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Dec 2021 · 72
Andie Dec 2021
I’m an avalanche
I’m a pretty hill

I’m an avalanche
A sink hole
I know how it feels
To sit and wait
See what others see but not get it
Feels funny, feels fine
but I’m just ticking time
Oct 2021 · 74
Andie Oct 2021
Just put my sleeping pants on
call that a celebration
My retreat
doesn’t feel as good as it should
pants are optional
In this future
The shoes are the worst
Jan 2021 · 94
Cry Wolf
Andie Jan 2021
keep getting swallowed up
missed the teeth again
scaled right enough to get tossed back
and just be a lump in a belly cry Wolf
Jan 2021 · 75
Arms crossed
Andie Jan 2021
The voices of the world tell me otherwise but they aren’t there to listen they are there to judge they are impatient unless you pay a fee friends are there to get what they blame it is just the way it is...I held a dying baby and I tried to use it to prove me having life, only cause you made me, I experienced hate because of that...that child wasn’t mine, i understand that and I don’t know who I was, if only I could put words together correctly enough to evoke this feeling I am feeling so you can feel the stab but I am insignificant and it makes me not care I would rather try to figure out this cruel emotion that you make me feel
what mechanism have we built together that makes me feel immortal I have beliefs that should separate me from you
they are weak and dying and I keep them that way in light of who I am.
My arms are crossed
Jan 2021 · 106
Andie Jan 2021
Saying something mean without calling names.... calling out lies and taking their blame
yeah maybe have a few and the plug comes out pretty easy call
that kind of “out of control”hahahahahhahahahahaha
Your not funny at all
your game was always taking other
peoples ****
count it up buddy see what you got.
Do the math see what you took. It’s criminal but not the legality type **** the kind against your religion the kind you cooked are cloakin and sulkin in...sick soul...Addicts are never took it cruel you took it unjust...lie lie lie lie....never smoked a bowl in a decade blahhh you sailed a ship full of cargo and like a baby Huey you made me sign the docs! I had a baby in my belly I was more you than you I will quote that fella “I creep and I crawl” that is you, lying little ***** crawling on your belly no way I could even get beneath your ****
strangle me with your love-shot... *******!!!!! you can’t have any of this ******...I’d rather die hard before falling twice into that ****...devil got five faces and they all look nasty to me. FU
Oct 2018 · 138
Dark fancy
Andie Oct 2018
If I can’t stop faking

This sad ****

I’m lost

If it’s lost

If it’s lost

a grand gesture
To our time
Oct 2018 · 117
Getting by
Andie Oct 2018
And no reply

