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Hanson Yang Feb 2018
getting Lit with my Wives Overtaken every ****- Life as if The Body was created of the Infinite of all beginnings light was body as rolled up to smoke of every cigarette to  smoked to “sorrow” of this pride Ends to end;
Ashes to Ashes of every Ideals of every fantasy as if every magnitude of the body of time of space Murdered In Infancy in actuality had never happened that ends pretend;
Of every youth consumed of every mind every time had been lost is why of pain to actually Lived in Ideal fantasy been again;
To every pain in every moment of the Real: Enwombed; had every meeting Mends Amends,
The Infinite-Down Enters Presence-Existence of Every Woman Exit the wounds of Pain begins every man of Man rendered life as “let intent”;
Then again against all motions of all Universals of Time and Space as proof of being “Men-again”
What is this cycle of rather amends of Ends to what actuality pretends is proof of pain as life pretends death in “when”.
Such speech, Such Existence, of such Inferiority Limitations of what such: Being that life Enlivens Of What Omega…
Hanson Yang Feb 2018
Fake pain because you’d leave to never forgive if it was actually death in pain
You’d leave me because overcoming youth would be Yet in vain
Suicide overtake pain isn’t real either because after overcoming my feat, you’d come to realize in years that have passed that you’d leave in sorrow because I’d take these risks for death in enlivenment,
Yet of the existence even envisionments come to dream of a life not owned.
We are but every year of every moment of envisioned existences becomes a life not shown.
Help Me…
Hanson Yang Feb 2018
I ‘ll have you all ******* with me like it’s stealth independence identity at every “Game Time”;
you’ll never know but feel  the geniousity of sexuality plot to what comes before i ever Gain Why;
I’ll have you all thinking you’re enlivenment existence of what comes in “double” to all of “Great Minds”;
Know your foe or does one have to know both sides may come in two extensions or have already as “gain of big sides”;
I’ll have all my competition know learnt as manifest Id of every nirvana gained in slave rhymes:
of everything I’ve owned and show as proof to every extension of worth to every mistaken “Gang Sign”  
rather than even the subconscious of belief of every duplicative extension reality at proof of self seen as if I that even enlivenment owned even the daytime;

— The End —