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403 · Jan 2018
them Assyrian archers.
alaric7 Jan 2018
Like a road around a corner

never disappearing Michigan old

glory eugenics for German laws

Thirties’ ezratics racialist

limpieza de sangre, Velazquez

awaiting ennoblement, Ezra hound

reads Italian translation, 1940    

Mia Battaglia kleine mein

stumpf, o sweet Alabama

his small light


erased, obliterated, negated

Cruel hygiene unmixed

hieratic Idaho’s

small pebbles, turquoise

tesserae, Roman, Babylonian,

and them Assyrian archers

Ever unstill Ixion ever turning  

Re: Canto CXIII

399 · Jan 2018
Licks of Sodom.
alaric7 Jan 2018
Keening Iraqi rpg koranic crumbles heaven’s.  Enkidu kills the god, decapitates forest’s guardian.  Against girl-groping monk Sharvan said truth ******, choot ******, on the Matara Express headed toward Colombo. Egyptian acres scent ***** where Hanuman dropped moly mountain into naga kovil’s backyard.  Caramel tethers artery, never speaks in word-simple.  Father’s thrush to go plucked flensed singer, lashes silken, cuts drafted ghost-voiced achtungtexte in elongated black ink.  Affirming unchecked fluent grit refresh eagle standard, lost legion trollops ******* like Catullus.  Cantering
predicate broidered domine dismissal, does not prevent smatter, and boozed brought fools alongside.  Murderers cremating vulgate rob black willow mosque.  Dappled spent commands a beautiful that is no place.  Squirming myrmidons march honey trail to the western sea.  Disregard lack, loss, and overrule morose placental hayride.  Mint golden sluggish essays.   Snaring nearness generously urinate, anticipate licks of *****.
291 · Jan 2018
Linnear E phlox.
alaric7 Jan 2018
Explain Krieg und Krise.  Remember Nanjing.  Hand twist nasturtium, trim Elijah in no other language but your own.  Delicious, decked against scurvy despite punishing days world unwraps, made available to voracity, where would you build, on what day?  Perfection unable to sit still comes towards ambush as peasant night squeaks to the border.  Chanticleer in linear e phlox stammers discretely, hammers combination, blends tonality.  Gravid as brook trout, orangerie cascades kanji.  Bucolic spasm shimmering, weeping runes a la Giverny become Cycladic, veers off color’s lambent arsenal.  Caustic repeats, Gatling interferes, hope bails, song recants.  A Zebedee in Flemish hue cracks *** luck, lets out gurgle.  But in good fortune, peaches to daisies, Abigail to titmouse, family is raised.
244 · Jan 2018
alaric7 Jan 2018
Formosae vincla puella
et sedeo duras janitor ante fores
Bound fast in the bonds
of lovely I sit a janitor before
his stubborn doors
lured tawny, dazzled, sleeve’s
lost echo
blood-murmur striking zero
Shaded slowly that bright comes.
236 · Jan 2018
golden snare.
alaric7 Jan 2018
Slender blue thing
lost participle
wallop attentive
slip ladder away
golden snare
you are one
232 · Jan 2018
Equinox willow.
alaric7 Jan 2018
Now must I part from you, a small rope, a tiny ladder,

a leaf of turquoise, los rosas de castilla, and amble out

towards fireweed barrow set with equinox willow.

With mountain goats’ wool, clematis bag withstands

a hundred pounds, carries all of fallow summer.

Stray there, delphinium glimmers, larkspur nearby.

In the room of the dissolution of matter

advise debt-slaves peppermint often follows.

