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Larada Sep 2019
Where do I place the blame?
The Law of Attraction?
Or perhaps my connection to nostalgia?
Seeking a new experience, following the laws of the past
But after we experience a moment, the moment is gone forever
So I start over again in hopes to replicate as many moments as you’ll allow

Because once this moment is gone
It is regarded in past tense  

So Who’s to blame?
The law of attraction?
No, my connection
To nostalgia
Larada Dec 2018
Love is all just a needless want
And merely just a burning desire
The feeling of his gentle touch
Makes your heart skip a beat
Or two
Maybe even three
And the sound of his heartbeat
Your favorite song
The taste of his lips
Become an undying
The smell of his cologne transfers
Unto you
Seemingly blessing you
With his signature aroma

And with the slightest gaze at him,
You begin to see love personified
As an action

Love was all just a needless want
Until loving you
Became my sixth sense
Larada Nov 2018
I hated crying
because it
Made me
Feel weak.

I never
realized the power
that lied within
each tear I shed,
allowing me to release

And move on.
Larada Aug 2018
I remember the day my dad left
With his luggage in his left hand
And plans to never return on his mind

It took me a lifetime to trust him
And a single moment for him
To disregard it
Larada Aug 2018
I acquired many fears before you
So I maneuver in cautionary silence
Because of them
hoping one can hear me

Not even you
Larada Aug 2018
I fell in love with you
Then I fell in love with the idea of us

It happened
In that order
For the first time

A chronological
Larada Aug 2018
The moment
The poet
Falls in love
Is the moment
Your being
Is immortalized
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