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Jan 2018 · 157
R J Jan 2018
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Jayming, is only a word, but for me it is a story,
A story of a magic card that in one second, it quickly forms a set of decks.
A set of decks that is treasured in my casino,
That decks of cards, a lot of decks of cards are stands for all the memories comes from that story.

Let’s start the story of that magic card,
That card is the queen of hearts, the queen of my heart.
That queen comes from a simple family, a happy family, and for me, it is a sample of perfect family.

A queen is graduated with bachelor’s degree.
She is very hardworking in her studies and responsibilities,
A sample of a good daughter that make her parents more proud because of her dedication.
As of now, she is a sample of a perfect employee that is so hardworking, and I know she will be a successful queen someday.

This queen is very special to my life.
I can be her slave even in a lifetime that is pleasure to my dignity,
I can give her all she wants, even my life.
With God, that loyalty I can give is much bigger than she expects.

By the way, I’m the magician,
A magician that can take care of that magic card,
I know that there are someone magician that is better than me,
But with God, I can be the same as the magician you want.

A magician that will not use other magic card,
And a magician that uses true magic, not trick..
Jan 2018 · 153
R J Jan 2018
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We set a code name in behalf of our mutuality as “jayming”,
Stands for Jayme and jing2, and I love it!
At first, I was so afraid to enter that kind of connection bet us,
But, she make me inspired to go with it,

You are my first and I am so proud of it,
I’m so proud of your characteristics, because of this amount of quantities:
Amount of kindness, intelligent, loving, caring, humble, helpful, and all positive attitude,
I said to myself that, I am so lucky to have this little girl,
Because they have the same characteristics with my mother,
That I can conclude that there is a better future for my own family (w/ her of course).

She said that, she likes me on how a joker I am (but she is not a good joker, she knows it),
And I am happy too to look that smile of her,
That smile makes me wild, wild as lion..aa tiger-chicken .hehe
It make my world so wild, a lot of life, and a full of happiness with God.

My first kiss was so memorable,
I think it already thousand times I remember it, and that memory eats terabyte memory on my mind,
Since lessons, such calculus, theory of structures, and designs eats only 100KB in my memory…
How’s that file? I think it is super HD Movie that I permanently saves in my memory. Forever.

Since the time that she comes in my life, it change from seed to lumber trusses,
Seeds because, I think I am afraid to face the word like to face a lot of people,
That is cover with seed shell that is full of fear and darkness,
And never grows and getting much matured,

But, that time comes,
It makes me from seed to lumber trusses that is so strong to carry the loads,
Loads such as problems, loss of confident to continue my studies, and pressures of being low IQ,
She is the Civil Engineer of my life, hence she design those sizes of lumbers and web member to make me tough,
And for four years, she is also may anti termites that’s serves as temptations to do bad things.

She makes my own History and I can produce a lot of copies of that book as editor.
I titled it “Treasures and Pirates”
Why? She is the Pirate and she took all of my treasure, and that treasures is my heart.
She takes my heart, and as of now, she never took it back.
Jan 2018 · 124
“Water Flows”
R J Jan 2018
Almost two months of continue falling,
Sometimes it falls,
Sometimes it swipes by soft clothing,
But why? All characteristics affected,
Physically, emotionally, and sometimes spiritual.

A small amount of water,
But why, it is heavy to carry?
And sometimes it brings to decision to end all,
Critically, it comforts someone’s emotion to end its life.

A lot of Questions that comes from my mind,
What’s wrong with this kind of water?
Why it is flowing through my face?
Why that is this water comes from eyes?

What is this kind of pain?
I asked everyone how to end this,
But they said to continue crying, to relieve,
And I found out that they call it tears.

— The End —