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Larada Mar 2018
I’m terribly sorry
I’ve neglected you.

Yesterday and the days before her have such a hold on me that I no longer have any desire to break free and pay you a visit.

I’m terribly sorry
That when
I prepared myself for your arrival
I did it with much certainty
As if your arrival is promised.
Larada Mar 2018
This story
Is no longer
Your typical
“Girl meets boy”
But instead
It is the story of
When The Poet Fell In Love
Even in your absence
I still Write about you
May you live on not in my dreams
But in each stanza composed of my recollections of who you once were
And what we used to be
Larada Feb 2018
I’ve grown so accustomed to navigating with my eyes closed that I find no use in opening them to see you for who you “truly are”
I’m terrified of the dark either way
And you’re just as ugly in my pitch black dreams
As you are in a “lightened” reality

The fact of the matter is
Even with eyes tightly shut
I can still see you
Crystal clear
Larada Feb 2018
In the midst
Of forgiving you
I neglected
To forgive myself
For naively
Allowing the
Same event
In which I
Give you
“The Benefit of The Doubt”
To transpire

In the midst
Of half heartedly forgiving you
I neglected myself
Larada Feb 2018
I was once
Just like you

In my own mistreatment
Becoming knowledgeable
Of vile how it was
And then
My rightful abundance of anger
Unto the very world
That abused me

I was once
just like you,
Awaiting another calamity
For anything
of the opposite nature to happen
Would mean my universe
Was unbalanced

For I am,
A Black Girl

Disparity and Adversity raised  me

my emotionally disconnected mother and nonexistent father never could

I mourn the tragic loss of my innocence
Just as you do

My upbringing and shortcomings mirror yours

I am just like you
Larada Feb 2018
You remind me
Of someone

In fact
You remind me
Of Him

You even noted
The similar features
You both attain

You remind me
of Him

But my darling
You are nothing
Like Him

You are
An honest man
You are
An unselfish man
You are
A purpose driven man

He is merely
A man
Larada Feb 2018
Your tendency
To be
The one
In the right
Had nothing
To do
Me being
In this constant state
Of Wrong

But instead
To do
With the fact
That your idea
Of what was
Was ragged as hell
To begin with

I corrected my mistakes
You never
Learned from
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