Make peace with that
Make peace with that  

Weeds know where to grow

And that thoughts on you
Oct 2018 · 111
If only I could see it
Andie Oct 2018
And there
The problem
Oct 2018 · 106
That’s that
Andie Oct 2018
Feeling good
when I’m feeling
All in the gutter
truth comes from
The sludge and the ****
That’s that
Jul 2018 · 154
Last Impression
Andie Jul 2018
Burnt space
rubbing together
Churn a rhythm
From a
Shape-shifting monkey
To God in our head
A Boy crying mother
Gun in his hand
The anthem
Nothing is the way
it should be
Nothing is the way
it should be
May 2018 · 155
The Big Head Butt
Andie May 2018
To think we all have lost the way
dismantled and frayed
no-more simple spread
thin lovely and nearly barren
dwelling too much here
attached to colors and shapes
we give too much to each other
when all it is
is the need to get it back, sad because it really can’t be like that it’s an endless task and a big head ****
Feb 2018 · 187
Note to self
Andie Feb 2018
Feels like Im climbing a ladder that’s floating in outer space
Andie Feb 2018
A grain of salt I keep
rolling back
between my fingertips
For not forgetting
If the feel could only be heard
might make the mountain shudder
It’s all the treasure
I’m just searching
A blur in a blurry background
twisting for something I lost
what could I do
Gotten by the old voice roll
like when I heard you way back when  
Now a disembodied voice
And sounds like forever goodbye
A Ring back from around the rim
and the sum it just is what it is.
Andie Feb 2018
All time gives is a go
And growth to shorten distance
how far apart
The slow change over measure
Place of origin
final resting
a limber line when dots connect
turn round and plot
A landscape in a scene
Draw the depth
to capture the essence
Dig heels as gravity pulls
The inescapable
slippage forward
On this Future flight.
Andie Jan 2018
An Unconscionable crime
To live and love without you
Sad now to realize
a slow ghost
has no claim on time
I guess you filled up
A tic on this point
A fallen to sleep limb
came back
pins and needles.
For me
A grave only
flowers to high altitudes
nose bleed trickles
proof in deep red death hue
paint to make a sad story sway
And a lengthy jilted tilted stare
dead love gives a look
Hard to bare
Andie Jan 2018
Toddling thru time a split second scene
a space certain but not very relevant unless removed from the headspace mood of the human trance
lucky and unlucky a silly dance
feet entwined upon entrance
frail in and out
Alone really minus the middle part
Too thick to think thru rather examine the remarkable clearness of vision, just luminosity I guess, but these eyeballs might be a test...equipped with playback some sort of cordless connectivity some sort of screen waiting, too thick of a thought too haunting
Legs that aren’t human will lift me up or around, maybe back to make beds,fold stuff, **** dust, do it again.
I don’t know.
Jan 2018 · 169
Song me gone
Andie Jan 2018
Rain unravel  
a moment
To lay  
Direct to ear
sharp loud
All I feel
To be sound
I would trade
Jan 2018 · 136
Not sure what this is
Andie Jan 2018
**** down
I can be
out of site
Green up
Not so much
rub in
mud run
Tree tip down
Lift me
Smoke come
Hide you
Hair grow
To wear you
Hot dough
For my elbow
With Float feeling
Andie Jan 2018
However it traverses down the Channels
It’s Growing up slow that gets me
Growing up slows you down
Just wanted to see it simple
No stretch in the neck
No curve at the mouth
Just sit silent
watch lines
crossing crashing ascending descending to here, though it’s nowhere.
Jan 2018 · 241
The black is still Hot
Andie Jan 2018
Done and Drowned the old buzzard
That devoured the limbs
left no more hands to fold
Save for a prayer
fooling and feverish feelings
black is still hot.
Taught me stop.
Not lighting a candle
having a holding
Just keeping a prayer
for the fooling feverish feelings.
The black is still hot.
Andie Jan 2018
I’ve tried for a long time but I think I can’t win
I’d do it all better if I could do it a-gain
Wherever I’m going it’s the same place I been
Ain’t it a cold, cold world
Outside it was hot but inside I am cold
The eyes of the young met the eyes of the old
And what they were thinking I’ll never be told
Ain’t it a cold, cold world
Then an old lady asked me bout this new daylight time
I said it don’t matter and she said I don’t mind
Then the bus driver said you still owe me a dime
Ain’t it a cold, cold world
I can’t get no job and I can’t get no rest
I started out east and I ended up west
And I’m so glad to be here I’m sure, I would guess
Ain’t it a cold, cold world
I might have to leave you, I think’s what she said
Wish I could sleep ‘stead of tossing in bed
And I find myself thinking I’d be better off dead
Ain’t it a cold, cold world
Ain’t it a cold, cold world
*Lyrics by Blaze Foley
Dec 2017 · 277
inside outside
Andie Dec 2017
The roof has
broken off
Blown off to little bits
from its frame
I see the sun from where I sit
the floating fuzz and the breeze
If it rains i will get wet
and I am pleased.
Dec 2017 · 382
What words to me
Andie Dec 2017
Fire is warm gives company suppose Its happiness just for that
A boat that floats with life beneath a sky that is Full  
Always never empty
Peace to be had
Symbols that give words, my language I know is cursed
Earth frozen and won't absorb
The slip in the voyage
Too heavy  the heap  
always the price in the middle  
Always the divide
No conquest, just adrift a fire you have to feed
Nov 2017 · 269
Mr. A+ Has Mud on the Face
Andie Nov 2017
You like to fix things
so they don’t go to waste.
Drop the tools
irreparable damage here
rusty parts
engine combustion.
Let it go to scrap.
soul needs reformation
Aerobic treatment...  
Be unblocked by you.
Go ahead
Blame the
father, mother
But check yourself.
Mr. A+ has mud on the face.
Nov 2017 · 206
One of Theses Days
Andie Nov 2017
Earl Montgomery

