They say that I bear marks that makes me unattractive...
That I should get rid of it rather than embrace it...
They say that it makes me look like an alien out of this world and that society would rather condemn me than accept me because of the sight of this...
But no I stand against this
And I rather accept it as it shows forth who I am and who I am becoming as a woman in this era...
It moulds and shapes the beauty of my hardship...
Of the long internal and external sufferings my body went through
Due to mental and emotional suffering and pains...
Rather than having nothing to show forth my hardship...
It remains my true trophy of the many trails I went through.
Every stretch every pattern and every sequence tells a story...
A story of a young brave woman...
Who was once insure of the lines within which her beauty slept...
But now shows them off with no regret
My dear stretch marks she called them as society wanted to shame them by such a name...
But rather in that she has deemed them to be more than that...
Her tiger print
Her stretch marks...