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Apr 2018 · 332
Wait; pause dont panic;
Not all mirrors' reflect the soul.
There's beauty hidden deep within;
Every beasty thing that exists.
And ugliness is a trait of beauty.
Unseen and unheard in fairy tales.
Everthing made of star dust;
Has something magical within.
All snow white's are not fair;
And every prince isn't charming.
Nothing other than the black.
Could satisfy the moonless dark.
Every ugly, earthy seed contains;
An unborn beautiful flower.
Until it doesn't die of suffocation;
It doesn't reproduce beauty.
While cherishing the beauty of the flower
Why ignore the cause is the seed's sacrifice?
Would it be still an eye treat;
If the seed hadn't died a terible death?
Arnt abstract arts masterpeices;
Like the others present in the gallary?
Dont trust mirrors
They only reflect the phyical appearance,
Not the beauty of the soul.
Everthing is beautiful;
When veiwed from different angle;
From different point of veiw;
Not the one which we are accustomed to see from.
Feb 2018 · 2.1k
The golden rays are all on ****** green.
And here I sit in a fix:
‘Which mask to choose for today?’
A smile of pretence,
Or a frown of reality;
Don’t panic; I’m a Chameleon.

Then I chose the smile.
For the malice in me told so.
Cause I met you this morning,
And I couldn’t show you my true face.
I chose to pretend to my best.
And see; I was successful in fooling you.
And I’m Chameleon, you know.

I said I was ‘sorry’,
Wonder even my lips meant that?
I changed my color from black to white.
You seemed fine and there I succeed.
For the fire burning in me,
Ignited me each second;
No offence, I’m a Chameleon.

In the process to demolish you,
I had annihilated myself.
When I stood before the mirror,
I couldn’t identify myself.
On my way to success,
I was successful in becoming a monster.
I succeeded to fool myself, not you.

I know; I shouldn’t panic as I’m a chameleon.
While changing color so often, I was transformed into a beast.
But no regrets, I’m a chameleon.
I have masks to hide my ugly self.
Have numerous colors to change.
Have a simple sweet sorry to tell.
I’ll be me; a proud shameless Chameleon.
Feb 2018 · 403
Pause, and nothing moved for your presence made my world still.
All eyes gazed a single face whose heart I did own is what I thought;
Your world of lies comforted me and I chose not to move into reality.
Many came and went but you still remained as mine and I was envied.

All of sudden on a day I never thought would arise, you asked me to move;
While I lie asleep on the verdant gardens of your colorful canvas, reluctant to go.
For losing you even for a second was a nightmare, living without you, a curse!
And with tears and sobs I did leave, cursing that witch who casted a spell on you!

For the one who thought that forever is eternity, you showed it’s just a second.
You found me not worthy enough to deserve an explanation.
You termed our five years of togetherness as infatuation;
And mocked me by calling her your true love, the one you met five days ago.

Soon after you left he held my hand, aware of the fact that you owned my heart.
He fulfilled all the promises you did to me and he knew I would never be his.
And now that I have decided to be his, why do you ask me about the heart you broke?
You know I can’t see you suffer, and so does she; so no revenges to be taken anymore.

She was an angel in disguise who saved me from a monster like you!
I have no words to thank her all I can gift her is you and only you.
I promise to be always there by you but I’m his one and only anymore.
No regrets but just memories of stranger, that's you.
Feb 2018 · 361
That moment when you were all over me;
Your brutal hands tore my garment into pieces of rags.
The perfume I wore evaporated,
And I did smell like your ****** sweat.

Those filthy parts of your body;
Touched me here and there.
I wailed for help but nobody cared!
Instead chose howl, whistle and watch the fun.

Once you quenched your thirst,
You left me on the coarse ground like a ***** linen.
My body grieved with sorrow for those pieces of glass
You threw, pierced me each second.

Now when I stand here in this Court of Law;
Only as a witness and not worthy enough to be called a victim!
They ask me awful questions-
“Do you remember his face?”

Oh! That dreadful face how can I even forget?
But my mouth was shut, it chose silence.
While my eyes narrated the entire nightmare!
For the ears assembled resisted to listen.

Reluctantly after a pause I whispered,
“Yes, I failed to see his face, that ***** face”
Giggles echoed in the room and traveled to my ears,
But only your laughter rang in my ears.

I turned my eyes towards the Law Goddess,
By the power of your money she was blind folded.
And in imparting justice to thousands of her daughters she failed.
She even didn’t bother to utter the words of condolence, ashamed.

As I walked up to my seat, your ugly face flashed through my eyes.
I ignored the flashbacks and convinced myself;
No woman becomes impure if bitten by a mad dog!
While those faces that were having fun then, celebrated your victory.

With a hysterical smile and a ray of hope;
I set out on my new journey, a way towards success.
With the confidence that I would achieve it,
My eyes did glare with a strange kind of sparkle.

In all my nightmares your harsh face followed me,
The face that craved for ****** pleasure and spoilt my dreams.
And today I stand boldly in the court, to answer the unanswered question
“Do you even remember his face?”

— The End —