Not Calvinist, but on the balcony boys lick pointed ovaries.
220 · Jan 2018
Night casts her spears.
alaric7 Jan 2018
Pine embellished by Cassiopeia arched over prone morning.  Meadowlark laughed, cougars stalked shadows, crow deputies.  Bent creek carried silt of spring, sigh of cedar.  Cold mist, feathered cloak marked him of eagle and raven.  He took part night, river’s depth in bent cedar boxes along grease trails over walls called cordillera.  Distantly ships put into several bays.  Raven gave up tricking salmon people, at Rose Spit called out first, men.  Who had invented dance now demanded war.  What speech there was was lament. Undone morning weeps bloodied.   Anger-melted gold fills insatiable mouths, shames what night cannot hide.  No more hand set to house front, no more ashlar of jasper. Night casts her spears, we have not even time to die.  Flee hands which reach from river, children ghost small starving birds.  Rejoice in crow’s carrion cruelty, Owl devour those we cannot smother in our desperate escape.
                               Look up beaten, complaining, supreme.  Reconstruction begins in this torpor, a boredom purring heart cannot abolish.  Inebriated with the impossible, go past mission outpost’s Gide and a Kempis to the lineage house of men.  Hegel whispers I never did believe.  Attar extend gender-inflected zero.  In the wrong season glisten with sugary neoprene. Belong to at least two countries, Land of Goshen sours.  Break into Quechua, haunt cruel Saturdays, look for amigo.  Wheat field marries into lion’s eye.  Ayacucho fanfares enclose the wind.  White-breasted, black-winged, displace requiem.  Recover lost chives, cottonwood’s inerrant perfume, shooting stars on the other side of the river. When mountain burns, Eyes-Are-In-Festival yields turquoise.  Let him palmer drink iris dry.  Sky falls, camas blooms, then this morning white tail flicker in low aspen, chickadee dee dee dee, chickadee dee dee dee.
205 · Jan 2018
Sacre Coeur.
alaric7 Jan 2018
Quick to St Rita’s cold creaking pews

where throats were blessed

No rainbow’s bones caught

but walking reverie punished

with Alocoque’s Sacre Coeur

smothers communards’ ashes

             27 May 1871

Ate Pollux, forty francs for his trunk,

rats from 60 centimes

bread adulterated, catacombs’ milled

bone meal commons ate,

       where Sacre Coeur

raised up Commune began

Eugene Varlin, bookbinder

union organizer shot twice

Twenty to thirty thousand died thus
De Goncourt observes

solution brutal but next revolution

deferred a generation

Here beginning returned to,

only memory can go forward.
198 · Jan 2018
alaric7 Jan 2018
Milky allium,
sleeping bribe
hung on
silver hook
Here there
are heroes.
191 · Jan 2018
Beseech crumbled Hadrian.
alaric7 Jan 2018
Catapult carnations  

buckle snow’s fragrant

almond cincture

bedevil ark’s timbers

with literal fathoms

Fingered moon tips over

out of icy human

wordy chained yoke

Beseech crumbled Hadrian

    unscroll carbon charred

crisped ****** polyglot

Ferment sheet’s penned

advancing advantage

188 · Jan 2018
Do not explain.
alaric7 Jan 2018
You pile salt to envelop bulls’ flesh but not before bees find lost hive.

Fluctuating Hesperides tangle begats, unknot pearly everlasting’s.

         Starlings, ravens, fill presiding oaks with chutter.

Tall-eyed dandelion, almond-poached porphyry eyelash,

comfort hermitage, every tool a die, every fool a sty.  

Might quick shadowy poesie reproach Castile,

conquer pedestrian, rebut baroque, indent emerald.  

                  Do not explain anything.

Lady Murasaki’s long line reaches beyond September.
185 · Jan 2018
alaric7 Jan 2018
Proper ode’s brief introductory yells or sings atropa nigrescent nihil, nomads’ nimble befools *****, hammers filthy rebauldry, bewilders attentive homonym.  Springs forth then wet naiad, nautilus axle to lynch pin, to forgive them their apparitions.  Some wanton rheumatic planetary nostalgia suckles gumption.  Myristica fragrans offers milk, carnations blood, violets desecration, rosemary hope.   Then in a window, across alley, up to high rise, from dropped white towel,


long after renovating **** or democracy.  Trade coronation for radiant girls, deign north wind flee worthy rage.  Nincompoops, heresiarchs, plums, avocadoes, remain stealthily authentic.  Liberty regulates caravansary, sweeps away umber, re-tenants constitutional, tups tympani, hays hero.  But deflated cocky rhymes bore juridical, where wasted boys go down to their under hill havens.
182 · Jan 2018
alaric7 Jan 2018
Kentucky alarmed
Flash botanicals revolt
all over paradise.
paulist chancer
never regretted
offers no chair,
no please be seated.
Zinc covered louvers
are pulled back.
         That one child
save Rio azul.
What is known but lips,
          birds, words,
wheels of silver,
a stone world
    that collapsed
then was rebuilt.
176 · Jan 2018
Tacitus admits.
alaric7 Jan 2018
Tacitus admits croaker crowns taut history over unwritable forest.  
Near motel poetry chants land grabs, Selene overtops exuberant clay.  
Impudence arced Kentucky atheist,
                    alethia Schoenberg’s iron, Frick’s Pittsburgh.
Asbestos holiday rails at prairies’ lyrical pants.  
                                Judiciously insurrection arrives too late.  
Appled, quartered, windsor-knotted, waffen broken,
dasein eagle torn away, blood stews arpeggio, a fort children reach.  
Sea louse trawling deflects fluorspar.  
                                    Wipe out treasured.  
             Wipe away squiggles.  
Tamed Londinium troops to azaleas’ little meadow matinee.
173 · Jan 2018
alaric7 Jan 2018
Pulpit birdbath










on singing

I said

he said

I have to.
171 · Jan 2018
Ha ha ha.
alaric7 Jan 2018
Yellow wears slippery shoes, an unhappy god.  