Well I won't have to chop no wood
I can be bad or I can be good
I can be any way that I feel
One of these days

Might be a woman that's dressed in black
Be a hobo by the railroad track
I'll be gone like the wayward wind
one of these days

One of these days it will
soon be all over cut and dry
And I won't have this urge to go
all bottled up inside

One of these days I'll look back
and I'll say I left in time
'Cause somewhere for me I know
there's peace of mind

I might someday walk across this land
Carrying the Lord's book in my hand
Goin' cross the country singin' loud as I can
One of these days

But I won't have trouble on my back
Cuttin' like the devil with a choppin' axe,
Got to shake it off my back,
one of these days

One of these days it will soon
be all over cut and dry
And I won't have this urge to go
all bottled up inside

One of these days I'll look back
and I'll say I left in time
'Cause somewhere for me I know
there's peace of mind

There's gonna be peace of mind for me,
one of these days
Written by Earl Montgomery, sung very well by Emmylou Harris.
Andie Nov 2017
One day
I take your hand
hold your eye.

One day
I  give you more,
I give you better,
show you stronger.

One day
slower, steadier.
We wither
old together.
Andie Nov 2017
We will travel at 0 mph

A long pause

Hit play,
back on again
Ok to be you again
I will say ah ha
there you are again
Back at it again

Another round
Then another round
And another

Then I will go see a man in a suit.
Andie Nov 2017
Sick of this world,
I will just fall in love with you.
I like your face
You have sad smile.
I'm good.
I have faith in me.
I can make it work,
whatever it will be.
Andie Nov 2017
No magic rocks, and it makes me sad that it can't be that easy.
Nov 2017 · 151
I hate that face.
Andie Nov 2017
******* face
squinty eye
tongue face guy
Butter face circle heads
you specifically
eye shut tongue
out guy
Nov 2017 · 138
under breath
Andie Nov 2017
No down, big clog.
Burning me up.
Fist, face.
Andie Nov 2017
You can't find it.

You never had it.

It's not there.
Nov 2017 · 130
Shallow Shit Hole
Andie Nov 2017
You are like a shallow ******* hole.
You are like swallowing wood chips.
You are a snake in the gut, a rotten meat drink an eyeball needle injection...**** staph infection You are redness and irritation a migraine a wart You are very bad news You are debt, misfortune, forclosure, a missed flight, an accidental **** in the pants!!!

But still you are worse
And you will never go away.
Andie Nov 2017
Think you are easy
You are wrong.  
But I would never
I don't have that
Whatever you have
Burnt your love letter
A good thing to lose.
Nov 2017 · 138
Serve It Up
Andie Nov 2017
Dip cup
Sip murky grey
No little bit
For a bite
in my bowl
Nov 2017 · 154
Not my Mirror
Andie Nov 2017
Personality is an ocean
I'm tossing cookies in your seas.
Talk about my face
see your own.
You are a mask
wearing a mask
wearing a mask.
Oct 2017 · 141
Andie Oct 2017
Being already
Oct 2017 · 143
No far enough away gone
Andie Oct 2017
Lonely, only
You, me.
Oct 2017 · 141
Exit Phase
Andie Oct 2017
Go on and go on
Go nowhere

Turn my head
Till my face falls off

To the end
till my face falls off

— The End —