from afar,
Let me be a being, a type of being that is a Teenager.

Fly birdy, fly and express
Yourself but not too high.......

Written by: Leechle
Leechle Feb 2018
Here I am thinking
Innocence will be the
Only intimacy that will
Ever be.

Here I am thinking
Connection of the lips
Will simply be just that.

Here I am being here
Not to be there for
There lies him.

Here I am indulging
In and out, resisting and
Yielding to this intimacy : cosy
Yet so private.

Here I am trying to contemplate
And investigate
Your thoughts about me.

Here I am being a "emotional"
Being like a "girly" girl I am
Only to be redundant soon.

— The End —