Will Watson be eaten by the painted

shark?  Expose juniper’s indifferent root.

Loft enigma.  Foofaraw say of Plautus’

devising, glad plumy benefice scattered

without combustion glowers, marigold all along.

February ignition, mucilaginous haecceity’s feldspar,

Longinus’ styptic calendula ha ha

ha frequently obtrudes following moody feints.

Though mountain disagree, hushed

siempre blunts impediment.  Obvious martyred

snowdrift kitsch stipples precious

lumpen.  Grinning centurion reached

what rebus released, old ******’s witty toenails.

We have arrived slain twee nightingale.
168 · Jan 2018
alaric7 Jan 2018
To the pass Nombre de Dios, iron lances, iron halberds,

iron swords, iron shirts, iron helmets, destroy all gods.

                       In March 800 eaten with chilies.  

Omne regnum in se ipsum divisum desolabitur,

every kingdom divided

                 against itself falls to Smallpox ******.  

       Great stones attached

to their feet whipped as they hung,

            five thousand tortured, all being idolaters

not possible to proceed juridically against them,

                        impossible to finish in 20 years,

meanwhile all would go to hell

                   de Landa observes.  

That the custodians of a people so new to the faith

should become their executioners.

                         Whip necessary as bread    

El celeberrimo caso de 1562, a three-month Franciscan terror.
165 · Jan 2018
alaric7 Jan 2018
Pectoral diminuendo does not short change,

uncurls postraos aqui la eternidad empieza,

y es polvo aqui la mundanal grandeza.

Untranslatable take off your long pants.

Faith, justice, tibia, carpals compass breathing.

Long-legged, supine, o your Indian eyes.
kneel! here eternity begins, all world's grandeur but dust. [Postraos]
163 · Jan 2018
cylindrical summer
alaric7 Jan 2018
In summer cylindrical by imperial order
           tally rife virtue
As if cut out of earth intact
arrayed in antiquity, lift cup to drink,
loftily look into the distance with nothing to say

The Qianlong Emperor to the Malachite Hermit.
161 · Jan 2018
Aeolian Copper.
alaric7 Jan 2018
Abscond absence, wormwood from imperfection,
remission swallows reminiscence.
Withhold yourself, wipe away forbearance.  
              That abundance alludes to acacia thorns.
Contrarily pronounce achadomye,
               Doctor Johnson would accent first syllable.
Be sharp in the Land of Shinar,
              agree to resemble speed, song added.
Passerine hedge sparrow, sing with another.
Heave accidie, hawk ascending,
              embrace around the neck confederate.  
Accuse headless crustaceans,
they acknowledge no superior.          
              Remain quiet, adapt umpire apron.  
Maidenhair adieu to adjacent day commander admit
adolescent bricks nourish Adonis.  
              Adrift betake yourself to another,
overshadow sunburnt brown arrival.  
Beloved adversary turn your attention,
give notice innermost municipal magistrate,
shield Aeolian copper from theories of the beautiful.
161 · Jan 2018
o dear Philinos.
alaric7 Jan 2018
Indian agent wrote what she was doing,

a policeman took off her clothes,

          found a man so they gave                

her a suit, cut off his hair.  

When I saw him again he was

       no more my sweetheart.  

Can’t you see he’s riper than a pear,

               no use anymore  

and the women say o dear

Philinos, your pretty flowers are drooping.
160 · Jan 2018
honeyed slight twine
alaric7 Jan 2018
Soluble in moonlight

stone hope

plagiarize gloxinia



Twin of demise


young Werther



gazelles lick salt

from honeyed

slight twine


your leaping neck
156 · Jan 2018
At Dipolog.
alaric7 Jan 2018
At Dipolog flood

silts shivering


Josephina, grits,

fish head broth,

shredded ginger.

Dapitan, rain.

