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Jonathan Poole Feb 2019
Awake this dawn sleepy from night, my body a shiver so cold I feel.
Outside vision a blur. ⚘
Jonathan Poole Feb 2019
Walking the streets of town, shops all quiet no people around.
Cold outside keep warm a must.⚘
Jonathan Poole Feb 2018
Weather cold but dry today, Sunday our lords Day of rest.
Wind asleep foliage lie quiet.
Clouds traveling slow white ones fluffy, dark ones gloomy, sun not bright as clouds keep tight. 

~ Jonathan Poole ⚘
Cloudy church foliage
Jonathan Poole Apr 2019
When darkness appears and the night draws near and the day has  past and gone.
Time to sleep and dream about your wishes all night long! ⚘
Wishes, Sleep,Dreams, Darkness
Jonathan Poole Jun 2019
“Keep love in your heart.
A life without it is like a sunless garden when the flowers are dead.”⚘
Jonathan Poole Feb 2018
I loved you when we met,

I loved you Yesterday,

I love you even more today,

And I will continue to love you even more tomorrow.

~ Jonathan Poole ⚘
Jonathan Poole Mar 2018
Early morning frost abates, spring lambs playing chase. 
Sunshine golden flowers begin to rise,
Spring now arrived. 

~ Jonathan Poole ⚘
Spring,Lambs ,Flowers
Jonathan Poole Jan 2018
Awoken from slumber hard rain pours
Windows spattered fierce winds blow.
Gloomy dark just me awake really need to sleep so very late.

~ Jonathan Poole ⚘
Jonathan Poole Feb 2019
Today Sunday our Lord's day of rest.
We all his children all that are blessed.
Enjoy this day our Lord's day of rest. ⚘
Jonathan Poole Feb 2019
Village charming tree's surround.
Local wildlife making little sound. 
Beautiful church alive with song, bells ring out for the marriage of someone. 

Church Charming wildlife
Jonathan Poole Dec 2018
Tree alone stands strong and tall,
Braving the elements of winters fall,
Bare all over leaves now gone.
Roots to rest till spring has come.

~ Jonathan Poole ⚘
Elements roots
Jonathan Poole Nov 2018
Winter is upon us cold and grim
Evenings longer night comes early.
Mornings cold ground white with snow
Forest trees standing bare all alone.
Geese flying south squirrels hide in nests
Wishing the sun back next.

~Jonathan Poole ⚘
Jonathan Poole Jan 2019
Your Silence is worrying
Your Silence is disturbing!,
Your silence means something is wrong?
Break that silence, please, tell me what's wrong?.

~ Jonathan Poole ⚘

— The End —