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Al Drood Sep 2019
Bleak is the day,
cold clouds drift miserably
over sodden fields
where hawthorn hedgerows
weep for summer’s passing.

No sun now to warm the soul,
no longer cheer within
the tumbled cot
where ragged sheep stand
and shelter behind old walls.

Collie sniffs damp air,
his  breath steams and curls
as we secure the gate and make
our long, sleet-ridden
way homeward.

Tonight we shall sit by the fire,
he and I, dreaming
of snow white lambs,
cornflower skies and
warm, sunlit meadows.

Meantime there’s crackling to chew
and whiskey tots to keep away the chill,
for we both know
the Green Man sleeps,
and Winter is upon us.
Al Drood Aug 2019
Sand buried, parched skull
exposed by excavation;
jaw gaping in silent
death's head yawn.

Is eternal sleep so
excruciatingly boring?
Or do you instead
scream across the centuries:
"Leave me be!"

Impotent rage as trowel
scrapes upon bone!
The memory desecrated
in the cause of science.
Al Drood Mar 2019
"Walk" they said.
"Walk until we tell you to stop."
walking . . .
Al Drood Nov 2020
Bleak winds scour empty wastes
where dust devils spin insanely
along bone-dry creek beds.
Above in featureless skies
a blind sun hides behind
a cataract of thin, high cloud.

On the flanks of a long-dead volcano
a flock of small, red finches
takes to the air like a noxious gas.
Small hardy flowers have found a home here,
attracting iridescent insects
that flit like ancient sparks.

And in a shadowed cleft of rock,
hidden from those who would hunt,
a mother guards her mewling cub.
Dark stripes mark tan, lithe flanks
as ever-alert eyes glitter,
hard as the blackest of lava.

Were she capable of mockery,
she might howl in triumph
at those who believe her extinct.
Yet for the present she awaits Mankind’s destruction,
knowing then that the thylacine
will reclaim their ancestral lands.
Al Drood Feb 2018
Thin, cold air,
bright sunlight.
Faint clouds border pale,
empty skies.
Ancient stones lie tumbled.
Vast, silent ruins
of a forgotten age.

An iridescent beetle
scuttles down
through cracked strata.
What cataclysm occurred here?
What distant cosmic dream
became unspeakable
Sit down, fast runner . . .
Al Drood Nov 2020
Upon a  far and distant world
where silicon's the key,
a great metallic turtle swam
through seas of mercury.

His eyes were red as copper,
and his mind was sharp as zinc;
he dined off silver fishes
and he sometimes paused to think.

"Supposing there's a world someplace
where carbon is the king?
Where seas are made of water,
and where fleshy turtles swim?"
Al Drood May 2018
It stands in the corner,
forgotten by all,
as the fallen leaves gather
in drifts by the wall.

Where the dead grasses lean
through the cold evening mist,
lies the grave of the unknown
Al Drood Nov 2018
By boulder-strewn cold misted ways
I moved in bitter northern lands
where ice once groaned with prophecy
I turned my back on Man.

Beneath Great Shunner Fell I danced
where curlews cry to wake the ******  
I scattered hail upon the ground
by ancient rocks I sang.

I fell, and in my falling turned
so many eyes and hearts and hands
yet Hardraw Force's roaring lays
they'll never understand.
Al Drood Feb 2019
By stark winter trees
where snow lays glimmering
beneath a timeless moon,
he howls across bleak centuries.  
Bitter wind, tinged with distant scents,
ruffles thick, grey fur.  
Unfathomable night unfolds,
and he watches with yellow eyes
as thin high clouds obscure,
and then reveal again,
tiny alien stars.
Al Drood Oct 2018
Bitter is the wind tonight,
ruffling tawny feathers
as silent owl swoops low
to snare oblivious vole.

Bat flits haphazard beneath dark boughs;
***** watches sly from hidden thicket,
scenting reckless rabbit, hapless hare.

By sunken ponds where old gorse rustles
alongside tired hawthorn,
snail writes glimmering messages
in liquefying mud.

And along byways lit by a golden moon,
polished bright by passing rags of cloud,
I walk homewards through cold centuries.

— The End —