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Al Drood Mar 2019
"Walk" they said.
"Walk until we tell you to stop."
walking . . .
Al Drood Mar 2019
Shivering, she hurriedly draws
the bedroom curtains,
catches her nail in the fabric
and curses her dying candle.  

Sarcastic concern echoes from the bathroom:  
“Are you alright, dear?”

She raises the finger in his general direction:
“Oh sure, I just love November power-cuts, don’t you?
Some romantic weekend this turned out to be!”

But there is no disguising the smell of fear.

Out in the backwoods
a loping presence sniffs the air,
and crunches ever nearer
over drifts of frost-rimed
fallen leaves.
Al Drood Feb 2019
Winter gives way to Spring,
life returns anew to the land,
and so the ages pass.

Deep within the Greenwood
a figure stirs beneath the mossy bole
of a venerable holly tree.

Melting ice falls glittering
from a fold of velvet.
A thin wind whispers in the whins.

Startled, a song-thrush flits wildly
over ragged brambles,
the dawn sun gleaming in his wide, black eyes.

It is time, once again,
for someone to re-awaken
the sleeping snowdrops.
Al Drood Feb 2019
Behind locked doors the Gamblers dare
to cast our fates without a care.  
Like puppeteers they pull our strings
and use us as a child’s playthings.  

Upon the tables of the gods,
with wagers cast at any odds,
they stand us up in serried rows,
then knock us down like dominoes.
Al Drood Feb 2019
By stark winter trees
where snow lays glimmering
beneath a timeless moon,
he howls across bleak centuries.  
Bitter wind, tinged with distant scents,
ruffles thick, grey fur.  
Unfathomable night unfolds,
and he watches with yellow eyes
as thin high clouds obscure,
and then reveal again,
tiny alien stars.
Al Drood Jan 2019
Unnoticed, beside the hedge,
I watched them embrace.
She, body arching, silk snapping,
oblivious in her white-hot passion.

He, all the while, behaving as if drunk,
snared by her feminine wiles,
paralysed by her clinging grasp,
shocked by her sudden forwardness.

I passed that way again today,
but they were gone, those lovers.
All that marked their passing
was his drained husk,
spinning madly in the wind
upon a broken and abandoned web.
Al Drood Dec 2018
Glittering frost-demons howl
across chill voids of endless night.

Dancing auroras cavort insanely
beneath a bone-white leering moon.

Semi-sentient ivy creeps
beside rotting, parasitic mistletoe.

Lost souls hang moaning in torment
from ancient, wind-blasted holly.

The spitting Yule Log burns,
as chestnuts roast in agony on an open fire.
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