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May 2018 · 50
“Jesus forgive me”
Miguel May 2018
Where did I go
Where is my heart at
I can’t feel it anymore
Why did my eyes turn away from you Christ
When did my quiet soul fall from your caring hands
When did I become silent to your words , and loud to my foolishness
Why did I let false thoughts lead me
When did I stop listening
Why did I let a moment of pleasure steal so much from me later
When did I run back to the things that never challenged me
Where did I lose my steps towards you
When did I start listening more to people , then to what you are telling me
When did I start to close my care up for others
When did I choose this worlds ways , more then yours
Where did I leave that person,  I was becoming through you
Why did I let fear rule me
Why did I leave your love for
Jesus forgive me for everything

Miguel. V
Jan 2018 · 80
"Dont be Ashamed"
Miguel Jan 2018
All this fighting
All these homes slowly breaking
In private were fighting temptations , but in public living like nothing is wrong
Why cant we be honest
Why cant we admit the truth  
Maybe its shameful
Maybe its hurt
Maybe its hidden jealousy
Maybe you dont even know how you got this way
What ever it is
Dont turn away , just because its easy to
Dont let the images fool you
Everyone you see is dealing within them something
Were in a time were so much is happening
It even can seem like true rest will never come
It even can feel like nothing will get better
But dont let those lies keep you from really living
Maybe you want to change , but you keep going back to your old self
Maybe you want to love again,  but keep thinking it doesn't exist
Maybe you think your the only one fighting,  what your fighting
Maybe you believe that god wont forgive you for the things you did , or do
But that's not true
We all have sinned in one way , or another
God has not closed his love from us
We are all in this together
Dont be ashamed to be who you really are
Miguel Jan 2018
Its like nobody wants  the truth anymore
real love is still here
Its just buried beneath deception
kindness for each other doesnt seem natural anymore
Its like we have to fake it, just to help someone
Its like we dont even know who we are within anymore
Its like we follow almost anything that we see other's do
Its like us talking to each other has  become more silent
Its like we let selfishness rule over the good in us
Its like true caring has walked away from us
Its like we got use to living a certain way , that even change is something we hate
Its like even forgiveness for others is something we dont do anymore
Its like we gave up on respecting each other
Its like we given more trust, and time to presidents , and leaders then to God
There so much going on right now
That it seems like we rather live with lies and fit in , then to live with the truth and be set apart


— The End —