Tep Peng, Ilocos Sur

flagrant kingfishers,

a conversation


galaxies then sleep.
alaric7 Jan 2018
America, loud, clear, obvious, imperial perfidy all embracing, but local Quakers oppose, college kids’ resistance, pre-My Lai inundated.  Saturated, drowned in futility, onlookers
at the far edge of war, a genocidal spectacle. Vietnam, marker and  scourge, a wound before we knew much of art or thoughtfulness, puzzled, concussed, chewed up.  Bodies, cities burning fell out of tvs, in black and white, NBC, CBS, ABC.  First mass incineration of another culture for our generation, introverted, autistic, active, angry, furious; image-immiseration in the holocaust of b52's soaring over that Asia America punished.  Age of conscious impotence, advanced corruption post JFK Umrica satrapy, pentagon techno-ghouls, tiger cage consciousness.  By necessity taught to shrug it all off, the dominant savage imperial real roaring up to this very present.  And he, known from grade school, uber-masculinized, marine corps, ground troops, he many small but comprehensive slaughters witnessed.  Soft sad lonely boy came back ram rod sharp, abrupt, angry, fragged somehow somewhere.  After a few years at pulp mill, took shot gun, blew his life away.  Sad terribly lonely hunter boy who dreamed of trapping and fishing only, in a far
distant cabin off the Sheep Lake road to the mountain called Old Glory.
155 · Jan 2018
o pluviaville
alaric7 Jan 2018
Energize 320 simple tenderness’,
assume uncommon serenity  
in a library of dust named
sun is perfect or he of the north wind
loving the will of black monsoon,
                    o pluviaville
152 · Jan 2018
Shiva's naked hand.
alaric7 Jan 2018
Offering an ibis well formed,  
turtle shell strong waves marked,
crested last light browned,
     orange gladiola skin his,
his tawny satin resistance
       a baroque tomb
in Shiva’s naked hand.

Die kartenschlagerin klebt.
152 · Jan 2018
es nada.
alaric7 Jan 2018
They resist sleep, they barter
with only chalk
         and soon after
re-appear as deer follow.
Intentional iris grows, eagles
whirl Spanish letters,
           javelins of
feathered jade.  
Thence creeps
        the English silence
between 1736 and A Preface.  
         Defy the book,
entertain your fellows.
        After De Landa’s fires
a yellow canine seeded
assertion, naked from the middle,
es cadaver, es polvo, es sombra, es nada.
149 · Jan 2018
alaric7 Jan 2018
Wet Alhambra stamen

adjacent completion

harden executed dahlia

Cottonwood helot

Moorish honeysuckle

  cloister in meteor

shower’s jasmine arms.

142 · Jan 2018
alaric7 Jan 2018
Go lunar over what was not said.

Aggravate species boredom

propel dusty candor.

Present-tense licorice jubilees

flense scriptural from impossible.

     Never transcend functional utility.


lucent s-curved apothecary.
142 · Jan 2018
lisping darkness honed.
alaric7 Jan 2018
With a feminine ending dawn converts sullen path,

through up and over any rocks to defeat intoxication.  

      Hence heart never ages beyond repair.  

But his feet slip into girl’s shoes, in your hair barrettes.  

Lean, slender el payaso celebrate a thousand indifferences.  

              Retract into dominance, softly **** smoky lips,

shoulder into black stone lisping darkness honed.  

Into flat cold impressed, lip, lip, lip, lightly.
135 · Jan 2018
alaric7 Jan 2018
Right laments the passing of a time

when youths were disciplined, modest,

leukanthes, white-flowering,

melikrous, honey-skinned.

As Socrates reminds Glaukon,

who as an erotikos should remember:

if they’re dark say they’re manly,

if fair, children of the gods

who get under your skin.

When an athlete got up

he had to brush the sand,

take care not to leave an imprint.

Who had put thigh forward,

not to show anything cruel or harsh

adjectives predicated of Eros himself.

Right’s point sight torments.

Where Plato broods, eremenos rested.
alaric7 Jan 2018
Hull shudders,
sails wind-tormented rip
Five days without meat
thefts of everything
            we had
Coppermine River
where no tree grows
gentle sweet Avon
which not only lost
but decapitated
blushed a prayer book.
For really the poorest
hath a life to live
as does the greatest
and therefore truly
every person
           that is to live
under a government
ought first by their own
put themselves
under that
         Then I ask
where are sweet flowers?
         They answer
cut whatever you want
    drink gently
golden hummingbird
who are you looking for?

— The End —